At this time, Luo Laosan's hand stopped in front of her. On Luo Laosan's wrist, a big hand clamped Luo Laosan's hand, and let Luo Laosan move forward.

"Bai Zifan?"

Chen miaoyan didn't want to hand over Bai Zifan at the beginning. She was not sure that Bai Zifan was not the opponent of the land wolf. In fact, she still wanted Bai Zifan to appear in her heart, because Bai Zifan's strength was also good.

In such a contradiction, Bai Zifan actually took the initiative to come out.

Li Liang takes a look at baizifan in the field. He is ashamed and angry. He is ready to go up to find baizifan's trouble, but he gives up after seeing the wolf.

"Hum, Baizi, I'm not his opponent, just you? A little security guard? A joke

With a good mood, Li Liang temporarily suppressed his anger.

"Elder martial brother, this man is Bai Zifan."

Luo Laosan shouts to the wolf.

With the great power from Bai Zifan's hand, Luo Laosan felt that his wrist was going to be broken. His other hand was abandoned by Bai Zifan last night. Is this hand going to be abandoned?

The huge pressure completely cut off the blood vessels, exposed the tendons on the hands, as if to burst, and set off a flush on the face.

The wolf looks at Bai Zifan with great interest. The expert knows if he has it. Bai Zifan's strength has been fully affirmed in his eyes. Luo Laosan's face has turned purple, especially ugly.

The wolf steps in place a little bit, the whole person disappeared in place, a strong wind toward baizifan head on.


Bai Zifan muttered.

The ground wolf's two hands toward the white son fan next rib and left hand to grasp, at the same time attack two points.

Bai Zifan knew the carelessness was not good. After all, the wolf had reached the perfection of his form. If he was careless and hurt, it would not be worth the loss.

Bai Zifan had no choice but to release the clasp Luo Laosan's hand, two hands to meet up.

Two people four fists opposite, each back a few steps, because Bai Zifan unloaded most of the strength, the face appeared some ruddy, but the wolf face is slightly pale.

"Boy, your strength is good. It seems that you don't know how many kilos you have?"

Even if it's a fight, the wolf thinks he has estimated the strength of baizifan, so he doesn't worry about the strength of baizifan.

"I just used seven layers of strength. It seems that this boy is just like that."

The wolf thought in his heart.

"Just now I used four parts of my strength. The wolf should have used his own seven layers?"

Bai Zifan looks at the wolf cruelly.

"Who are you?"

The ground wolf has not yet answered, the white son all shrugs and doesn't matter to say.

"Come on, it doesn't look like a good bird if you can wrap up with Luo Laosan. Go away. You are not welcome here."

The face of the wolf is ugly. Although he is not a great master in martial arts, he has reached half the master level. Anyone who meets him can't shout master wolf, but now he is scolded.

"You're... Fine!"

Said the wolf gnashing his teeth.

"Well? Are you silly? Of course, I'm very good. I don't need you to remind me of this. "

For the enemy, baizifan certainly won't be so polite. This land wolf has a pretentious appearance. He has long been unhappy with it.

"Yellow mouthed child, I don't want to talk nonsense with you. I'm here to tell you one thing this time, that is, let Tiandu be acquired by Qinglong. Otherwise, there's no need to drive on this day."

"Yo, who is it? Farting in public? Don't you know that the air index will exceed the standard? I'm so full of shit. I don't have any sense of shame. "

Bai Zifan's head glanced to one side and said, as if he were talking to the air.

The wolf knew that he was scolding him. His face was a bit darker than that of Baogong, and he could drip water.

"Bai Zifan, you are the first person to make me angry since I have been practicing martial arts for so many years. Good. You have successfully angered me. In this case, do you dare to sign a life and death certificate with me? How about that day? "

Although the wolf is very angry, but has not forgotten the purpose of this trip.

Bai Zifan did not immediately answer the wolf, because he was thinking about the pros and cons of this, if you can once and for all, of course, is the best.

But all this fell in the eyes of the wolf is regarded as the performance of fear, the wolf disdain to look at white fan.

"What? Scared? If you're afraid, don't show off. You'd better go home and find your mother to nurse? "

Luo Laosan is good at timing. After all, it's not proper for the wolf to say something.

Bai Zifan sees Luo Laosan's eyes full of cold light.

"Luo Laosan, you are looking for death!"

Bai Zifan's appearance startled Luo Laosan.

"OK, I promise you, but since it's a gambling contract, of course I have to put forward a condition. If you can't meet it, I won't agree."

Bai Zifan said in a low voice.

See Bai Zifan agree, which still tube want what condition, ground wolf nodded.

"You're right. In that case, say your terms."

Bai Zifan looks at Luo Laosan deeply.

"There is only one condition for me to agree to sign the life and death certificate, that is, I will let Luo Laosan get out of the spring city, and leave a finger as the price. This is my condition."

Luo Laosan's sweat bristled when he heard this, but he had the wolf beside him. After seeing the calm look of the wolf, he calmed down a little.

"Well, I can promise you that I will wait for you in Maoyang gymnasium in three days. I hope you won't be late then. You can rest assured that I am a man of my word. I will ask today's taishanbeidou in Wulin to be the referee. I believe you won't say anything when you see them."

The wolf in this point or more open.

Chen miaoyan and Wang Xiaorong are watching Bai Zifan sign the life and death certificate. They are worried. It's too risky to take the company as a bet. Although they are unhappy, they don't say anything.

After all, the land wolf such superior all appear to oppress, they certainly can't hold on for a long time, it's better to fight like this.

"Yes, I'll be there in three days."

Bai Zifan nodded.

The wolf and Luo Laosan turned and left.

"Bai Zifan, is it wrong for you to do so?"

At this time, a voice suddenly remembered.

Bai Zifan turned his head and looked at Li Liang. Li Liang looked unnatural.

"What do you mean?"

This is not good words, let baizifan some uncomfortable in the heart.

However, Li Liangcai won't care so much.

"Miaoyan and Xiaorong, come here."

Li Liang took a look at Bai Zifan.

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