The old man was so angry that he was beaten.

"Do you dare to scold me again?!"

"Don't dare to provoke me, I won't provoke you again~"

Situ Kong curled up into a small ball, looking at Wu Linyue with horror in his eyes.

After an afternoon of whipping, he has deeply experienced the cruelty of this stinking woman.

The soft black hair is messy, and the clear eyes are full of horror.

The body is full of traces left by the evil Wu Linyue. She was very cruel, as if she wanted to mark Situ Kong with a slave mark.

Obviously, this punishment today has indeed left a mark of fear in Situ Kong's heart.

It is estimated that when Situ Kong wants to scold Wu Linyue in the future, he will definitely think of today's tragic scene and shut up honestly.

"Humph, this is the price of scolding me. In the future, you must remember that if I hear you scold me once, I will teach you a lesson once. If I scold you ten times, I will teach you twenty times!"


Isn't it scolding you ten times and teaching you ten times?

Why is it doubled?

Situ Kong was stunned.

"It seems that you don't care much..."

Wu Linyue saw Situ Kong in a daze, and couldn't help but frowned slightly, and her voice was cold and chilling.

"I know, I will never dare to do it again!"

Situ Kong shuddered and trembled when he heard this gloomy voice.

"Go quickly, prepare bath water for me, I want to take a bath."

"But my clothes..."

Situ Kong was a little embarrassed. The clothes he was wearing were already damaged in battle. They could not be called clothes at all. Instead, they looked like a different kind of decoration.

But under Wu Linyue's increasingly sinister gaze, Situ Kong could only stand up aggrievedly, holding his tired body, and limping out.

"Hehe, it looks much better this way."

Wu Linyue looked at Situ Kong's back, and her cold expression slowly dissipated, replaced by a playful look.

In her opinion, Situ Kong, who was wearing the damaged uniform at this time, looked the best, because such a miserable and tragic scene was her masterpiece. The more she looked at it, the higher her sense of accomplishment was.


Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, four days had passed.

Wu Linyue put her hands behind her back, and after leaving the court, she slowly returned to the Qianqing Palace with a big boss style.

When she came to the main hall, Situ Kong ran out of the main hall quickly without her saying anything, and bent down to take off Wu Linyue's shoes.

Seeing this, Wu Linyue smiled with satisfaction.

After taking off the phoenix robe, Situ Kong immediately handed the juice to Wu Linyue with both hands without Wu Linyue's instructions.

Then, he picked up the fan and gently fanned Wu Linyue.

At this moment, Situ Kong's behavior was quite different from before.

"Haha, very good."

Wu Linyue took a sip of juice, closed her eyes, and savored the sweet and sour taste of the juice with satisfaction.

What is family status?

This is called family status! !

"But, Situ Kong, I still like your unruly look before, you should recover."

Wu Linyue opened her eyes, and the arc of the corners of her mouth was full of playfulness.

"Uh, hehe."

Situ Kong smiled, and did not show any anger at Wu Linyue's provocation.

However, Wu Linyue knew that this man was just afraid now because of the short-term sequelae.

This is also the case. The events of the past few days have had too much impact on Situ Kong. His mind is now in a mess. Although the physical pain has recovered, the remaining memories will always keep burning when he sees this smelly woman, as if reminding him...

Don't, don't anger her! !

Of course, although he has physical and psychological trauma, Situ Kong is essentially a strong person. Now it is just a short-term compromise. He is still cursing this woman in his heart.

Stinky, stinky, extremely stinky!

These words did not come out of Situ Kong's mouth, but they will always echo in his heart.

"Situ Kong, the banquet will be tonight. Are you ready for what you are going to do?"

"Your Majesty, I am ready."

Situ Kong nodded, and cursed Wu Linyue in his heart.

"Okay, do you want a reward?"

Wu Linyue put down the cup,

His eyes were frivolous, and he looked at Situ Kong's neck with a meaningful smile.


Situ Kong, who had just cursed the other party in his heart, became alert and subconsciously leaned back, ready to escape at any time.

"Your Majesty, I don't need this reward. Your Majesty should keep it for others."

"You don't want this reward?"

Wu Linyue put one hand on the recliner and looked at Situ Kong frivolously. Her heroic and beautiful face looked a little evil and charming in this state.


Situ Kong firmly did not need this so-called reward.

This is not a reward, it's a deadly knife!

"That's a pity. I originally wanted to let the dog slave guards follow you. Under their protection, you can travel with more peace of mind in the future. Since you don't want it, forget it."

Wu Linyue leaned lazily on the recliner and sighed with a regretful tone.


Situ Kong was stunned for a moment, "Your Majesty, you are not joking, are you?"

"Do I look like a liar?"


Situ Kong was silent.

"I am not joking, but if you don't need it..."

"Yes, Your Majesty, I need it very much!"

Situ Kong became excited.

He was bored to death, and wanted to leave the Qianqing Palace to play for a while, but he was afraid that he would be killed in seconds if he left the Qianqing Palace.

So he needed a strong guard to protect him.

The guards of Gounu must be very strong. They may not be able to protect him to Dihuazhou safely, but at least they are more than enough to protect him in Chang'an.

"But you rejected my kindness, I am very sad~"


You are sad for no reason!

Situ Kong glanced at Wu Linyue, who looked like she wanted to be beaten, with displeasure for a moment, but soon he hid his displeasure in his eyes.

"Your Majesty, I'm sorry. It's Situ Kong who failed your kindness. Please don't mind it."

"Hehe, if you know you're wrong, I can give it to you, but I need you to do something..."

"Your Majesty, what's the matter?"

Hearing this, Situ Kong became alert again. What this stinky woman said must be very insulting to him.

However, Situ Kong still wanted to get the protection of a guard, so he could listen to what the other party said for the time being.

"Your voice is very nice, especially four days ago..."

Hearing this, Situ Kong couldn't help but frown in disdain, even if he had hidden his disgust well in the past few days. This stinky woman, in addition to being good at fighting, had disgusting things in her mind.

"That's it. When I think back on these days, I always feel a little regretful that I didn't hear you say some nice words in my ear, so I plan to make up for this..."

Wu Linyue's eyes were full of aftertaste, "I don't need you to do anything, I just hope you can call me sister in my ear with a nice voice..."


Why don't you say I call you mom?

Such an insulting thing, and I have to deliberately change my voice to call you sister...

Why don't you go to heaven?

Situ Kong was very unhappy in his heart. This kind of insulting thing,

I, Situ Kong,

even if I jump down from the main hall door, I won't say a word! !


[Free gifts, please, elders]

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