Before Lin Bo finished his words, he was hit on the wall by Huangshi.


"Cough!" Berlin's old blood spurted out, and the whole person was depressed a lot.

Wu Tao looks like he used to check Lin Bo's injury, but under the pressure of Chang Hu, he doesn't dare move at all, for fear that he will be killed if he moves.

"Master didn't ask you." Yellowstone light said.

Zhu Xiao came forward and said“ Huangshi, are you going too far? Although he is the servant of younger martial brother Wu Tao, he is old after all. You may kill him like this. "

Huangshi snorted coldly“ Hum, what if I kill you? The master didn't ask him, but he came out by himself, that is to seek death. "

Zhu Xiao looks a little bit like that“ You... "

At this time, Chang Hu yelled“ That's enough. Is it disgraceful? "

Two people by this drink, immediately no words, two people hate to see each other.

Chang Hu took a look at Wu Tao and said“ Wu Tao, I won't pursue the matter that you didn't kill Baizi. "

Wu Tao was overjoyed at the news“ Thank you, martial uncle

Chang Hu's words changed and he said“ I came here because of one thing, that is, the sect is going to hold a bloody battle meeting, and its fundamental purpose is to let Bai Zifan come to participate in the competition, and then my qingtianzong disciples will kill him in the competition, so that my qingtianzong's lost reputation will come back. "

"Although I don't pursue your responsibility, you should find a way to let Bai zifana participate in the competition."

Wu Tao's face is a little ugly when he hears about the bloody battle meeting. At that time, many sects will come to fight, because the bloody battle meeting represents the honor of the clan. Generally, the clan who won the top prize in the competition will also benefit greatly, so many sects will send people to fight.

But it's normal for people to die in this competition. People who lose on stage will be killed in all likelihood, and only a few people can survive.

So before the game will sign a game of life and death regardless of life and death.

Wu Tao frowned and asked weakly“ Martial uncle, that white son fan certainly won't attend. "

Chang Hu's brow twists, and his face looks unhappy. He looks at Wu Tao with a murderous look in his eyes“ You asked me? Are you rubbish? "

Listen to Chang Hu suddenly drink, frighten Wu Tao whole body a shiver, low head hastily say“ It's the disciple who is wrong, it's the disciple who is wrong. I'll go and find a way to let Bai Zifan participate in the bloody battle meeting. "

Chang Hu then cheered“ Go away

Wu Tao turned and picked up Lin Bo's wine jar on the ground, then put it in front of Chang Hu“ Martial uncle, I know you like to drink. I have a jar of daughter Hong for more than 100 years, which is given by my disciples. "

Changhu smell speech in front of a bright, slightly nodded.

Wu Tao just walked out of the door and asked Lin Bo“ Are you all right, Mr. Lin? "

Berlin shook his head“ I'm fine. Huangshi didn't kill me, or I'll die. "

Wu Tao's face is a little better.

"Young master, do you have a way to get that white boy fan to participate in the bloody battle meeting?" Asked Lin Bo.

Wu Tao shook his head“ Now there's no way to do it. We have to go one step at a time

After the news of Bai Zifan in the Golden Coast came out, he started to build the golden coast while the iron was hot. Luo Tian has also come up with the name of the new bar.

"Sweetie, how's our ghost bar doing now?" Bai Zifan asked.

The reason why it is called ghost bar is because of the previous events. This is a gimmick. Only when there is hype can there be people.

People flow represents business.

Luo sweet smell speech this just say“ The bar has entered the final stage of layout. I believe it will be open in another day or two. "

Bai Zifan nodded.

Two days later, the ghost bar held an opening ceremony. A lot of dignitaries and dignitaries came to the ceremony. A large part of them came here because of Wu Mengmeng, and some tycoons like Zhou Fucai also came to celebrate.

And these people come also let those who want to make trouble are quite afraid, this is a kind of shock.

For a time, the ghost bar was pushed to the top of the storm again.

Luo Tian is wearing a long blue skirt. She looks elegant, especially the smile on her face.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the ghost bar that you have been looking forward to is open today. Thank you for your support. If there is any place that is not well taken care of in the future, please ask Haihan. If there is something wrong, please point it out. We will actively repair it until you are satisfied."

"We open today, all drinks are 70% off!"

As soon as Luo Tian's voice fell, everyone cheered.

That night, Luo Tian calculated today's gross income, and even she couldn't believe it.

"Zifan, Zifan, you see, this is our gross income today." Luo Tian takes the computer and puts it in front of Bai Zifan.

"See? Zifan, we've succeeded. Today's gross income is actually 7 million yuan, and that's because we've got a 70% discount. If our reputation goes out in the future, it's not a problem that our gross income will be more than 10 million yuan a day. "

A smile appeared on Bai Zifan's face“ Xiaotiantian, this is just the first day, and it will go up every day in the future. What's more, Jianghai city nearby hasn't got any news yet. You see, I believe it won't be long before the ghost bar will become a bar known to all. "

Luo Tian looks at Bai Zifan affectionately“ Zifan, thank you. If it wasn't for you, I would never have realized my dream in my whole life. Thank you

Luo Tian hugs Bai Zifan and kisses him on the forehead.

Bai Zifan's heart is a little strange, that kind of feeling is like ants crawling on the heart, crisp.

"Zi fan, don't worry. I will manage our bar well and never let you down. I will also give the money of Meng Meng, Xiao Rong, Miao Yan and Gu Nian to them according to your requirements."

Bai Zifan nodded“ Well, I believe you. "

On the way back, Bai Zifan and Luo Tian meet some people who are familiar with Bai Zifan.

"You must be Bai Zifan? It's really thundering. " A young man with a smile on his face, but it looks uncomfortable, looks at Bai Zifan and asks.

Although this person Bai Zifan does not know, but after seeing the next green Luo, he has guessed the identity of this person.

"Look at you, you are beautiful and handsome. You must be the best among the scum, the beast among the beasts, and the Sirius Wu Tao?"

Originally, Wu Tao listened to the compliment, and his face was tinged with complacency, but later his face became more and more ugly.

"You want to die!" Next to the green Luo face a cold, will toward baizifan rushed over, but was blocked down by Wu Tao.

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