"Who? Who is it? "

A little light appeared on the other side of the Dan stove, like a firefly, and the light became bigger and bigger. When it reached the size of a goose egg, it stopped, and then a burst of white smoke came out, finally forming an old man.

The old man has starry eyes, sword eyebrows, white hair and beard. It's not too much to describe the old man.

"Who are you?" Bai Zifan looked at the old man with his eyes full of vigilance. After all, he was not proud of any mistakes in this situation.

The old man stroked his long white beard and said kindly“ Old man, master of xuantianzong, Liu Changqing

Bai Zifan's eyes were full of shock.

"Are you Li Mingru's uncle?" Bai Zifan said.

Liu Changqing nodded“ Yes, I'm the one you're looking for. "

Bai Zifan looked puzzled“ Do you know I'm here for you? "

Liu Changqing said“ Yes, you are sent by ru'er. However, ru'er has been killed. Xie Yunfeng killed her. This time you come here to find me and let me punish the villains of Xuantian gate, right

Bai Zifan nodded dully“ Yes, you're right. How do you know? "

Liu Changqing hummed coldly“ Xie Yunfeng, that villain, I have known for a long time that he has a bad heart. I didn't expect that things have come to this stage. "

"Then why not kill him earlier? And leave him to harm people in the world? "

Liu Changqing said helplessly“ Many things I have known for a long time. When ru'er was alive, I knew Xie Yunfeng was going to kill her. Even if Xie Yunfeng wanted to kill me, I knew it, but I didn't resist. Do you know why? "

Bai Zifan frowned slightly and said after a while“ Is it to comply with destiny? "

Liu Changqing nodded“ Yes, fortune tellers are human beings. They just know what is going to happen in advance. If they comply with the destiny, maybe nothing will happen. But if they violate it, the consequences will be unimaginable, and even bring great sin. They will pester you all the time, so my brother of xuantianmen must not violate the destiny until he has to. "

"And I've been following the destiny all my life, and I know it can't be violated." Liu Changqing's eyes are as vast as stars at this moment.

"Master, why are you here this time?" For this kind of person, baizifan is still very admire, just with that generous determination to die, let baizifan admire.

Liu Changqing hears speech and turns his eyes to Bai Zifan“ I'm here because of you. "

Bai Zifan was puzzled“ For me? Is it because I'm a destiny? "

Liu Changqing nodded“ That's right. You are destiny. You have great luck. These luck are not just words. "

Bai Zifan asked“ Elder, Xie Yunfeng has arranged a dragon guiding and sky locking array outside, saying that it can temporarily isolate my Qi luck from the way of heaven, then deprive me of my Qi luck, and then become the destiny of heaven. "

Liu Changqing snorted coldly, and the murderous spirit appeared in his eyes,

"I didn't expect that this evil animal had learned the formation of leading the dragon to lock the sky. He was really brave."

"Master, is it troublesome to lead the dragon to lock the sky?" Bai Zifan asked with some worry in his heart.

Liu Changqing said“ That's not true. It's very easy to crack the Dragon lock formation. It's to destroy it before it's set up. If it's set up, it's just a little tricky. "

"In fact, the most important thing of the leading dragon to lock the sky array is to ensure that the destiny person stays in one place for a fixed period of seven days, during which time he will deprive the destiny person of his Qi. So if you leave the Danlu, then he has no way to take you."

Hearing this, Bai Zifan finally breathed a sigh of relief“ It turns out that I can't stay here for seven days. "

"Yes, you have to get out of here." Liu Changqing said seriously.

Bai Zifan heard the bitter smile on his face“ Master, you asked me to leave. I really want to leave, but now I can't go anywhere in this Dan furnace. The Dan furnace is very big and the wall is very thick. I can't open it at all. "

Liu Changqing felt a meaningful smile on his face“ You don't have to worry about that. I knew a long time ago that you would encounter this disaster. What I can do is to prepare myself without violating the law of heaven. "

Liu Changqing then moved his body, behind Liu Changqing was a pile of medicinal materials, Liu Changqing pointed to the pile of medicinal materials.

Baizifan doesn't doubt him. After all, nothing is worse than now. Baizifan comes to the pile of medicinal materials and picks it up. After a while, baizifan takes out a small package from it.

"Take it out and open it. There's something I've prepared for you." Liu Changqing said on one side.

Bai Zifan stretched out his hand to open the package“ Huh? Pistol? AK? And grenades? My God, master, you have this thing? Where did they all come from? "

Bai Zifan had to be surprised. After all, these things were taken out by an old man. It was incredible to think about it.

"I think you can use all of these, so I'll put them in. But it's not the best thing. The best thing is still in it."

Liu Changqing has a painful look on his face.

Bai Zifan's heart gradually began to look forward to something that could make xuantianmen's ancestors feel painful. We can see how precious this thing is.

Thinking of this, Bai Zifan immediately rummaged inside and soon found a box the size of a fist.

"What is this?" After Bai Zifan opened it, he found that there was a white elixir the size of a grape. The elixir was sending out bursts of fragrance. The taste was a little obsessive.

"This is Xuanyuan pill. It took me a lifetime to refine it. At this point, what's the function? You'll know when you eat it."

Liu Changqing is not willing to say more, but from his eyes, we can see how reluctant he is to this ammunition.

Baizi, who did not doubt him, took Xuanyuan pill and threw it into his mouth. As soon as he threw it into his mouth, the pill gave off a kind of sweet taste. It melted in the mouth and produced fluid in the mouth.

After melting, Xuanyuan pill continuously flows down from Bai Zifan's throat, and the strong efficacy flows to all parts of the body along the blood vessels.

Gradually, Bai Zifan found that Xuanyuan pill had repaired his injury and broadened his channels.

And with the thorough absorption of efficacy, baizifan found that his Qi and blood reached an unprecedented height“ It's a terrible medicine. How amazing is this pill? "

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