"Yes, the master noticed the intense resentment on the gold coast a long time ago, so he found me later." Wu explained.

Bai Zifan said at this time“ Yes, when I visited the golden coast before, I found that there was a huge resentment. This ghost is not simple, so I found officer Wu and wanted to know about it. "

Zhou Fucai looked around and said softly“ Master, officer Wu, let's go inside and say

The three soon came to a very wide room.

"Master, what do you want to know?" Zhou Fucai frowned.

Bai Zifan knew that if he didn't say something mysterious, he couldn't deceive Zhou Fucai.

"Mr. Zhou, do you believe in the connection between the underworld and the underworld?" Bai Zifan said one as soon as he opened his mouth, which made people a little confused.

And Zhou Fucai naturally shook his head“ I don't know. What does this have to do with me? "

Bai Zifan sneered“ Of course, there is a relationship, and the relationship is big. It's just the so-called cause and effect cycle, retribution, planting melons, planting beans, getting beans. It's a cycle of heaven, a cycle of samsara. "

Wu Mengmeng knew that Bai Zifan was going to cheat again. She didn't understand this before.

Zhou Fucai listened carefully for fear that he might miss one or two words. Bai Zifan knew that his words had successfully attracted Zhou Fucai's attention.

"Although the cause and effect is not so obvious, it is real. For example, if your ancestor killed someone in the previous life, and he lived all his life without corresponding punishment, then the evil result will come to the later generations. This is the cause and effect."

"The way of heaven stresses that everything should be as perfect as possible. For example, if you do something illegal now, you will be punished by the law, and the law is the way of heaven. The way of heaven is everywhere. In the dark, people will make up for or fill the gaps in life."

Zhou Fucai was in a trance. After all, what Bai Zifan said was too abstruse, but he finally came to the conclusion that his ancestors, or he must have done something bad before.

And now retribution has come, and this retribution is exactly what happened on the golden coast.

"Mr. Zhou, I've said so much. Do you understand?" Bai Zifan said with a smile.

Zhou Fucai frowned and finally nodded. Bai Zifan was laughing. His purpose was to make Zhou Fucai dizzy. Now it seems that he has been half successful.

"Now that you understand, I'll talk about other things. Now that there's an accident on the Golden Coast under your hand, the dead ghost will definitely come to you under the guidance of the dark. That's why I said I was angry when I came in. That's what I really saw."

Zhou Fucai was so scared that he was sweating that he quickly asked“ Is there a way to solve the problem? I spent a lot of time buying this house. Do you want me to move away? "

Bai Zifan shook his head and said immediately“ You can't avoid this cause and effect because it's the way of heaven that guides you. "

"Gulu!" Zhou Fucai swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

But at this time, Bai Zifan said suddenly“ Mr. Zhou, do you sometimes feel that someone is peeking at you? "

This startled Zhou Fucai. He thought about it carefully and began to tremble“ Master, master, help me, help me

Bai Zifan's unknown mouth grinned, but then he covered it up and said slowly“ Don't worry, Mr. Zhou. This time I'm here to help you break this curse like fate. "

Zhou Fucai was overjoyed“ Master, master, as long as you are willing to save me, I will pay you. What do you think? "

Bai Zifan wanted to talk about it again, but he didn't expect Zhou Fucai to talk about it himself.

Bai Zifan frowned. Zhou Fucai was very worried. He thought, "this master is really appetizing."

"Master, what are you worried about?"

Bai Zifan heard this sentence in front of a bright, did not expect Zhou Fucai so clever to guess this, this hesitated to say.

"Now if we want to eradicate this resentment, we have to hand over the golden coast to others, but we have to explain what happened before we hand it over. Only in this way can we let the resentment go without leaving a trace."

After hearing this, Zhou Fucai frowned. He had thought about it before, but many people knew what had happened, so they didn't dare to move.

But now Bai Zifan asked him to transfer the house, and he had to explain the reason, which was very difficult to do. Before, Zhou Fucai also wanted to find people who didn't know, but every time he found those people, he still didn't dare to take them one by one. Many people thought that it was Zhou Fucai's bad intention to give up such a big house to himself.

In the end, Zhou Fucai managed to find a man and transferred the house to him. He was waiting for the formalities. But at this time, the man died, which made Zhou Fucai no longer dare to pay such attention.

After hearing this, Zhou Fucai's face was a little ugly“ Master, I've done what you said, but the fate of those people is very miserable, so... "

It is said that there is no adultery, but Zhou Fucai hesitated. Bai Zifan knew that his conscience had not died, and he couldn't help looking up at him.

"I also learned what you said from officer Wu. I know all those people. The reason why they are not suitable is that their lives are not hard enough to bear the resentment, and you can live safely is that you have adapted to the resentment."

After hearing Bai Zifan's words, Zhou Fucai felt cold on his back.

"Master, where should I go now to find someone with a strong life? And I don't know whose life is tough. " Zhou Fucai said helplessly.

Bai Zifan didn't answer immediately, but he was silent. Zhou Fucai didn't interrupt Bai Zifan. After a while, Bai Zifan said“ I know a tough guy, but he may be a bit inappropriate. "

Zhou Fucai was overjoyed and asked“ Master, who is this man? You tell me, I'm going to bring him here

Bai Zifan was silent again.

Zhou Fucai asked anxiously“ Master, what's the matter? "

Bai Zifan said“ I'm talking about... Me! "

Zhou Fucai was stunned for a moment, and his face was full of doubts“ You? You say it's you, master? "

Bai Zifan nodded“ That's right. I'm the one I'm talking about. Since I was a child, my master used all kinds of herbs to bathe me, and even drew a lot of charms on my body. Ordinary ghosts can't do anything to me at all. That's why I said I'm suitable. "

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