"I can't help myself."

Just when Bai Zifan was about to start, he suddenly heard a roar not far away.

"Up! Let me go

Before he knew what was going on, he saw the bear panting in front of him.

"Special... Special, if you want to move brother fan to pass me first!"

"I've seen you paralyzed!"

A man yelled angrily, carrying a stick to the bear's head.

Seeing this, Bai Zifan simply stood aside and watched the play.

Although the bear had some brute force, it was obviously unable to withstand the siege of two people. After a while, he was lying on the ground with a stick on his back.

"Really? I think I'm Superman possessed! The smelly security guard with no eyes

The guy in the man's hand hit the bear's head, but he was directly held by a pair of slender palms.

"Bear, you'd better speak less of that line in the future."

"Yes! Another little bastard with no eyes

Just as the man wanted to take back the stick in his hand, he heard a crisp sound.


The stick was abruptly broken by Bai Zifan's one hand. The man who was frightened by this situation was a spirited man who subconsciously stepped back two steps.

"Good idea! Withdraw


See two people turn around toward the van ran in the past, baizifan mouth raised a touch of evil radian, and then one foot picked up the stick on the ground, one foot kicked out.


A dull sound brought someone's scream. The man's leg was hit hard and fell to the ground in a wail.

"The trough! It's a pity you don't play football, van

Bear's words just fall to the ground is to find that baizifan has turned into a dark shadow and rushed past.

Just as the last man pulled open the door with his waist, a big fist of sandbag had been magnified infinitely in front of him.


The poor man didn't scream and fainted.

"Big bear, call the police."


The big bear excitedly agreed, stepped forward to kick the kidnapper who was going to get up to the ground, and then called the police.

"Hey, are you ok?"

Baizifan head into the car, but was in the car Xiangyan scene almost get nosebleed.

Luo Tian was tied into a rice dumpling lying in the back seat, a layer of almost transparent tulle pajamas completely can not cover up the beautiful scenery, especially the upper body was torn place, large white in the fierce stimulation of someone's eyes.


Seems to be aware of someone's burning eyes, Luo Tian tried to twist the body, but did not know that his movement makes the good body more and more people's blood spray.

This scene but let white son any see Leng God, subconsciously tight tight tight hand, talk to oneself.

"My God, it's hard to master both hands."

"No! Well

Luo Tian's mouth squirmed, and finally spit out the linen cloth in her mouth.

"Don't look!"

"Ah? oh Yes, yes, yes! No, no, no, no

Bai Zifan turns around busily, but his mind is full of the beautiful scene just now.

"Now, untie the rope for me first."

"Good... Good."

Bai Zifan swallows his saliva and tries his best not to look at the angry body. However, Yu Guang can't help glancing at it.

"Close your eyes!"

"Good, good! Shut up

Bai Zifan closed his eyes and put his hands in the past.

"Ah! Where are you touching?! Wrong

"Not there!"

Inside the car came the screams of women. Baizifan was secretly pleased. Although he couldn't see it, he also ate a lot of tofu.

It's not easy to untie the rope for Luo Tian. Then he reluctantly puts his coat on the former.

"You still look!"

Luo Tian gets out of the car and tightens her clothes. She looks angry.

"Cough, I'm sorry. Everyone loves beauty. Subconsciously, haha."

This praise makes Luo Tian blush. No woman doesn't like to be praised, especially beautiful women.

"And the bandits?"

"Here it is."

Bai Zifan nuzui toward the ground, Luo Tian's eyes to see, small hand cover mouth.

"They are..."

"As you can see, of course I put it down."

Want to also want to make a show in front of the beauty, fart noisy touch nose.

His appearance of boasting made Luo Tian "Puff Chi" a vocal show. Bai Zifan almost stared at the big bear.

The police and ambulance arrived at the same time. The knocked out robber was carried on a stretcher, and the other was taken away by the police.

"Smelly security guard, I remember you!"

This threat was directly ignored by Bai Zifan.

"Thank you for today. If it wasn't for you, I couldn't imagine the consequences. My name is Luotian. I've got this one down. "

Bai Zifan held it with a smile, but it was a standard touch.

"Bai Zifan, I'm the security guard of the community. It's my duty to protect the owners."

The latter two were summoned by the police to take notes and stain witnesses. Because the three culprits had a hard tongue, they stayed at the police station until late at night.

On the way, the two people also opened their conversation. After all, they had some impressions of each other before.

"Why do you want to be a security guard because of your great skill?"

"Ha ha, I think it's very good to be a security guard. Although I earn less, I don't have to intrigue and fight. I don't have to be a firestorm. I'm not comfortable."

I don't know if it's Luo Tian's illusion. She suddenly feels that Bai Zifan in front of her just for a moment seems to be a different person. She can see through the vicissitudes of life in her eyes, just like an old man in his twilight.

"By the way, what did you do before?"


Bai Zifan a Leng, the Mou son subconsciously looked at the curving moon in the night, ambivalent return way.

"Just working for others."

"Ding Ling Ling."

The mobile phone suddenly rings and Bai Zifan gets through.

"Brother fan! Did you go out with that young woman? Zhou Baopi is looking for you all over the world now! "

"How do you like it?"

Zhou Dahai is the head of the security team. It is said that he is also from a mixed family. He usually shows great pomp. His opponent's staff call him sour and mean. That's why he has such a nickname.

"What is he looking for?"

"Oh! Three or two sentences are not clear, almost! Come back quickly

After hanging up the phone, Bai Zifan and Luo Tian rush to the community.

Security room.


A black bear becomes a fine man to clap a case but rise, the eye stares of eldest brother.

"That's special! Baizifan, where's that son of a bitch?! Don't you know I'm coming to inspect today? "

The security guards on the scene are shivering like chickens. This week, Haihai is a local bully in the security team, and no one dares to provoke him.

"Who called me?"

"Brother fan!"

Zhou Dahai also subconsciously looked to the door.

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