Duan Tiandao is not a fool. Of course, he won't put these unknown biochemical organs on himself. Wouldn't it be a shame if he had to excrete from these organs?

He didn't need these things to improve his strength at all. He took an assault rifle and several base ammunition with him, left Peter's village with mu lenghui and headed for the research base more than 100 kilometers away.

The research base of the magic world project is a huge building with a total area of 5000 square meters and six floors, 30 meters underground.

On the surface of the base, it is the area where auxiliary personnel, researchers and soldiers live. After pre war development, it has completely become a city.

At present, there are less than 3000 residents in ruo's big city, half of whom are dove soldiers and half are slaves doing chores.

The headquarters of Hatoyama was located in the military camp before the war, and the leader lived in the official residence originally belonging to the general. There are bigger and more luxurious villas in the city, but Hatoyama likes to live in the general's residence.

The dove looks like a natural soldier. He is tall, strong and every line on his face seems to be engraved meticulously.

He is actually in his fifties, but he looks only in his early thirties. At this moment, Hatoyama was standing in front of the wide French window of the office, silently looking at the soldiers practicing in the square. His left hand kept rubbing the steel needle like moustache on his chin.

His subordinates know that whenever he does this, he wants to kill.

Behind the turtle dove, the soldier released by Duan Tiandao was kneeling on the ground, describing the whole process in a trembling voice.

He was not afraid to recall the bloody scene at that time, but he was afraid of the silent dove. Like a terrible storm, the dove is circling in the sky at the moment. It may attack and tear him to pieces at any time.

It was not easy for the young soldier to narrate the whole process and repeat Duan Tiandao's last greetings to the dove.

The habit of a dove is to hear the most complete and objective retelling, and he doesn't care what the other party thinks of himself. In the past few decades, I don't know how many of the most vicious curses the dove has suffered. Anyway, in the end, he dismembered the person who cursed himself.

But there are exceptions to everything.

The dove suddenly roared, and a whip leg swept back!

The terror force attached to the long legs instantly smashed the young soldier's head like a watermelon. The red plasma and white brain plasma were mixed together and sprayed half of the room.

Two senior officers of the turtledove were splashed with plasma, but they dared not hide or wipe. They haven't seen the dove lose such a temper for many years. In fact, the dove hasn't even lost his temper once in the last year, let alone such a rage.

"Waste! I don't know if I've brought the enemy! Chop! Feed the wolf! "

It seemed that the dove still didn't get rid of his hatred and kicked the body in the chest and abdomen again. I don't know how much strength he had on his foot. In the dense sound of bone fracture, the young soldier's body changed its shape strangely, broke through the door of the office and flew out from a distance.

In the office, there were also four senior officers of the mountain dove. All of them held their breath for fear of attracting the attention of the angry mountain dove.

Hatoyama was never afraid to attract enemies, because he was confident that any enemy who came here would find that the city was actually a cemetery for them.

The four senior officers have been following Hatoyama for more than ten years. Of course, they all know Hatoyama's pride, and they are more and more puzzled by today's anomaly. But no one dared to write the question on his face. They knew that the turtle dove, as the agent of those strange creatures underground, wanted to kill the four of them, but it was just a small effort.

At this time, the screen on Hatoyama's desk suddenly lit up, and a handsome and cold bald boy appeared. The young man's lips as red as a knife are very eye-catching, and his thin and slightly curved eyebrows are like two willow leaves, which are lightly painted on the snow like skin.

As soon as he saw the boy, the turtle's red eyes suddenly recovered Qingming. He waved to the four officers and said, "go out first."

When everyone left the office, Hatoyama carefully closed the door, hurried to the old flat screen and respectfully asked, "great source, what can I do for you?"

The boy opened his drooping eyes, and his pupils were as red as blood.

"I sensed that two outsiders crossed the snow mountains and came to my country. They are coming to you now. Go find them and bring them to me alive! Remember, this is your most important task. You should complete it at all costs, even if all the doves are dead! " The young man's voice is pleasant to hear, but the too cold and solemn tone makes people feel fear from the bottom of their heart.

"As you wish!" The dove made a deep bow.

After standing up straight, Hatoyama pressed the call button with the Secretary outside and said in a deep voice, "pass on my order. All senior officers will gather in my office immediately and hold an emergency meeting. Those who do not arrive within five minutes shall be executed on the spot! "

His orders were as concise and concise as ever, but after waiting for half a minute, he didn't hear the crisp answer from the female secretary from the speaker!

The dove suddenly felt that his hand was made of steel, heavy and stiff. The index finger pressing the call button began to become numb. He even wondered whether this finger could no longer be bent. Without warning, beads of sweat, big as beans, continued to emerge from the forehead and cheeks, and then rolled down the skin into the collar.

With a slap, the phone was crushed to pieces.

The dove seemed to wake up suddenly, strode to the door and suddenly opened the door of the office!

Outside the door is a very quiet world.

Warm blood is flowing silently along the floor and quietly converging into a stream.

The four senior officers who left the room lay quietly on the ground, their faces as peaceful as sleeping, but their pale faces and the blood pouring out from under them showed the fact that they had died.

The most trusted and favorite Secretary of Hatoyama, a 25-year-old blonde, is lying in the arms of another person. Her blond hair fell helplessly, her wide open eyes looked at the ceiling absently, her strong body had become soft and weak, and her arms hung freely and shook slightly.

The world outside the door is not completely dead. At least the person holding the blonde is obviously alive.

It was a very young man. His light black broken hair was windless, and there seemed to be a light mist over him, which made his appearance vaguely invisible, but it would not affect his overall mysterious and handsome temperament.

This young man has a better face than the source. He is not as beautiful as the source, but tends to be rigid and perfect.

The air seemed to solidify and bound the dove's body, so that he could hardly make a move.

His throat is dry, like a traveler who has walked in the desert for many days. Even a drop of water can make him thank the gods.

However, the dove could do nothing but stand blankly and watch the young man slowly put the blonde's body on the ground.

His movements were as gentle as putting the sleeping lover back to bed, but as soon as the blonde touched the ground, she began to pour out a large mass of blood from under her body and gather in the blood pool on the ground. After all this, the young man stood up straight, raised his head, smiled and asked, "dove?"

The dove nodded almost with all his strength.

In fact, he knows that he is not really bound, but because of fear!

Great instinctive fear has completely controlled his body. Even the smallest action is as difficult as fighting a war!

The young man nodded and said, "I'm Duan Tiandao. Now, you can die. " Then he stretched out his right hand and touched the turtle's throat.

The five fingers exposed at the end of the dark tactical gloves are slender and white, and there is no blood or stain at all. But it is this hand that has no power at all, but makes the dove really smell the strong smell of death!

The pressure of death finally made the dove break free from the bondage of fear. He roared wildly, crossed his arms in front of his chest, doubled the thickness of his two thighs, and completely cracked the tough combat pants! The dove arched his body, and then his legs burst out with great strength. With more kinetic energy than the rhinoceros sprint, he hit the young man opposite!

The dove was indeed afraid, but he knew that if he summoned up the courage to attack, there might still be a glimmer of life. If he ran away in fear, the one who met him immediately was death.

Duan Tiandao took a step back, recovered his right hand, clenched his fist, and then hit the turtle dove like a rhinoceros in the front!

An invisible shock wave suddenly spread, and the walls and ceilings were instantly covered with cracks. The two oil paintings originally hung on the walls turned into countless scattered rags. Even heavy bodies flew out in all directions and hit the wall.

The dove flew backwards faster than when it rushed forward, crashed into a small wall and fell into the office. Duan Tiandao's body may shake slightly, but he can't see it.

Duan Tiandao smiled again, as if praising the power of the dove. He moved five fingers of his right hand and walked into Hatoyama's office as if nothing had happened.

The dove struggled to his feet, his arms hanging softly on both sides, and his forearms twisted at a strange angle. The blow just now had completely shattered his arms and even broke most of his sternum.

The dove glared fiercely at Duan Tiandao with red eyes and kept panting. His neck bulged suddenly, and then he opened his mouth suddenly. For a moment, his mouth was bigger than his head!

There is only one word to describe this moment.

That's the real big mouth like a blood basin!

More than a dozen fingers thick and thin, 20 cm long spikes continuously spewed out of his mouth, like the most powerful crossbow and arrow, flying into Duan Tiandao's whole body!

Duan Tiandao crouched, moved forward and stood up. The three movements were completed in an instant, but each action was discontinuous. It seemed that the body disappeared immediately after one action was completed, and then flashed the next action, like a blink.

After three flashes, Duan Tiandao has avoided all the constant shooting crossbows and almost stuck to the side of the mountain dove.

He grabbed the turtle's neck with his left hand, and the huge power of the instant crushed the swollen neck. The sharp thorns that were still pouring out were all stabbed into the body tissue. The severe pain made the turtle's eyes almost fall out of his eyes for a moment!

Duan Tiandao's right hand, like the sharpest blade, sank deeply into the dove's abdominal cavity, grabbed the biochemical organ that produced and emitted sharp spikes, and pulled it out.

Duan Tiandao loosened his hands, and the dove immediately fell powerlessly. At least seven or eight deadly biochemical organs were hidden in him, but the serious injury had made all these organs useless.

Looking at the struggling dove who could no longer get up, Duan Tiandao raised the bloody biochemical organs in his hands and said, "do you know why you couldn't move just now? Actually, not only are you afraid of me... You know, even they are afraid of me. In this world, as long as there are intelligent creatures, they will be fucking afraid of me. Do you think I'm great? "

I really didn't know what to say, and the dove who was about to die was speechless: "...."

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