The alley is very cold, but as more and more bloody skeleton members appear in the street, they stand side by side, grinding shoulder to shoulder. They are crowded in the street, and the heels of their shoes step on each other from time to time. The temperature on the street gradually rises, the ice and snow melt, and even make people feel a little hot.

The members of the bloody skeleton knew very well that in the dark, in fact, there were ten elites with the most powerful organization, so their hearts were very hot, so their blood became hot until their bodies were hot. They clenched their fists, waved their arms and kept shouting to vent their anger.

Shouts and dirty words kept ringing around the alley. They kept rushing to the man to kill him.

Although I know that the men on the street are unimaginable strong and invincible to ordinary people, at least now... They are as weak as ants in front of him.

Duan Tianci was only a little surprised when so many bloody skeletons appeared here, but he didn't care. He cared about going to the battlefield in the suburbs of nanchun and standing beside Duan Tiandao.

When he walked into the crowd with a saber in his hand, it melted like a drop of water in the ocean, and then a storm began in the ocean, and countless figures were shaken away, like waves beating on the reef, with white snow, and dissipated in the dangerous natural environment.

Those bloody skeleton members who rushed over with knives fell into a pool of blood. Duan Tianci's figure gradually appeared in the sea of people. Behind him was a mess. Under the oppression of the breath of terror, the sea of people gradually separated into a channel.

At this time, two elite members of the ten bloody evil spirits group hiding in the alley finally burst into action. They only heard the choking sound, and all kinds of concealed weapons broke through the air and rushed at Duan Tianci's face.

Duan Tianci's expression did not change. He gently brushed his sleeve, and then continued to move forward. With the brush of his sleeve, the concealed weapon flying from him suddenly turned into straw wet by the rain, which was soft and decadent and unable to dissipate. In this brush, it was like an apple ripe in autumn falling on the ground, breaking into mud and splashing countless juices.

Duan Tianci is still striding forward, and people are constantly approaching Duan Tianci. The elite of the bloody ghost observed in the dark clearly sees that the saber in his hand is constantly raised, and lightly pierces his heart, cuts his throat, or stabs into other vital parts.

The sabre in his hand was like an illusion. It was erratic in his hand. It didn't fight with the enemy's weapons at all. It directly stabbed into the vital point and ended the battle.

After walking for a long time, seven or eight bloody skeletons fell under Duan Tianci's knife, and Duan Tianci never wasted the second knife on a person.

The blood evil spirit is sharp. It can be seen that Duan Tianci's Sabre is incredibly fast, very concise and practical. He will never be muddled. Duan Tianci's action is slow. He accelerates suddenly only at the moment of sabre, and he will hit the target with one blow.

This is the art of real killing. The only purpose is to harvest life. There is no hesitation and compromise between life and death. After watching it for a long time, the blood evil spirit is sharp, and suddenly I feel a cold surge, and an indescribable cold feeling goes up to the back of my brain along the spine.

It is by no means pleasant to be an opponent with such a person. As long as he can still move and has a knife in his hand, he may give a fatal blow at any time.

Only then did they see the change of Duan Tianci. This feeling and the way of killing were simply not the way that people should have.

Duan Tianci is paying attention to many places at the same time. In his perception, the soldiers rushing towards him are full of flaws and can't constitute any threat. Don't they know that shouting can't increase their combat effectiveness at all?

At least the strong will not be frightened by the loud voice. For this enemy, Duan Tianci can take care of it with a knife without thinking at all.

Duan Tianci's attention is focused on other aspects, such as the only eight bloody elites left in the alley.

Duan Tianci is waiting. When these people hide and jump out, he kills too fast, so he believes that these people will always jump out.

He didn't wait long.

A bloody elite finally appeared. This is a tall woman with a more beautiful appearance than ordinary women, but her hands-on style is more fierce and direct than men.

Her weapon is a three edged long gun made of refined steel. The front of the gun is full of serrations. She appears from the dark like a predatory female bear and stabs Duan Tianci with one shot.

Duan Tianci put a faint sneer on his lips and said softly at the bottom of his heart, "finally come out."

Like feeling Duan Tianci's eyes, the tall woman's eyes locked on him.

"Goodbye." Duan Tianci said a word silently in the bottom of his heart, as if he were saying goodbye to her. This is an unknown habit of him. He greeted each opponent in his consciousness and said goodbye after killing each other.

This is the habit he developed in the battle. If not, Duan Tianci was afraid that he would be lost in the seemingly endless waiting and killing. A cold light suddenly rose, a huge head flew up and took a blood string.

But then another bloody elite appeared and attracted Duan Tianci's attention. The elite's luck was not very good. He bumped into Duan Tianci head-on.

However, he had no time to be proud and happy. He immediately roared in great pain. At the moment he blocked Duan Tianci's military knife, at least three knives cut into his back at the same time. This was Duan Tianci's behavior of holding the dagger in his right hand for three times.

In the alley, I don't know which elite sent out a sad roar: "we must stop him. He's going to the suburban battlefield!"

Duan Tianci moved forward in silence. He didn't shout loudly.

He looked so inconspicuous, but he killed a lot of people, almost dead.

Another bloody skeleton member jumped on Duan Tianci. He was dressed as an ordinary soldier, but attracted Duan Tianci's attention. He was a little more serious, turned his head and looked at the soldier, and a knife stabbed out like electricity.

In Duan Tianci's expectation, this knife will open his opponent's chest and cut off his heart. Although it will not die immediately, it is enough to disintegrate his combat effectiveness.

However, with the sound of "Dang", Duan Tianci thought he would kill a knife was blocked!

Duan Tianci was really surprised this time. He turned his head and looked at this seemingly ordinary guy, with a faint light in his eyes. Where is this ordinary person? He is obviously an expert.

The horror on the elite's face emerged!

What he held in his hand was a special dagger. At the moment, he retracted in his chest. The dagger was almost pasted on his chest armor, which could block Duan Tianci's knife.

Duan Tianci's movements were clearly soothing and clear, but the knife was incredibly fast. He tried his best to stop it, but he was already in a cold sweat.

Only when he really stood in front of Duan Tianci did he know the horror of this knife, and he understood why so many good men in the blood evil rushed to Duan Tianci, but were cut down by one knife like ordinary soldiers.

Duan Tianci's every move has a strong confusion, and he constantly changes the rhythm irregularly, fast and slow.

The strong fight has long formed instinct, but if you stand in front of Duan Tianci and fight by instinct, it is almost equivalent to sending your neck to Duan Tianci's blade.

Duan Tianci gave a light "eh", and finally stopped and stood in front of the elite of the bloody devil. His knife just seemed ordinary, but in fact its power was quite good. In ordinary times, such a knife could kill a top killer.

Of course, xuesha's elite is better than the top killer, but his strength is limited. He must not be compared with him.

In a hurry, this bloody devil elite can stop Duan Tianci's unexpected knife, which can be said to be quite good. However, Duan Tianci does not intend to waste time on him. A light light shines from his eyes, the whole body beats with lightning, the blood light seems to sweep on his hands, and the saber is slowly lifted.

The ferocious Sabre looks very slow, even a bit lazy, but when the long knife moves, there is a residual shadow immediately, which makes people feel strongly unreal.

The bloody elite almost cried out. Of course, he knew that this scene could only explain one thing, that is, Duan Tianci's knife was actually unstoppable!

He couldn't even think of any way to block, so he could only scream in despair, put the dagger flat on his chest, and hope to take a chance to block Duan Tianci's blade!

But how could he be so lucky? The saber gently bent and drew a beautiful arc. With a flick on the dagger edge he blocked, he cut the dagger of special material into two sections. Then the saber pierced his tight combat suit and disappeared into his chest, and the blade tip protruded from behind.

With a dull sound of "flutter", a blood mist suddenly burst out behind the elite of the blood devil. The broken meat and internal organs were sprayed out. There was a terrible big hole in his back, even his spine was crushed!

Duan Tianci's knife pierced his chest, but there was a small wound at the entrance, but there was a terrible hole about half a meter on his back!

"Hey!" Duan Tianci sighed in his heart and slowly took back the knife. Although he was not satisfied with this subtle performance, he felt it was not beautiful enough. According to what he thought, this knife should not be like this. There would only be a thin cut.

But his dissatisfaction was enough to frighten most people present. The tragic end of the bloody ghost elite was not only deeply feared by the bloody skeleton, but also stunned the rest of the bloody ghost elite and felt cold.

Many people ask themselves such a question from the bottom of their hearts. If they stand on the opposite of Duan Tianci, is it possible to resist such a knife?

After looking at the time on the stopwatch, Duan Tianci raised his head.

This time, he no longer hid his strength. His momentum rose and strode forward!

Sometimes he continues to turn over all the incoming enemies with a crisp knife technique, and sometimes he simply rushes directly into the crowd. With him as the center, there will be a storm of blood and meat in an instant!

Duan Tianci has a humanoid metal storm, where countless broken limbs and dirt fly into the night sky, and then throw them around... Almost everyone has seen someone so terrible for the first time.

Everyone was frightened. The timid people began to retreat slowly. They were deeply afraid that the knife in the man's hand would fall on them at the next moment.

Only a few bloody elites looked at each other and rushed out of the hidden alley... Regardless of success or failure, they must leave this man!

Even if... What needs to be paid is the price of life!

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