Zhang Zhiming, who knows that he will die, wants to say two more words, but Bai Zi, who is in a hurry, doesn't give him the chance at all and fires directly.

After killing Zhang Zhiming, Bai Zifan hears a cry in the distance. The eagle that killed an Deli was hit by a flying knife from Ye Feng who pretended to be dead.

The sudden fighting caused heavy losses to the temple warriors, especially Zhang Fengming, who had a bad mouth. As the key target of the mercenaries, he was killed without hiding.

Yingwang's reaction was not slow, but he was not lucky, so he hid bullets beside Cao xiner. As a result, he didn't understand what was going on and was killed by Cao xiner.

The rest of the mercenaries and temple Warriors also knew what to do and fled one after another.

In order to send Wu you and Wu you, who were seriously injured, to treat them, Bai Zifan did not pursue them. He left the battlefield quickly with the car provided by the evil tiger mercenary regiment.

The off-road vehicle has the symbol of the evil tiger mercenary regiment. Relying on the bad reputation of the evil tiger mercenary regiment, Bai Zifan's team has a smooth journey. After contacting the college, they finally got on a reliable plane and returned to the college.

Wu you and Wu Wu Wu get the best treatment at the first time. Ye Feng also reports the situation. As for Bai Zifan, he seems to have been forgotten. No one cares and no one asks.

Until the next day, Chen Wei found Bai Zifan with a smile.

As soon as they met, Bai Zifan, who was basking in the sun under the tree, turned around and ran without saying a word.

As soon as the figure flashed, Chen Wei stood in front of Bai Zifan and asked coldly, "run when you see me? Did you do something wrong with me? "

"No... just when I saw the smile on your face, I suddenly had an unexpected premonition in my heart."

"Well, I don't know. I'm here to give you good news."

"Good news? Are you going to get married? " Bai Zifan asked curiously.


"Well, are you pregnant?"

"If you're asking this kind of question, you'd better turn the order of the two questions upside down," Chen Wei said, biting her teeth

Chen Wei, who is not in a good mood, is too lazy to talk nonsense with Bai Zifan. She says directly, "tell you a piece of good news and a piece of bad news. What do you want to hear?"

"Bad news first." Bai Zifan some nervous said.

"The college has arranged a task for you. You have a lot of points." When speaking, Chen Wei also throws a flying eye at Bai Zifan, who is scared. All the hairs of Bai Zifan stand up.

"Well, isn't that bad news?"

"Compared with the good news, it's bad news. The good news is that you're going to go back to your old job and do what you like."

Hearing Chen Wei's words, Bai Zifan frowned and said, "do you want me to be a mercenary? Is it going to deal with the evil tiger mercenary regiment? "

If the evil tiger mercenary regiment dares to attack the members of the "shadow", the Academy will definitely not give up. It seems that it is to let itself deal with them, wipe them out, punish the evil and promote the good, and become a hero. Of course, in this process, we will meet many beautiful women who have to paste up to give birth to monkeys as soon as we see them, as well as many gold and silver treasures that we have to collect, It's exciting to think about it.

Chen Wei coughed and said, "you may think too much. How can our college be a mercenary? The Academy wants to send you as a security guard. "

"What? Do you have toothache recently, so your pronunciation is not very clear? You mean the Academy sent me to be a bodyguard? "

With a wave of her hand, Chen Wei said calmly, "you want to hide. Your new job is not so big. It's just security. Please pay attention to my mouth. It's security."

This time, Bai Zifan was completely confused and forced, "in e country, we didn't do well, especially when we killed the dog king and the eagle king in the temple. The college also awarded us 500 points. How could we be distributed in confusion?"

"It's because you've done well before that you've been given the important task."

"Are you sure this is an important task?"

Chen Wei didn't speak, just nodded very solemnly.

Looking at Chen Wei's expression carefully, Bai Zifan suddenly feels that he has nothing to say. Although Chen Wei's face is stiff and serious, the schadenfreude in her eyes means that she has no intention to hide.

Opening the folder, Chen Wei, who didn't want to show off, explained the situation directly to Bai Zifan. The "shadow" College sent four groups of students to Donghai city to carry out the task. As a result, all the tasks failed. All the students were either killed or disappeared.

Now Donghai city has become a forbidden area for the students of "shadow" college. At present, the college can only investigate these things. It seems that they have something to do with the Wang family in Donghai city. Someone needs to do a detailed investigation.

Glancing at Bai Zifan's chin, Chen Wei explained, "don't underestimate the Wang family in Donghai city. Their family has a great influence in Donghai city. In particular, the Tiedun security company they founded monopolizes more than 80% of the city's security business."

"How much will that make?" For Chen Wei's words, Bai Zifan has no interest at all. He started out as a small security guard, but through his efforts, he has stepped onto the peak of his life step by step. Now he's OK. He's back before liberation.

"What's wrong with being a security guard? You have rich working experience. You are not proud to be a security guard

Bai Zifan wanted to show his pride by holding his head up. However, he could not figure out what he had to teach

"Well, I'll tell you, if you don't have relevant work experience and won't let you go, you don't know how many students are scrambling to do this task. It's settled." Patted Bai Zifan's shoulder, Chen Wei's face, I am very optimistic about your expression.

Bai Zifan just wanted to say something, but he felt that the hand on his shoulder suddenly increased its strength, so he reacted.

In the wasteland of e country, it's very joyful to kill the people in the temple by themselves. But it seems very important to kill the king of eagle and dog. It's the rhythm of keeping away from the wind.

"I'm proud to be a security guard." Bai Zifan nodded and said with a heavy face.

"The college used the relationship, bribed a senior officer of the security company, arranged a position for you in the company, but only gave you the identity of a team leader as a cover, not a senior official."

Captain? Even if the captain, but also add a small word, Bai Zifan has almost been able to guess his position is how low-end.

"I, I'm still proud."

"Fifteen a month." Chen Wei continued.

"I'm still proud." Bai Zifan said with his eyebrows and teeth.

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