The moon is about to be full.

"It's going to be full."

Outside Chang'an, it got dark earlier than usual.

Situ Kong rode on a white horse, blinked a few times and looked at the horizon, and could already see a faint outline of the moon.

At this time, he realized that autumn was almost halfway through.

Chang'an is not like Lingnan Reeds. Most of Lingnan has only two seasons, summer and winter, while Chang'an has four distinct seasons.

In autumn, the weather is high and cool, but the temperature drops quickly. Situ Kong also changed into the tight robe that Wu Linyue specially tailored for him to avoid catching a cold.

The splendid and noble, exquisite young man, galloping on the plain, is really eye-catching.

Anyone who appears next to him will be eclipsed.

"Emperor, it's getting late, let's go back."

The dog slaves and their guards have been following Situ Kong not far away, like a group of loyal dogs guarding their masters. When their masters play happily, they are alert to all directions.

"Dog slave, I've said, you can go play with Xiaoyan, you don't have to stay by my side all the time, hehe~"

Situ Kong pulled the horse rope and turned to the dog slave, winking and teasing.

"Emperor, don't laugh at me, Xiaoyan doesn't want to see me."

While the dog slave said, he turned his head to look at Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao who were waiting under the shade of the tree not far away.

As if she noticed the dog slave's sight, Xiaoyan immediately turned her head away and didn't look at the dog slave, but her cheeks flushed.

"Hahaha, you should be bolder. If you like someone, you should say it out loud!"

Situ Kong glanced at the dodging Xiaoyan, and then lowered his voice to continue to say to the dog slave, "Hey, dog slave, I'll give you a chance later, take Xiaoyan."

"Take her down..."

"Yes, take her down!"

Situ Kong clenched his fists and encouraged the dog slave.

"Don't, Emperor, I think this kind of thing is still..."

"Hey~ Xiaoyan and Xiaozhao, let's go back!"

Before the dog slave finished speaking, Situ Kong shouted loudly to the two little followers.

The two quickly packed up the tea and cakes, followed Situ Kong and returned to the palace.

"Ahem, Xiaoyan, now, take her to the imperial horse farm and place her there. This is a horse that I have a good relationship with, and don't mix it with other horses."

When he arrived at the palace, Situ Kong patted the white horse and smiled at Xiaoyan.


Xiaoyan led the horse and walked towards the direction of the imperial horse farm.


Situ Kong gave the dog slave a look.

The dog slave looked embarrassed, but under Situ Kong's "dignified" gaze, he still led his horse and followed Xiaoyan.

"Hey, Xiao Zhao, let's go~"

Situ Kong rubbed his hands, clapped his hands, and laughed triumphantly.

He could only help Xiaoyan and the dog slave to this extent, and the result depended on the dog slave's courage.

If you like someone who loves you, you should say it boldly~

Back in the Qianqing Palace, Situ Kong hummed a little tune. Just as he walked to the main hall, he saw a tall and noble figure sitting on a bench. She looked at the sky in the north with a cold look in her eyes.

"You are happy. Is it fun to be a matchmaker these days?"

Wu Linyue heard Situ Kong's cheerful voice and just glanced at him with her phoenix eyes. She didn't have the greasy look that she used to stick to him like a dog skin plaster when she saw him in the past.

"It's okay, but is there anything bothering your majesty?"

Situ Kong could naturally sense that Wu Linyue was a little bit wrong now, otherwise, she would have come up to him and forced him to call her "Sister Yue" and then hugged and kissed her madly.

"I'm bothered."

Wu Linyue did not answer Situ Kong's question. She uttered two words and fell silent.

Situ Kong's mind moved, and he did not speak. He sat beside Wu Linyue and accompanied her to look at the northern sky.

Wu Linyue was silent, most likely because she was angry, or she was thinking about something, weighing the pros and cons, and then... furious!

Either she was irritable, or she was on the road to being irritable after thinking about things.

Therefore, Situ Kong knew very well that he should not disturb her or leave her side, otherwise it would arouse the sensitive mind of this woman. This was all Situ Kong's little summary after being whipped by Wu Linyue for so long.

It's already... the shape of Wu Linyue.

"Kong'er, do you think we can fight now?"

Wu Linyue was silent for a long time, tilted her head slightly, and pursed her lips with a cold smile.

The arc, obviously she was in a bad mood because of what she was thinking about.

Situ Kong thought of what Wu Linyue said before, pointing to the north, and thought for a while, "We can't fight. It hasn't been long since China was unified. Except for the southern regions such as Nan'an, production in other places has not recovered, and the people have not been able to integrate together... We can't fight."

"But these grassland people have already ridden on my head and shit!"

Wu Linyue suddenly hit the railing, her eyes wide open, as if she realized that she was in a bad mood now, so she reached out and hugged Situ Kong in her arms, and calmed down her anger a little, "I didn't go to find them, but they came to find me."

" "Eh?"

Facing Situ Kong's confused look, Wu Linyue suppressed her anger and continued, "They sent envoys to sign a contract with Wu State like the previous Zhou Dynasty. Wu State must contribute silk, brocade, gold jewelry, cotton, wine and grain to them every year, and they will give them camels, horses, cattle and sheep in return. They will also divide the jurisdiction area. The northern plains are their grazing areas, and the south is Wu State's farming and weaving areas..."

The more she spoke, the more Wu Linyue's clenched fists creaked. When she saw the other side's envoys looking up at her during the court session, she was so angry that she drew her sword and chopped these envoys, and then sent troops to the north.

Fortunately, now she will think about the pros and cons every time she is on the verge of anger, and she has not done such a thing.

"You didn't kill the messengers, did you?"

"No, if you did, I would have sent troops now! Catch her off guard."

"Luckily you held back."

"Huh? Do you think I can't win?!"

Hearing Situ Kong's words, Wu Linyue was unhappy. She narrowed her eyes, looked down at Situ Kong and put her forehead against his, with a look of displeasure on her face.

Not only Situ Kong said this, but most of the officials in the court said this.

Fighting the Xiongnu head-on on the prairie is a decisive battle, which is impossible to win.

The weapons of the opponent's elite troops are made of fine steel, which can cut iron like mud. The soldiers grew up on horseback and have superb riding skills. They perfectly restrained the strongest cavalry of Wu State, not to mention the strong physical fitness of these Huns...


Situ Kong pushed Wu Linyue's forehead away, and Wu Linyue pushed back again. The two played for a while, "You know that the opponent's advantage just beats Wu State's advantage. It is only easy to win if we avoid fighting on the grassland, but these Huns are not stupid. They will never come to give up their cavalry advantage."

"Hello, you really got it right."

Wu Linyue looked at Situ Kong and said a swear word helplessly.

Her concerns were the same as what Situ Kong said.

The opponent would not come at all, just harassing the border of Wu State, coming and going without a trace, just like fighting with a shadow, and could not touch the opponent at all.

So, Wu Linyue endured it and did not lose her temper.

"The White Horse Contract is my lifelong shame!"

Wu Linyue gnashed her teeth, bloodshot eyes bursting out, as if she was going to eat people.

"Don't, don't be angry, wait until next year when you grow up well, change to good horses, increase food production, improve the strength of the army, and defeat the Huns in one fell swoop. It's not too late for a lady to take revenge."

Situ Kong was a little scared by Wu Linyue's cannibalistic look, and started to persuade her.

"Kong'er, I'm so angry!"

"Yes, I'm angry. This kind of shameful thing is anger."

"So angry!"

"Your Majesty, if you are angry, can you stop staring at me? Shouldn't you be angry at the Huns in the north? It has nothing to do with me..."

Wu Linyue was very angry, and a nameless fire seemed to explode.

She looked at Situ Kong with a frightened look in her eyes, which were trembling like a newborn fawn, her moving crystal lips were pink and tender, and her slender white neck was jade-smooth and attractive...

She got even angrier!

Situ Kong immediately realized something was wrong with this blood-red look and trembled.



Situ Kong shrank his neck and swallowed.

He wanted to break free from Wu Linyue's embrace, but the other party's arms had turned into a giant python and entangled him...

"I'm very angry now!"


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