Lin Baiyu stood gracefully at the corner of the stairs on the second floor, put the scene into the small camera in her hand, then stepped back and pressed the Bluetooth in her ear: "President Bai, all the shooting has been completed."

Bai Qingxue's cold voice came from the other end of the phone: "good, remember to send the copy to my mailbox. I'll go first, and you can find some back yourself."

Lin Baiyu closed the line and took a long breath. As soon as he turned around, he saw Duan Tiandao standing behind him, happily laughing at her: "I said Baiyu, why don't you say a word tonight? What's a man doing here secretly? Um! You must want to surprise me, don't you? "

Duan Tiandao said more and more happily: "I knew you wanted to do this in the end! hey! No problem! I have time! Come on, let's go to your room and have a chat... By the way, what's your room number... "

Before he could finish his words, Lin Baiyu suddenly screamed and slipped away like a fly.

Duan Tiandao: "

This... What does this mean?

Sun Wukong's master knocked three times on Sun Wukong's head, which means to meet at midnight.

The screamed, meaning 301?

Um! Yes, yes! This is very possible!

Duan Tiandao hurried to the third floor with flying eyebrows: "...."

No! 301 clearly lives in flowers like blood! He sent her back just now!

How did this happen?

Duan Tiandao frowned and thought for a long time at the 301 door. Suddenly his eyes brightened!

by the way! It's 310!

Wow, hahaha!

Duan Tiandao quickly turned around and left the door of 301.

What he didn't know was that until the moment he left, the flowers on the 301 big bed were like blood, he relaxed his tight body and took a long breath.

Hua Ruxue, as a first-class killer, how can she get drunk so easily? But sometimes, to give men a chance, women just have to pretend to be drunk.


Even if Hua Ruxue gave such a big hint, he just said that as long as he was willing to admit, he would do whatever he wanted.

But Duan Tiandao still refused to admit that he was the man who took her virgin in Las Vegas

There are only two possibilities.

First, Duan Tiandao has other difficulties that he can't admit. Second, Duan Tiandao is really not the man.

But is there really a man as powerful as that man in this world?

Flowers tangled like blood stirred the soft sheets in his hands. Is he the man? Do you want him to be? Or not?

Every time I think about this, Hua Ruxue can't help biting her snow-white teeth. No one knows that she should have married happily last month and entered a happy marriage!

But it's because I lost my body

The man in Las Vegas ruined his happy life so casually... Then patted his ass and left!

If you find him!


In the hazy and confused eyes of Hua Ruxue, the figure of the man in the dark and Duan Tiandao overlapped inexplicably, and soon separated. After repeated several times, she finally gave up the attempt with a long sigh.

The man in the dark was too careful and cautious. From beginning to end, he didn't get much effective data.

When Duan Tiandao refuses to admit it, there is only one way to know whether Duan Tiandao is the man!

But this method

The flower whispered in pain like blood, but her beautiful cheeks turned red involuntarily. Finally she pulled up the thin blanket and buried her head.

The door of 310 is basically the same as that of 301.

Only the numbers above are different.

Duan Tiandao wanted to see whether Lin Baiyu was inside with a perspective eye, but he didn't know this skill.

After hesitating for a moment, Duan Tiandao finally decided to go in and find out the people, so he raised his hand and prepared to knock on the door. Who ever thought that the door opened as soon as his hand touched the door!

Duan Tiandao was overjoyed!

This can never be wrong! Lin Baiyu is clearly leaving a door for herself!

With a gentle push on the door, Duan Tiandao slipped in.


The room is dark

Wow, ha ha!

I like this tune!

Duan Tiandao walked quietly for two steps and soon adapted to the dim light in the house.


No one in bed!

Anyone here?

Can Lin Baiyu move in an instant? Can you learn lightness skills? Will the world move?

Lin Baiyu doesn't know whether the universe will move greatly. Duan Tiandao doesn't know. He only knows that he is so disappointed. If he loses something, he finally guesses that she is at 310. As a result, he still didn't get the surprise she should give himself

What a beautiful surprise the snow-white Lin Baiyu will have in the dark

Duan Tiandao turned on the light and found that the gift boxes were stacked on the table. HMM... this means that this should be his own room?

Anyway, it's my birthday today. I feel good to receive gifts for the first time. Let's see what they are.

This is very heavy... It's from Su Tianlan.

Weigh it, unpack it and open the lid.

Duan Tiandao's eyeball fell to the ground.


In front of him, a black light appeared... Shining brightly in the light


Crazy? Now someone gives this as a gift? I have a lot in my car!

Well... There's another card.

Duan Tiandao picked up the card and opened it.

"Mr. Duan! Happy birthday! After thinking about it, I don't know what to give you. In view of this incident, I think Mr. Duan is still in danger, so I specially sent a self-defense object to Mr. Duan. The gun certificate is also handled for Mr. Duan. It's under the gun box. Please rest assured that this gun certificate is true and valid. As long as you take it with you, no one will trouble you. I wish Mr. Duan good health and a long life. "

Signature: Su Tianlan.

Well... This little girl actually cares about herself

Duan Tiandao slowly took out the gun with a warm heart.

The gun is very good. Unfortunately, since it is a registered gun, it is difficult to kill people. Forget it. It's OK to use the bell as a toy.

Never use a real gun as a toy Bell: "..."

HMM... this box seems to be from snake skin.

It's very light. When I open it, it seems to be a sign carved with jade.

"Headmaster token?"

What the hell!

Pick up the next card and open it.

"With the unanimous consent of all, tianbang was officially established, and Comrade Duan Tiandao was elected as the leader to take charge of the leader token. As soon as the token comes out, no one will refuse! "

Signature: tianbang Organization Committee.

Duan Tiandao: "

Duan Tiandao is really not interested in organizing tianbang. However, this jade is a good jade. It feels cold and should be worth a lot of money

Forget it. It's okay. It's good to be a toy for lingdang.

Never play with the bell of the leader's Token: "..."

The third box is Bai Qingxue's.

Very light.

Inside... There is an electronic car key.

"Since Comrade Duan Tiandao saved my life, I hereby send this car to show my gratitude."

A few very simple words, very polite and concise.

But in and out of these words, why is it like sending this car and it's over? I saved her life and a car sent me away?

I have a lot of cars. I can organize a luxury car taxi club. Do you care about this?


Good idea!

Duan Tiandao was about to throw the car key from upstairs. After thinking about it, he decided to forget it. Well, it's OK to use lingdang as a toy.

Sitting in the driver's seat, his face couldn't reach the steering wheel and his legs couldn't reach the bell of the accelerator: "

To tell the truth, it seems that the wallet given by Hong Liang can be used.

Duan Tiandao was about to go out and then looked for Lin Baiyu. After smelling his body, he decided to take a bath first!

Well, yes, some things must be prepared in advance!

Duan Tiandao happily surrounded his bathrobe and opened the door of the bathroom


Duan Tiandao suddenly felt a fragrance blowing on his face! With a very fierce momentum!

A big hug!

What is this?

"You're really here." The warm body in your arms, strong, tightly embrace yourself, this aroma... Very familiar

It's Mao Lan!

By the light of the corridor, Duan Tiandao clearly saw that Mao Lan was only wearing a bathrobe. It seemed that he had just taken a bath

For a long time, this is Mao Lan's room!

Just, I've been outside all the time. Why didn't I see the light and hear something

"You, why are you here?"

Today's beautiful photographers change their old domineering, gently bury their heads in the arms of men, and say in a low voice, "I just hide here. I want to know if you can't see me... If you can find someone else..."


Duan Tiandao is sweating!

Fortunately! Fortunately! Fortunately, I want to take a bath first!

The gentle female body in her arms is like aviation fuel added to a busy fire. She immediately lit the section of heaven!

As soon as he reached out, he wanted to

"No, don't worry..." Mao Lan pushed him away with a red face: "look at your wine smell. Come on, let me help you take a bath."


Duan Tiandao certainly wouldn't refuse such a good treatment. Mao Lan didn't turn on the light and falsely closed the door of the bathroom. Through the crack in the door, only a little light came in.

The water in the bathtub has been put away.

Mao Lan helped him into the bathtub.

"Is the water temperature good?"

"OK, OK."


"Comfortable, comfortable..."

Duan Tiandao was very comfortable. He didn't know how much he wanted to drag Mao Lan in, but looking at her with her head down, she seemed to be in a bad mood. After hesitating for a moment, he still couldn't do it.

Today, she neither shot herself with a bow and arrow nor kicked her in the face. Well, I think it's better to let it go, so as not to see that she actually had a knife in her hand when she was dragged in.

The glimmer in the crack of the door set off the beautiful photographer's smooth skin color as jade, and also set off her worried and contradictory look on her face: "I want to ask you, have you really established a love relationship with mumy?"

Duan Tiandao: "

When it's beautiful and romantic, well, why discuss such a topic?

Can't you wash the mandarin duck bath first, talk in bed or something, and then talk?

"Ah ha ha!" Duan Tiandao suddenly looked up and smiled: "look! There was a UFO outside just now! "

The air is wet and a little cold.

Mao Lan didn't nod or go to see the UFO. Instead, he opened his beautiful fox eyes and looked at Duan Tiandao's eyes seriously: "please don't change the topic. If you really think we should be together, please answer my question truthfully."

UFO just passed: "...."

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