Outside the hundred array forest, Chang Yutang, the governor of literature department, and Ling Hu Feiteng, the governor of military department, have been waiting outside. It was less than an hour before you arrived, but no one came out. They were really puzzled. "Governor Chang, what do you think is the matter?" Linghu Feiteng asked, "you say, the arrangement of this array is extremely wonderful. Basically, you need to break the array alone to move forward. Everyone's strength and understanding of the array are different, so now many people should give up

, why not see a trace? "

Chang Yu Tang frowned and nodded, "that's right! I have participated in the training of baizhenlin in your department several times before.

In the past, it was only in the third year that we had the opportunity to enter the hundred array forest for promotion. At that time, most people were psychics. Even so, there are a lot of people who can't keep going.

Now, none of these enterprisers has come out. Are you trapped in it? "


Linghu Feiteng thought about it and sighed: "this is the only reason. Cough If they want to figure it out, they will have to wait until someone breaks the last layer of the array, or when the time comes, all the arrays will disappear automatically. "

"Ask a question, do you think Sumu can be broken?"

Linghu Feiteng did not speak, but helplessly shook his head.

"So it is Chang Yutang nodded, "few people can break the soul power. Sumu is now the second soul level. To put it bluntly, he is also a bold man. It's strange to break it!"

"Don't say it's none. My second elder sister went to the elder brother and asked Su Mu that he had eaten Bu Hun Dan and had not yet become a soul power man. Now she hasn't come back. Don't you think it's very difficult? "

"Well Come on! No matter whether it is broken or not, it is useless to sappan. You're right. I'm afraid that Su Mu's cultivation will stop here. If so, within a year, there will be students in the martial arts department who can surpass him. "

"What's the matter?"

For a moment, they fell into deep meditation.

"Why? Listen, what's the sound? "

"Boss Su, boss su..."

"This is..."

Two people look at each other, "miso!" They all looked at the hundred array forest.

After a while, a large wave of people came out, and the slogan did not weaken. And Sumu is being carried.

Look at the posture

"When I wipe it, is the sapphire broken? The first one who broke the hundred array forest as a man of courage? "

"Why How is that possible? Do you see that all the students are very happy and support Su Mu so much? Is this a simple worship of him? "


They couldn't believe it.

"Commander Linghu and commander Chang, the elder Sumu is broken. Seven levels of 127 formations, all Sumu are broken!"

It's really broken!

God, since the founding of Tianpu college, the first enterprising person has gone through the hundred array forest!

"My Tianpu college has a talent like Sumu. This is a return to light."

"Sumu, you're a rare talent in ten thousand years!"

The excited two have forgotten the unhappy thing that Su Mu ate Bu Hun Dan and didn't improve. They are all silent in the joy that Su Mu is the first one to break the hundred array forest.

"Linghu and Changdu not only broke themselves, but also led us all to break!"

Someone was shouting again.

"These children, you see, are happier than they are broken."

"Yes, I think it's reasonable for Sumu to be so popular Wait


Chang Yutang's face became serious, and he quickly yelled at the group of students: "what did you say just now?"

"Yes, do you have the guts to say it again?"

Linghu Feixue is more reaction come over, pull a voice to roar a way.

"We say that no matter whether they are from the culture or the martial arts, a total of hundreds of children have gone through the hundred array forest, and we are all broken. Strength is the highest stage of promotion. "



They both fell to the ground after shouting.

"Boss Su, boss su..."

The students no longer talk to each other. They continue to carry Sumu around and shout.


A moment later, Linghu Feiteng and Chang Yutang run toward Su mu, their faces are changeable, excited and angry.

Excitement, of course, is that this is not only the first one who broke the hundred battle lines as a bold man, but also the wonderful achievements of the whole field of students who were unimaginable by predecessors and admired by later generations.

Angry, that's because

"Smelly boy, we have accumulated lingcao pills for three years, so that you can consume them all!"

"In the next three years, those excellent children of our tianpo family who can accept baizhenlin in advance will never have a chance again!"Two people clamor, a will su Mu to pull down.

Su Mu was so tired that he fell asleep on the way and was startled by their actions.

Looking at them hugging him from time to time, scolding him from time to time, and beating him twice from time to time, it's almost impossible for the two monks to touch their heads. It's right that these two heads are short circuited

It was in the evening that the two inspectors took all the people back.

The students go to school to have dinner directly, while Linghu Feiteng and Chang Yutang rush to find Linghu Feixue and tell her today's miracle.

In the canteen, Su Mu is loved by everyone, he did not play the food well, everyone is standing still. It can be seen that in everyone's heart, he is the real boss of the college.

After dinner, Su Mu's hard body really wanted to sleep. In addition, he didn't sleep well last night, so after sending Xia Zihan back, he came to his room and fell asleep

Time passed day by day, and Sumu had classes on time every day.

From time to time, I have to study the colorful jade bracelet on my wrist. I really don't know why this "guarding the door" has such a magical situation when he is trying to collapse and think about problems.

Of course, it's a good thing anyway, just like getting a golden finger.

There must be some unhappy things.

The most fundamental problem is that the strength of Sumu has not been improved at all. Even if Linghu Feixue brings him a bu Hun Dan, it's still useless after eating it. There are also many negative effects. Not to mention the waste of such a good promotion opportunity as baizhenlin, later, in the joint training of Tianpu college every five days, although he is the best in skills and will help the students complete it, he still does not have a small step of promotion.

Looking at others a little bit of strength growth, but they are standing still, feeling inexplicable sour.

However, only Xia Zihan, Zhang Dahai and Bai Feng knew about his stop at the second soul level. The news was not released and was in a hidden state. During this period of time, Su Mu led the students of Tianpu college to break through the hundred array forest, and the incredible deeds that he completed in other training were slowly spread. It has spread from Tianpu college to tianhun college.

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