After walking along the pond for a distance, Bai Zifan heard Wu Mengmeng's cry.

"Isn't Mengmeng captured? Is it here? " Bai Zifan was very confused.

Bai Zifan walked slowly along the place where the voice came from. When Bai Zifan finished the pond, he found that there was a village with modern dialect in Xuantian gate.

"Mengmeng is not here. It seems that someone deliberately let out Mengmeng's voice to attract me."

"Here you are at last!" At this time, a voice suddenly remembered.

Along the direction of the voice, Bai Zifan saw a man in a white sports shirt. He was about thirty years old. He was very handsome and gave people the feeling of being gentle.

"Xie Yunfeng? It seems that you have already figured out that I will come to you. " Bai Zifan recognized him when he saw this figure. This man is Xie Yunfeng, the man he wanted to kill.

Xie Yunfeng looks at Bai Zifan and shakes his head“ Yes, I know that someone is going to kill me, and I've worked it out a few years ago. I made a careful arrangement, and now it's time to close the net, but your strength seems to disappoint me. "

Bai Zifan knew that he couldn't escape this time. When he came here before, Li Mingru had already said that Xie Yunfeng was not only good at calculating, but also terrible in strength.

"Xie Yunfeng, if you are waiting for me here, you just want to kill me. Do it and let me see what your strength is."

Xie Yunfeng said with a smile“ Yes, I'm going to kill you, but it's not the right time, or I'll lose my plan. "

Looking at Xie Yunfeng's appearance, it seems that everything is under his control. Bai Zifan wants to smash his face.

"What's your trick?" Bai Zifan was a little uneasy.

"Ha ha ha, it's too early to say that now. I'll catch you first. Let's go and catch you!"

Xie Yunfeng flew towards baizifan, fast.

Bai Zifan sees this and puts his hand on his chest to resist.

"Bang!" The huge strength hits on Bai Zifan's hand, and Bai Zifan's whole body rapidly regresses backward.

"The power of a single blow is so terrible. I'm not his opponent." One move makes Bai Zifan think that he is not an opponent. You can imagine how terrible Xie Yunfeng's strength is.

"It's not over yet!" Xie Yunfeng buckles on Bai Zifan's hand, and Bai Zifan blows. Xie Yunfeng's claws grasp the wrist from Bai Zifan's shoulder, and scratch Bai Zifan's sleeve, leaving traces of blood on it.

"What a terrible hand, it just broke my arm." Bai Zifan was shocked.

"Boy, it seems that you will never die until you reach the Yellow River. Well, I'll show you my real strength."

Xie Yunfeng suddenly changed his technique and hit baizifan with one punch at a time. The style of his fist is not comparable to that of Liu Chenggang.


"Well!" Xie Yunfeng hit Bai Zifan's arm with a fist, and Bai Zifan's arm immediately softened down, unable to lift a trace of strength. The severe pain made Bai Zifan sweat.

"I wanted to let you die painlessly, but you are responsible for yourself, so no wonder I'll give up your limbs today."

After breaking an arm, Bai Zifan lost nearly half of his fighting power, and he was not Xie Yunfeng's opponent at this time.

Xie Yunfeng's attack is extremely vicious, and he doesn't give Bai Zifan any chance to fight back at all. He keeps beating Bai Zifan, and Bai Zifan can only defend passively.


There was another slight noise, and Bai Zifan's other hand drooped.

"Ha ha ha, boy, your fate is in my hands in time. Come with me!" Xie Yunfeng went up and knocked Bai Zifan unconscious, carried him on his shoulder and disappeared beside the pond.

Bai Zifan lost most of his fighting power and was not Xie Yunfeng's opponent at all.

"Am I really going to die?" Bai Zifan's last thought appeared in his mind and then passed out.

It wasn't long before baizifan woke up. The sharp pain on his body made him show his teeth.

"Where is this?" Bai Zifan tried to open his eyes and saw him in an antique room.

In the center of the room placed a large Dan stove, in Dan stove beside also placed a lot of herbs.

"Boy, are you awake?" A familiar and strange voice reminds Bai Zifan.

Bai Zifan looked along the voice and found that it was Xie Yunfeng and there were two strong men beside him. Both of them gave Bai Zifan a very dangerous feeling.

"Xie Yunfeng, what do you want to do?" Bai Zifan asked.

Xie Yunfeng sneered and said“ Bai Zifan, since you want to know what I'm going to do, I'll tell you. "

"Have you ever heard of destiny? Destiny is a group of people who are favored by heaven. These people will take the place of the way of heaven to do things that are inconvenient for the way of heaven, so they are called destiny. "

"And you are a destiny."

Bai Zifan didn't realize that he was the destiny,

"The destiny person has great fortune, which can make the destiny person go with the wind and the water all the time. Unless they meet another destiny person, their fortune will be temporarily blocked until one party wins, and after the winning party, another person's fortune will be added."

"Then the destiny of this one will reach an unprecedented height, and when he meets other destiny, he will start a new round of competition."

"Because of the great fortune of every destiny person, everyone will get the chance to go against the heaven in his life. The destiny person is powerful one by one. As long as his growth is not hindered, after he grows up, he will be a person that everyone needs to look up to."

Bai Zifan frowned and then asked“ What do you want to do? Since I am a destiny, why do you want to arrest me? What is your purpose? "

Xie Yunfeng said with a smile“ Hahaha, the most precious and enviable thing about the destiny people is their Qi luck. As early as a few months ago, I had calculated that a destiny person came back to kill me. After knowing all this, I started to decorate. As soon as you appeared, I would grab you and deprive you of Qi luck. "

"Deprive of Qi and fortune? Can Qi luck deprive you Bai Zifan was shocked.

"Of course, although the destiny is powerful, as long as I temporarily block the Qi Movement in his body, block it, finally extract it, and then pour it into me, then I will be the destiny, and I will do justice for heaven." Xie Yunfeng's expression is crazy.

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