The next day, Bai Zifan was still asleep when he heard the phone next to him ring suddenly.

"How did you sleep last night, white brother?"

"Brother Tian, are you ready? I'm going to call Wu Mengmeng. "

"Don't worry. This side is ready. I'll be there in half an hour. You should be ready."

After Bai Zifan wakes up Wu Mengmeng, they are soon ready. An hour later, they arrive at an apron.

"Baizifan, you have determined the coordinates before, 500 kilometers to the southeast, right?"

Bai Zifan nodded.

"Well, get on the plane. Let's go now."

After they got on the plane, after several hours of trekking, they finally came to the depth of the mountain.

"Now we're going to find a place with a waterfall. When we find it, we can go down."

Tian Jun nodded.

"Well? Why not? Is there a change in the position of the giver? " Bai Zifan constantly searched the waterfall on the ground in the air, but half an hour later, there was still no sign of any waterfall.

"Zifan, Zifan, where are you looking, isn't that?" At this time, Wu Meng pointed to a bush.

Bai Zifan's face is full of doubts“ Isn't that a bush? Huh? No, these branches were too tall just now, so I didn't see them clearly. Now they seem to be covered by these big trees. "

"Tian Jun is here. Let us down."

"Call me when you get out." Tian Jun said with a smile when he left.

Bai Zifan and Wu Mengmeng walked slowly towards the waterfall they had seen before.

"Meng Meng, you should pay attention to it. The woods have not been exposed to the sun for a long time. There may be miasma. It's better here. If you go in later, you may encounter some trouble or danger."

Wu Meng looks around warily and follows Bai Zifan closely.

"Found it!"

Finally, a small waterfall appeared in front of them.

"This waterfall? But there seems to be no sign of anyone around? Are we looking for the wrong one? " Wu Meng asked, puzzled.

Bai Zifan said“ No, someone must have been here, but they have covered up their tracks very well. Forget it, we'd better follow what Li Mingru said. Only in this way can there be no mistake. "

Wu Meng nodded.

Two people carefully came to the front of the waterfall, the waterfall at most five meters, not very high, water is very fast.

Bai Zifan pulls Wu Mengmeng to step on the bluestone on the pool under the waterfall and approaches the waterfall step by step. Then he reaches into the curtain of the waterfall and touches a raised stone.

"Click, click!"


When Bai Zifan twisted the bulge, a dark passage appeared behind the water curtain.

Bai Zifan and Wu Mengmeng look at each other“ Go

They just entered the cave behind the water curtain, and the lights on at the top of the cave.

"Well? So advanced? Is there a light here? " Bai Zifan couldn't help but wonder that there was no electricity in the deep part of the mountain, and there was an electric light.

"Be careful, Meng Meng."

They entered the passage carefully. When they passed through the long passage, there was a bamboo forest. The pillars here were very thick. The wind blew and the leaves kept making the sound of "Sasha".

Li Mingru had told Bai Zifan before, so he was not worried at all.

After entering the bamboo forest, there was a big fog. He couldn't see his fingers. Bai Zifan held Wu Mengmeng's hand tightly. His sense of facial features was fully opened and he was alert to everything around him.

"Whew!" At this time, a sound of breaking the air came. Bai Zifan was shocked all over. Then he saw that it was a long sword.

The target of the long sword is Wu Mengmeng behind Bai Zifan. Seeing this, Bai Zifan has to reach out and try to catch the long sword. What Bai Zifan didn't expect is that he caught the long sword easily.

Bai Zifan had time to use a lot of long sword in his hand. This sword is a little strange, similar to the Mitsubishi spear, but it's not the same. There are two deep blood grooves on the sword. Bai Zifan can even be sure that if the sword stabs a person, it will soon die.

"Have we been found? Whose is this sword? How can you use such a vicious weapon? "

Bai Zifan frowned tightly, but it was better to have weapons in his hands at this time, so he left them in his hands.


Bai Zifan and Wu Mengmeng just walked forward two steps and heard the sound of silk“ Be careful, Mengmeng, there are snakes

What girls fear most is animals like snakes. Wu Mengmeng is no exception. At this time, she is a little nervous. She pinches Bai Zifan's hand to death for fear that Bai Zifan will leave her.

"Whew! Whew

At this time, the poisonous snakes were shooting at Bai Zifan and Wu Mengmeng like sharp arrows.

Bai Zifan constantly waved his sword and cut these poisonous snakes into two pieces one by one.

Not long after that, the poisonous snakes stopped and looked at Bai Zifan one by one.

What makes Bai Zifan a little strange is that these poisonous snakes have left a way. Li Mingru also said before that these poisonous snakes were all cultivated by xuantianmen and would lead the way in the bamboo forest.

These poisonous snakes already have a certain intelligence. In Bai Zifan's opinion, these poisonous snakes must be afraid, so they compromise. Maybe they lead him to a powerful person, but now there is only such a way, and Bai Zifan has no choice.

Thinking of this, Bai Zifan did not doubt him, and followed the path left by the poisonous snake.

Soon they came to the side of a pond. To Bai Zifan's surprise, there was an old man with a hat, fishing. It was very strange.

White son any hard scalp slowly walked past, softly shout a way“ senior? Senior

The reason why Bai Zifan went forward was that he had met Xie Yunfeng in his fantasy, so he wanted to ask the old man.

However, the old man did not reply at all.

Baizifan gently pushed forward, the old man immediately soft to the ground, baizifan surprised, go up to check, but found that the old man has been dead for a long time, and let him fatal is his abdominal wound.

"No, it's been calculated!" Bai Zifan said with fright.

"Mengmeng, let's go!"

Bai Zifan turns around to find that Wu Mengmeng has disappeared.

"What's the matter? Did Xie Yunfeng figure out that I would come to kill him? That's why he started first? " Bai Zifan thought of this, scared out of a sweat.

It's terrible to think about it. From the moment baizifan enters, someone has grasped the opportunity. Others know everything about you, but you can't deal with it at all. It's the same as the game. It's invincible.

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