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"Ouch, oh my God."

The next day, Situ Kong walked out of the house in white and pale form. His mental state was like a flower withered by the sun, and he looked like he had suffered a lot.

"Wu Linyue, this beast..."

Recalling the storm last night, Situ Kong felt aggrieved and angry.

He had obviously explained many times that he did not write this song, but Wu Linyue just didn't believe it.

It wasn't until Situ Kong's eyes were dizzy and he felt like he was half dead that he lied and said that he created this song and wrote it to Wu Linyue. Then the other party became gentle and let go. passed him.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I really didn't mean to lie. If I didn't lie, I would have died!"

Situ Kong repented in his heart. He was a decent person who didn't like lying, but today, when he realized that his life was being damaged, he had to lie against his will.

"Lord Situ Kong?!"

Xiaoyan and Xiao Zhao who were waiting outside Qianqing Palace saw Situ Kong weakly holding on to the wall and ran over excitedly to help Situ Kong.

"Woooooo, we thought Lord Situkong had left us forever, but we didn't expect Lord Situkong to still be alive. It's so easy to mess with~"

"What are you talking about? Just..."

Situ Kong glanced at the dog slave behind Xiaoyan and Xiao Zhao, and immediately stopped talking.

Dog slaves are nice people, but they like to snitch.

It's okay to talk to the two little followers about some things. They won't let out what he said, but the dog slave is different. Her first master will always be Wu Linyue, and her second master will always be Wu Linyue. It's him...

"Let's go, help me prepare the medicinal materials, dog slave, you come and send people to deliver the medicinal materials to the houses of various officials..."

Under Situ Kong's command, the group began to get busy.



A gorgeously dressed middle-aged woman sat at the main seat in the hall, looking with a strange expression on her face as her wife beamed and handed the banknotes to the dog slaves who had brought the medicinal materials.

After the others left, Lieutenant Gao frowned, "Madam, what are you doing? Is it useful to buy so many weird things at once?"

"Who says it's useless? This is the magic medicine I told you. Liang Zhongshu, your comrade-in-arms, her third husband told me, and now Liang Zhongshu is extremely strong~"

With a little envy in the man's eyes, he looked at the dark medicine in his hand, valuing it like a treasure.

"I see, you were deceived by the emperor. If it was useful, would Liang Zhongshu not tell me?"

The woman curled her lips and felt a little sorry for her man's waste of money. Although she was no longer short of money, she rarely did things like today, where she squandered hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

The most important thing is that she thinks this is a scam!

"Haha, if people know this medicine is good, why would they tell you? They wish you would be a waste for the rest of your life. You have to know that your second youngest wife was staring at her all the time on the night of the banquet. You can't help it. , people will be happy to help you.”

"This... don't talk nonsense. We are comrades in arms. Do you know what comradeship is?"

The woman coughed awkwardly. It was very uncomfortable for him to be looked down upon by his man. He felt like he couldn't hold his head up every day.

"Madam, don't spend money randomly in the future. We have money at home, but we don't want to waste it. Nowadays, a fever can kill almost half a life. Who can develop such a good medicine?"

"Okay, okay, if it doesn't work, I won't spend money randomly. You should first follow the treatment requirements and use two courses of treatment..."


Captain Gao shook his head. She didn't believe in this medicine. After all, the current medicine couldn't even cure a fever, let alone the body.

On this day, there were many officials who had the same idea as Captain Gao.

However, at the request of their men, they still took the medicine obediently.

And on the sixth day...

Something happened that shocked the entire court.

In the solemn, vast and splendid court hall, Wu Linyue had just ascended the hall when she saw several officials below with impatient expressions.

"Lieutenant Gao, Liang Zhongshu...what's wrong with you? Are you feeling sick in your stomach?"

Wu Linyue leaned on the phoenix chair and asked the people in the audience with some curiosity.

"Your Majesty, haha, I am not feeling uncomfortable, but..."

General Gao smiled awkwardly and raised his head. His face was much rosier than before, and he looked very energetic, as if he had returned to the days when he followed Wu Linyue to rebel against his imprisoned mother, control the world's troops, traveled through nine countries, and unified China.

"Oh? Haha, it seems that Kong'er's medicine is very useful to you~"

Wu Linyue said with a smile. From her eyes, it can be seen that she is really happy. Situ Kong's medicine is really useful, and the effect is stronger than imagined.

"Hey, Your Majesty, I want to ask how much medicine the Emperor has left. I want to place an order for 100!"

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, let me come first. I have been through life and death, and my body has many hidden diseases. I need this medicine! Please give me 50 orders first!"

"Your Majesty, I want them all!"


The solemn and dignified court, at this moment, actually scrambled for the medicine brought by Situ Kong, arguing with red faces and ears, just like a vegetable market.

Wu Linyue was not displeased to see this scene, but was happy to see officials scrambling like this.

"Hey, why do you want all of them? Your official position is lower than mine. You are a marquis and I am a duke. The duke should buy first!"

"Hmph, why are you pretending? Aren't you just lucky enough to take a few more cities than me? In the charge, I am much better than you!"


Hearing the quarrel between her former right-hand man and left-hand man, Wu Linyue laughed very happily.

"Okay, okay, okay, don't argue."

When Wu Linyue's voice appeared, the officials who were arguing with red ears fell silent. "You want to buy more, there is no way, because Kong'er doesn't have much medicine. As for the remaining medicine, Kong'er said that the highest bidder wins!"

"Your Majesty, I want 30,000 taels per order!"

"50,000 per order!"

"100,000 per order!"


The noise of competition intensified. The order started from 10,000 taels of silver and rose directly to 200,000 taels of silver. In order to compete for these medicines, everyone didn't feel sorry for the money at all, and even felt like fighting.

"Where did Kong'er learn these marketing methods that can really make officials spend money like this... I have to reward him well when I go back."

Wu Linyue watched the officials competing to compare prices from above, but in her heart she was thinking about rewarding Situ Kong.

After all, how can such a charming little man not be rewarded~


On the other side


Situ Kong, who was tinkering in the imperial kitchen of the palace, shuddered suddenly. For some reason, he felt a chill all around him at this moment, which gave him goose bumps.

"Master Situ Kong, what's wrong with you?"

The two little followers asked curiously when they saw Situ Kong shrinking his neck and sucking in cold air.

"Nothing, I just suddenly felt a chill, as if... I was stared at by a very disgusting thing."

"Huh? There is such a thing."

The little followers looked at each other with surprised expressions.

"Never mind, let's do our job first. Next, we have to open the pockets of these Wuguo citizens. The money in their pockets is much more than that of the landlords in other places!"

"Master Situ Kong, can this little thing really make them hand over the money obediently?"

Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao looked at Situ Kong and tinkered with the yellow-green powder into small cubes, and asked curiously.

Situ Kong raised his eyebrows and smiled, his eyes shining with confidence, which were enough to fascinate people when they looked at each other.

"Of course, they have never eaten such good things in their lives. Now they have money and are willing to spend it... I believe that after eating a bite, they will not be able to stop!"


While the officials were fascinated by the drugs, the people of Chang'an, Wu State, were also ready to face the harvest of another thing......................

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