The two of them were very busy.

"Dog slave, let's not take the official road now, let's take another road."

Situ Kong poked his head out of the carriage and took a look at the smooth official road outside. Farmers and merchants came and went, and even some people were setting up stalls. It looked harmonious.

It had been two days since they set out from Chang'an. Wu Linyue arranged a dog slave and several personal guards to accompany Situ Kong, and Situ Kong also brought Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao.

Xiaozhao and Situ Kong sat in the carriage, and Xiaoyan rode the horse with the dog slave outside. That's how they came all the way.

"This... Emperor, why don't you take the official road? The official road is big and wide. It's not easy to take other roads."

The dog slave asked with some confusion.

"Master told you to go, so you go. Why are you talking so much~"

Without Situ Kong saying anything, Xiaoyan, who was following the dog slave outside, started to teach the dog slave a lesson.

"Hey~ You little follower, I am the captain of the guard of His Majesty. How dare you talk to me like that?"

The dog slave glared at Xiaoyan.

"I don't know what the captain of the guard is. I only know that you are a groom now. As a groom, you should listen to the master and don't ask so many questions!"

Xiaoyan was not afraid of the dog slave and glared back.


Situ Kong and Xiao Zhao in the carriage were amused by the interaction between the two outside.

With these two people, the road would not be boring.

The dog slave changed a road from the official road. The road was much narrower and a little difficult to walk, but it was still passable for the carriage.

Not long after the road was changed, Situ Kong poked his head out to look.

There was no longer the bustling scene on the official road. Instead, ragged beggars could be seen holding a tattered bowl and looking expectantly at passers-by beside the road. There were also some old people wearing patched clothes carrying children picking up grains in the harvested rice fields. They were skinny and looked miserable.

"Dog slave, did you see this? This is not a scene on the official road."

Situ Kong sighed softly.

On the way from Dihuazhou to Chang'an, he was curious why he could not see the figures of poor people. Could it be that Wu Linyue had cured the problems after the war in such a short time?

Obviously, no.

Because these poor people were driven to the other side by the local officials arranged by Wu Linyue, so as not to affect the image on the official road.

"How could this happen..."

The dog slave looked at everything in front of him with a dazed look. Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao had complicated expressions, but they were also glad that they met a master like Situ Kong and did not experience these hardships.

"Let the carriage go faster, and go back and talk to your majesty as soon as possible."

Situ Kong retracted his gaze, he couldn't bear to continue watching.

Now what he wanted most was to go to Dihuazhou as soon as possible to see what Dihuazhou has become now.

After a few days of rushing, Situ Kong finally saw the boundary mountain of Dihuazhou.

Although the road was dug up and had obvious changes from the past, the original appearance would always appear in Situ Kong's mind when he set foot on this land, and merge with the scenery in front of him.


Situ Kong took a breath suddenly, and there was a burning heat flowing in his chest.

This is the breath of his hometown, the place where he was born and raised.

"Master, what's wrong with you..."

Xiao Zhao saw Situ Kong's changes and thought he was sick, so he asked nervously.

"I'm fine, I just returned to my hometown, and I can't suppress my emotions."

Hearing Situ Kong's words, Xiao Zhao and Xiao Yan fell silent.

Along the way, they also passed their hometowns. Their names, Xiao Yan, came from Yan State, Xiao Zhao, came from Zhao State... However, they did not have the same moving sense of belonging as Situ Kong.

The two of them couldn't help but feel ashamed.

"Hurry up and go in. It's hot outside. It will be cool in the mountains."

Situ Kong urged.

The dog slave wiped the sweat from his forehead and rode his horse into Dihuazhou quickly.

Along the way, Situ Kong kept comparing the changes in Dihuazhou.

Not only did the road become wider, but there were also many more people traveling on the road. I think the citizens also began to communicate with the outside world and integrated into the outside world.

"There are so many unfamiliar faces. I don't know if the people can accept them..."

Situ Kong was still worried that his people would be xenophobic, but as the carriage entered Dihuazhou

, he gradually relaxed.

It turned out that these people came here to buy fruits. At this time, the fruits of Dihuazhou have become hot commodities and are deeply loved.

"Your Majesty?"

"Is it Your Majesty?"

"It's really Your Majesty! Your Majesty is back!"

The carriage passed by the square, and everyone looked over with the puzzled voice of a woman selling fruits.

A beautiful face appeared in the window of the luxurious carriage. The clear and bright eyes hit people's hearts directly, and the smile on the corner of her mouth warmed people's lungs.

Who else can make people so fascinated and nostalgic at first sight except their Majesty? !

"Hehe, hello everyone, long time no see..."

Situ Kong laughed, his eyebrows and eyes lit up, which was his joy from the bottom of his heart.

Everyone stopped doing business, or left a message to the customers saying "Take it yourself, just pay as you see", and then they gathered in front of the carriage.

"Your Majesty, can you come back now?"

"It's good to come back. I think Chang'an is definitely not as good as our Dihua Kingdom!"


Listening to the chatter of his former citizens, Situ Kong laughed happily, but felt helpless.

"Everyone, be quiet, ah, um..."

Situ Kong made a gesture to silence, and everyone immediately fell silent, very unified, just like at the harvest meeting, "I am no longer your Majesty, so don't call me your Majesty anymore. If someone with ulterior motives tells His Majesty Emperor Wu, it will cause me trouble. Also, this is Dihua Prefecture, not Dihua Kingdom, um?"

"Got it!"

Everyone nodded and responded in unison.

"Okay, I came back for something to do. If any of you have nothing to do, help me go up the mountain to dig some medicinal herbs~"

"We all have nothing to do!"

"Haha, okay, I'll leave it to you."

Situ Kong shook his head helplessly.

Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao looked at Situ Kong with more and more admiration.

He was not only a gentle master, but also a friendly king...

Soon, word spread, and many former Dihua people came one after another. Except for those who really couldn't spare time, the elderly and children all wanted to help Situ Kong go up the mountain to dig herbs.

This grand scene shocked many passers-by who came to Dihuazhou to buy fruits. Even the officials left in Dihuazhou by Wu Linyue had never seen such a positive side of the relaxed Dihua people. They once thought that they were going to gather together for rebellion!

Just when she was very scared, she received the secret order from the dog slave, and then she was relieved.

As the former imperial censor, the former Dihua officials of Li Shi could not sit still. They tossed their bodies that had not been exercised for a long time, brought fruits and food to the mountain, and came with Situ Kong and the people to replicate the grand occasion of the harvest meeting.

Eating fruits and drinking wine,

Laughter and singing linger in the mountains, and relaxation and joy wave in the wind.

Harmony and comfort, endless joy.


On the other side, Wu Linyue received an urgent secret letter from Dihuazhou. After reading it, he frowned silently and threw the secret letter in his hand to the counselor behind him, Dongfang Shi.

"Your Majesty, the people and officials of Dihuazhou are not really subservient to Your Majesty. The Your Majesty in their hearts is only Situ Kong. Gathering together and openly calling the second person Your Majesty can be considered as a rebellion..."

Dongfang Shi bent down, looked at Wu Linyue's gradually gloomy face, and continued, "Your Majesty, do you still remember that it was Situ Kong who proposed to cut soldiers and generals? Now many soldiers and generals have been cut and let go in the countryside. If Situ Kong kills our governor who stayed in Dihuazhou and leads troops to rebel, we can't react at all. It is impossible to gather soldiers in a short time!"

"Your Majesty, Dihuazhou is now recruiting more and more people, and these people are being assimilated by the original citizens of Dihua State. They worship Situ Kong very much. The degree of this worship is no different from that of a dead soldier! Such a force is really a potential threat!"

Wu Linyue tilted her head slightly, her face stern, and said in a cold voice,

"Although I am a little angry, you don't have to say it so seriously. Situ Kong... won't rebel."

As long as he stays by my side, he... won't rebel!

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