At a small dam, naked women kept jumping into the water at the mouth of the dam, like ducks flying in the air, young and old, extremely happy.

In the shade farther away, some people were fishing and chatting, eating sweet and sour fruits and drinking wine brewed by their own emperor, so comfortable.

"Oh, thank you."

A strong woman asked the fisherman for a sip of wine and sour fruit, and respectfully walked towards the cold woman sitting in the shade behind her.

"My Lord, here."

If Situ Nan was here, he would definitely recognize that the woman called "My Lord" was the bandit who teased him!

Although she changed her luxurious clothes and changed her high ponytail into a different hairstyle, her cold and sharp eyes could not be changed.

"Hmm~ It tastes good, sweet and mellow at the beginning, and a little sweet and sour after passing through the throat, which is very suitable for cooling off."

A glimmer of light flashed in the woman's sharp eyes. She has traveled through ten countries, and only two countries' wines can make her admire them.

"My lord, I heard from the people of Dihua that this wine was made by their male emperor. The name is...sour plum soup."

"What a sour plum soup!"

The woman drank it in one gulp, looking at the empty gourd with unsatisfied eyes.

As if she remembered what happened a few days ago, the corner of the woman's mouth curled up and she sneered, "Hehe."

"Dog slave, have you investigated what I told you to do?"

"My Lord, I have already investigated."

The dog slave looked at the woman's stern expression and became more respectful. "The population of Dihua Country is about 60,000, the population is estimated to be 300,000, and the army is 20,000. But I have found in the past few days that the people of Dihua Country are very united and love their emperor very much. If their emotions are aroused, these 300,000 people, men, women, young and old, will take up arms and all the people will be soldiers!"

All the people will be soldiers?

The woman raised her eyebrows slightly.

She was not afraid of these 300,000 people becoming soldiers. She had traveled through ten countries and killed more than a million people. How could she be afraid of these 300,000 people?

She was surprised at how this small Dihua Country could have such a strong national cohesion.

"This place is poor and has bad water. When the Zhou Dynasty was strong, it was mostly a gathering place for wild people and a place for exile of criminals. There are many miasma and poisonous substances. It is amazing that there are 300,000 people here."

No one would want this place if it was given to them. Even Princess Zhao was unwilling to set foot in it. Who would have thought that it could develop to such an extent.

"My Lord, I heard that the emperor of Dihua Kingdom was very talented and knowledgeable about plants. When he was a child, he sent people to other countries to introduce crops and fish products, making the fruits and fish products here extremely rich. When Zhao Kingdom had not perished, foreign trade with Zhao Kingdom had always been in an advantageous position."

"Hehe, he is really a strange man~"

When the dog slave talked about the man, the woman's cold expression disappeared and she couldn't help laughing, as if this man could easily make her happy.

The dog slave looked at his master in a daze.

She had seen such a relaxed smile on the master's face twice today. Accompanying this woman, the dog slave knew very well that his master was fierce and cold, and his smile would make people shudder. It was extremely rare to see the master showing a relaxed smile.

And today's two smiles were all because of a man from Dihua Country.

"Master, tomorrow is the harvest meeting of Dihua Country. The king of Dihua Country will participate. Should we go back or go and take a look?"

The dog slave asked tentatively.

"There is no hurry to go back. Nine countries have been destroyed. What's wrong with relaxing? Let's go and take a look for the time being."



"Haven't you caught him yet?"

"Your Majesty, no!"

"Why are you shouting so loudly if you haven't? Are you proud?!"

In the courtyard, Situ Kong stretched out his hand and pushed the captain's head.

It has been a few days, and the bandit who insulted him has not been caught. This made Situ Kong so angry that he had no appetite for a few days.

As the king of a country, he was insulted at home and bitten hard. The mark on his neck has not faded yet. Every time he looks in the mirror, Situ Kong feels like he is nailed to the ground.

Like a pillar of shame.

"You shameless guy, don't let me catch you..."

Situ Kong gnashed his teeth, his flawless face was distorted with anger at this time, but to outsiders, he looked fierce, attracting the attention of the attendants present.

Their emperor, so cute~

"Your Majesty, the harvest meeting is about to begin."

The Imperial Censor walked in from the door, looking at Situ Kong's bent mouth and puffy cheeks, he could naturally guess that his emperor was still angry about the assassin, so he reminded him.


Hearing that the harvest meeting was about to begin, Situ Kong's eyes became clear, and he took a deep breath to expel the excess anger with the exhaled carbon dioxide.

The harvest meeting cannot be angry, because the people are watching him.

He wants to express his congratulations on the harvest with a smile and have fun with the people.

"Okay, let's go, tell the officials to prepare things, we'll go!"

The harvest meeting cannot be vague, this is one of the few days when the whole country of Dihua is jubilant.


The Imperial Censor and the Captain of the Guard quickly prepared.

The harvest meeting has not yet begun, but the strong young people of Dihua have gathered in one of the few flat areas in Dihua. They all have a red ribbon tied on their arms, representing the members who will participate in the competition in a while.

The flat ground is already full of fruit plates and drinks. Fruits that are expensive in other countries are placed everywhere here as if they are free of charge and can be tasted.

Looking down the river, the two banks are already full of people, as if all the strong young people of Dihua have gathered beside this main river.

At a glance, it is crowded and lively.

"I wonder if His Majesty will also choose a spouse this year, hehe."

"You wishful thinking, His Majesty is beautiful and noble, we are not worthy of His Majesty."

"You have to think about it, maybe the beautiful His Majesty likes me who is ordinary~"


The noisy conversation of young women came from the crowd, most of them were very curious about whether Situ Kong would choose a spouse this year.

After all, Situ Kong is already old enough to get married, so it attracted discussion among young women.

But unfortunately, since Situ Kong became an adult, he has never been heard to favor that woman, and he is still a virgin.

"Hey, have you heard? His Majesty recently ordered to catch an assassin, maybe that person is with His Majesty..."

"Yes, I heard that His Majesty's neck is red, maybe he was taken advantage of, otherwise His Majesty would not be so angry."

"Damn it, if I catch her, I will sew her hole shut!"

"Humph, even if His Majesty's red lips are tasted by thousands of people, I am willing to take it, that is my beloved His Majesty!"

The "assassin" who was hiding in the crowd eating fruit and drinking wine curled up her lips. She actually felt that this feeling was somewhat pleasant, as if this kind of thing of snatching someone else's love could easily make her feel excited.

"His Majesty is coming!!"

"His Majesty!"

With a shout, the noise paused for a moment, and when they saw that the beautiful male emperor really appeared in front of them, it gathered into a roar of overwhelming waves.

"Hahaha, OK, be quiet."

Situ Kong smiled like the moon, his slender index finger stopped on his palm, and he made a silencing gesture, and the overwhelming roar stopped.

Looking at the burning eyes of his beloved people below the stage, Situ Kong seemed to have an illusion that if he fell, he would become the father of hundreds of children.

"This year, God blesses us again, and all the people work together, and our Dihua country has ushered in another bumper harvest..."

Situ Kong knew that people didn't like to listen to some long and meaningless redundant descriptions, just like when he was a student, he didn't like to watch the leaders talking a lot of nonsense on the stage, so he spoke as briefly as possible and let the meeting begin.

He could feel that these young women couldn't help showing themselves.

"Okay, I won't go into too much detail. The harvest party begins now!"

With a gesture from Situ Kong, the soldiers prepared by the river threw dozens of plump ducks into the river, and the young women with red ropes tied on their shoulders jumped into the river to catch the ducks.

At the same time, a large pile of fruits were also thrown into the river, floating down the river, and countless Chinese people jumped into it.

The scene boiled over at this moment...

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