"Gulu!" Several people couldn't help swallowing their saliva. They looked at the person in front of them with fear in their eyes.

"Our boss is over there!"

This figure just came out from the darkness, it is unique.

Matchless smile on a few people, but those people see matchless smile, immediately turned to run away, they know matchless in showing such a smile, it means that someone is going to die.

Looking at several people running around, matchless corners of the mouth evoked a trace of shallow evil smile.

"Run? Can you run in front of me? "

As soon as the voice fell, matchless disappeared in the same place as Mirs spread their wings. Those people only felt a chill suddenly appeared behind them. When they turned around, they saw a body without a head left in the same place.

"That body is so familiar. Why is he wearing my clothes?"

Several people were killed by Wushuang. Wushuang wiped the dagger in his hand on those people, and then took back his sleeve.

"Boy, who are you?"

Just at this time, a group of people came forward and saw the unparalleled one wiping the dagger in his hand.

The man had a beard and thick eyebrows. When he saw several headless bodies on the ground, he was furious.

"Son of a bitch, you dare to kill me, I will tear you up!"

The beard tore his coat apart, revealing the strong tendons inside.

However, looking at the muscle with explosive power, his face was indifferent.

"You must be in charge here, aren't you?"

The beard sneers at this time.

"Boy, I'm going to chop you today!"

Beard copied the two axes in his hands next to him, and then rushed towards Wushuang.

Luoxihu is a disciple of qingtianzong, but because the business here is too important, and Wu Tao gives qingtianzong a lot of money every year, he asks qingtianzong to send someone to guard.

His name is Wang Yi. He is a strong disciple of qingtianzong. That's why he was sent here.

It can be said that Wang Yi's two axes are well-known in the river and lake. Now, he certainly won't pay attention to the boy who is not well-known in front of him.

"Let's die, boy!"

Wang Yi raises his axe to split Wushuang. It seems that Wang Yi has foreseen the scene of Wushuang being split into three parts.

At this moment, however, he was stunned.

See matchless hand stretched toward him to come over, this is a kind of behavior that seeks death undoubtedly.

"Well, in that case, I'll split your hand first!"

The two axes in Wang Yi's hand were pulled towards his unparalleled arm, as flexible as a snake.

Peerless saw a trace of excitement in his eyes.

"It seems you think too much."

Wang Yi didn't know why, but at this time he suddenly felt a great crisis appeared in his chest.

He looked down and saw a dagger appeared in Wushuang's hand. Wang Yi had seen Wushuang withdraw his left hand before, so he was always on guard against Wushuang's left hand, but he didn't expect that the dagger appeared in Wushuang's right hand.

"Since you want to break my hand, I'll cut your hand first."

Wang Yi was so scared that all the souls of the dead risked, shouting.


However, at the next moment, the corner of his mouth stirred up a slight smile. He saw the dagger in his hand spinning rapidly in his palm.

"Poof, poof!"

With two dull sounds, Wang Yi's hand was like paper paste in front of the high-speed rotating dagger, and the incision was smooth. It can be seen how sharp the dagger in matchless hands was.

"Uncle, I was going to be more serious, but I didn't expect you to lose so soon, but you can't blame me, who told you to break my hand."

Wang Yi looked at the broken hand, sweating all over, his lips shivering and white.

Blood was dripping on the ground. At that moment, he knew that it would be easy for the smiling young man in front of him to kill himself.

"When did such a terrible person appear in the world?"

Wang Yi was shocked in his heart. His two axes were famous in the river and lake, but his hands were wasted in front of this young man.

"Who are you?" Wang Yi stares at Wushuang in front of him.

Matchless blinked, then said.

"My elder brother said that you can't tell strangers names casually. Besides, you are all dying people. What can you do if you know my name?"

As Wang Yi's face changed, the faces of the people behind him were extremely ugly.

"Won't you let us go?"

Wang Yi asked with a tone of begging for mercy.

Matchless smell speech is to shake head however.

"That's not good. Your lives work. Well, I'll let you go without any pain."

Matchless finish saying, the face is still brimming with that shallow smile.

"Puff, puff, puff!"

Unparalleled speed is very fast, when he swept through the crowd, those people one by one fell to the ground, all were killed.

"I don't know what happened to those guys."

Matchless said to take out the phone on his body.

"Hey, are you done?"

There was a lazy voice on the other end of the phone.

"It's already done. We don't like to play as much as you do. We really don't have to kill all Wu Tao's men? In fact, we can kill Wu Tao directly, so the boss won't get into trouble. "

Wu Tao, as a trance, said he could kill him. If he was heard by others, he would be shocked.

Matchless smell speech this just says.

"It's not necessary. The boss means he wants to solve it by himself, so you'd better not worry about it."

"I see! Hang up. "

Peerless eyes now narrowed into a thin line.

"Wu Tao? I hope you don't make the boss angry, or I can't imagine the consequences. "

Wu's villa area.

Wu Tao has a glass of red wine in his hand. He is tasting it slowly. It's a precious bottle of red wine that he has got for a long time. Every time he is in a good mood, he will take it out for a sip.

"Young master, something's wrong!"

It was the old man who had been following Wu Tao.

"What happened to Lin Bo? To make you so scared? "

Lin Bo said with his head down.

"Young master, the news just came that there were accidents in seven important ports, including Sule, the democratic movement and spark. All the people inside were killed. They were all killed in one blow. No one was alive. Even the information about the murderer could not be found."

Wu Tao's face became ugly. These ports are the lifeblood of Tianping's export trade. Now they have been destroyed. It's impossible to achieve the trading volume in a period of time. Moreover, once the goods are not delivered in time, his reputation will be greatly reduced.

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