Thinking of this, Bai Zifan's heart actually rose a trace of excitement.

"I haven't tried so hard for a long time."

To see the wolf baizifan full face of war, his whole person suddenly toward baizifan rushed up.

Bai Zifan saw this and a funny smile rose on his face.

"Is that the same move?"

Bai Zifan's eyes were fixed, his hands were clenched into fists, his feet were slightly open, waiting for the wolf to rush over.

But when the ground wolf rushed in front of him, he suddenly let him run to one side. Bai Zifan was stunned.


"It's too late!"

The figure of the wolf suddenly appeared behind Bai Zifan.


Bai Zifan left a scar on his back again, and he looked very embarrassed.

"It seems that I'm still too light on the enemy."

Bai Zifan shook his head.

But the wolf said.

"Baizifan, I admit that you are very strong, but you are not my opponent. Do you know why I call you Dilang? That's because I can act like a wolf on the ground, including some of the wolf's killing actions. "

"It was my carelessness before. I didn't expect that you could see my flaws. You broke my hand with one move, but now you can only be my plaything."

When Bai Zifan heard the words, he laughed instead of angry.

"Oh? Is it? I'll wait and see. "

Said the general idea, who is not, but now the wolf has the arrogant heart.


The wolf's paws pushed the ground fiercely, and the whole body flew over, and the paws grasped Bai Zifan's waist.

Baizifan saw the body to the side of a flash, and then the whole person directly to the wolf body down.


A clear sound was made on the wolf.

At this time, people could see clearly that Bai Zifan's elbow had already reached the waist of the wolf, and the sound just now should be the sound of bone fracture.

Seeing that the wolf on the ground did not move, Bai Zifan stood up.


Normally speaking, the wolf should be able to stand up, but after a while, there was no movement.

"Are you trying to deceive me?"

Think of here white son any hesitated, just now ground wolf claw attack speed that is not joking, oneself if so go up, in case be caught what key position to die.

But then baizifan found that something was wrong, because there was no breathing fluctuation in the wolf's body.

Bai Zifan didn't hesitate at this time. He turned the wolf over, but then the scene did make Bai Zifan frown.


See the seven orifices of the wolf bleeding, lost breathing.

In the side of the referee this just came forward to check the wolf's body.

After a while the referee got up and said.

"The wolf died of a broken spine that hurt his heart."


People present didn't expect that they actually killed people in the end.

It was true that they signed the life and death certificate, but it was another matter if they really killed people, including how the wolf died without thinking about it.

Bai Zifan's eyes were complicated. He didn't expect that his random strike smashed the wolf's spine, and finally his bone spurs pierced his heart. It's just that the king of hell told you to die in the third shift, but you can't live in the fifth shift.


Looking at the outcome of the match, although she didn't want to see the scene, she still looked at several people on the referee's bench.

Shi Ming of the Luoshu mountain said.

"As we can see, the winner is Bai Zifan. As for the future."

Shi Ming takes a look at Tian Hongwei from guwumen.

Tian Hongwei knew what these people meant, so he stood up and looked at the people around him.

"The wolf lost, it is inferior to others, so our ancient martial arts will not retaliate, and will not send people to kill Bai Zifan, the presence of the masters is the witness of this matter."

Several people present nodded.

He yuan of feihumen also stood up and said.

"Since the death certificate has been signed, we, as judges, have the obligation to maintain this contract. If someone pursues or assassinates the winner in private or behind his back, he is the enemy of several sects, and we will jointly pursue and kill him."

At this time, Bai Zifan took a look at the wolf lying on the ground, and then turned to get off the stage.

After stepping down, I did see Luo Tian covering her mouth and couldn't believe it.

"How are you, Zifan?"

Luo Tian looks at Bai Zifan's face without a trace of blood color and worries.

"No problem, just a little skin injury. Let's go."

Luo Tian came forward to support Bai Zifan and walked out slowly.

"Bai Zifan, I..."

At this time, Chen miaoyan and Wang Xiaorong come to Bai Zifan, with tangled faces.

"Needless to say, I know."

Looking at Bai Zifan's weak appearance, Chen miaoyan said this.

"I'm sorry we did that to you before."

Bai Zifan waved his hand.

"Forget it, I know your mood at that time, and I understand it, but it has been proved now?"

Wang Xiaorong looks at Bai Zifan who is supported by Luo Tian, and then says.

"Bai Zifan, we wronged you before. I'm sorry."

Bai Zifan had a bitter smile on his face.

"Don't I say I'm all right? I didn't take it to heart. "

Wang Xiaorong's eyes brightened when he heard the speech.

"Really? If you really don't take it to heart, will you come back to work? I can give you a raise, OK? "

Bai Zifan said with a smile.

"I'll come to work when I feel better."

Seeing that Bai Zifan agreed to Chen miaoyan and Wang Xiaorong, they were relieved. The reason why they let Bai Zifan come back was that they wanted to compensate.

"By the way, Bai Zifan, you killed people for us this time, this matter..."

Bai Zifan knew what they were going to ask.

"Don't worry, we signed the life and death certificate before the martial arts competition this time. No one can get revenge for his death, and just now there were several predecessors in martial arts? They'll take care of it, and the police can't find me. "

"Someone's going to wipe my ass for me."

Hearing this, the girls were relieved.

"Let's go."

Bai Zifan said softly.

Luo nodded, helped Bai Zifan out of the door, and finally came up to think about the car parked outside.

"You are really capable of killing the wolf directly."

Gu Nian had been waiting in the car for a long time, and saw a faint smile on Bai Zifan's face after he got on the car.

Bai Zifan is full of bitter smile.

"Nianjie, please don't make fun of me. I don't know what's going on. It's just a coincidence. Besides, at that time, I was forced to do it. That's why I came up with that move. But unexpectedly, the wolf didn't carry it."

Take care of the smile on the face slowly fade, this is full of dignified said.

"I think you know what's going to happen after this?"

Bai Zifan nodded.

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