"This is Zheng Su Su's husband!" Su nuan'er said with satisfaction. Then she put down her hand and returned to the seriousness of thinking. She said: "there are five cities in Xanadu, and their management modes are the same. If you can unify the road of sujiacheng, why not unify the road of wangjiacheng, zhengjiacheng, mojiacheng and qinjiacheng?"

Su Mu stares at Su nuan'er stupidly, and has to say that this woman is really smart and courageous. If you get her, you'll get half a paradise!

"Think about it, gather the power of the whole paradise, and bring benefits to the people in each courtyard. Even if you make the people in the courtyard feel threatened, they have to weigh if they move you. After all, other people in the courtyard don't want you to disappear!"

Hearing this, Su Mu responded with a smile: "you're right, so it's closer to my great cause!"

Su nuan'er nodded with satisfaction, and then said, "of course, this is not enough! As I said before, if you want others to recognize you as a real big parent, in addition to having a unique Kung Fu support, the most important thing is to win the hearts of the people!

It's very simple. Taking from the people and using it for the people is the king's way!

I'll give you some ideas. Take sujiacheng as an example. Have you found that the official staff in charge of each road is called Lu Shou, those in charge of streets are called Jie Shou, and those in charge of urban areas are called Cheng Shou. And what is their role?

Obviously, the role they play is, at best, the responsibility of your outside world superintendent. However, they are only responsible for the stable life of the residents in their respective areas. As for others, although they can also manage them, in fact, all these responsibilities are put on the road leaders of all roads, streets and urban areas. All the expenses such as collecting land stall fees and management fees are paid by these people. These people were finally transferred to the Su family.

Hehe, do you think this kind of people is very similar to the kind of people called "Chengguan" in your outside world? Of course, they have the same reputation. They're just legalized. "

Su Mu thought about it, and suddenly his eyes lit up: "you mean..."

"Yes! Slowly legalize this kind of people, do not need the approval of the people in the courtyard, let the people recognize it! In the future, road guards, street guards and city guards may not exist. If something happens, we can find you to solve it fairly!

In this way, your people will be greatly recovered. In addition, if you spend the money you earn on the people and carry out some projects that benefit the people, I believe that the people will completely accept you and think that only those with rights like you can live in peace of mind!

Finally, you will use all your strength to deal with the people in the big families. Once you get them all back, you're the big parent. Hehe, now the Zheng and Wang families, although the owners don't know that you have won the hearts and minds of some people in these two families, as long as you come forward in time to talk with them, and we add fuel to the flames, they will be easily convinced. "

Su Mu agreed and nodded. The road has been paved, and the rest depends on himself.

Su nuan'er was very happy and said: "in addition, I got to know Su congchen, the head of the Su family in Jiangnan. Although this person's reputation is not very good, we have to say that he is a person with a heart, which can be proved by the analysis of the strange things about your father's illness.

And his principle of doing things is more powerful, on the capable, this is his idea. I think, as long as you show your achievements, you will certainly attract Su congchen's attention before they can figure out your real purpose. Maybe, they will help you secretly, but it's not certain, because you made so much noise in Mong Kok Street before, and they have seen your ability. It's better to let you be a capable person than to let a rubbish stand in the pit

"You're right. They've sent someone to test me. At first, I thought they were because of what my name is associated with, but in fact, that's not the point. To test me, I simply checked whether I had internal power, and then encouraged me to move towards a higher goal. Ha ha, surprisingly, that man also taught me Cheng Yaojin's three axes

"That's right. I didn't expect Su congchen to have such a wise eye for gold!" Su nuan'er thought about it thoughtfully, and then said, "let's try to figure out their next strategy for you.

After you become the boss of Dongcheng District Will you go into the Su's compound and take charge of the whole Su's city road? Ha ha, it's very possible. When the time comes, you will finish your plan and understand the organizations and management mode of Su's courtyard. You will gradually gain Su congchen's trust and strengthen your strength. Ha ha, both ways!

Wait, if you have a chance, it's absolutely necessary for you to tell him the purpose of ruling this paradise. Careerists like to be with careerists. As long as you are loyal enough, you will be greatly used by them. What's more, it's very likely to support you! "

For Su nuan'er, it should be Zheng Su Su's systematic analysis. Su Mu was moved to a great extent, because it was all for him. But besides being moved, he also admired her. Maybe the name of talented woman is not worthy of her!"I see. Thank you."

"No, because you are my man!" Su nuan'er threw himself into Su Mu's arms and hugged him heartily. "As for how to sit on the boss's seat in the East District, do you have any way?"

"Leave it to me!" Su Mu patted his shoulder, "everything makes you think of a way, what's the use of leaving me?"

"Ha ha!" Su nuan'er said with a smile, "should the two eavesdropping girls at the door let them in? How tired I am

"Do you know the woman beside me?"

"Is her name Xia Zihan? Let her in quickly, after all After all, she is also my sister Said, also embarrassed lowered the head.

"Good!" Su Mu reluctantly pushed Su nuan'er away, then lit a cigarette, cleared his throat, and yelled at the door: "two eavesdroppers, come in!"

Bang Dang!

Xia Zihan and Xiaoyu are startled. They fall to the ground directly and knock the door open.

"Hee hee

Two people embarrassed to get up giggle, "you all know?"

"Ha ha!" Sumu laughed.

It has to be said that Zheng Su Su Su, who is disguised as Su nuan'er, has a high Eq. he steps forward and takes Xia Zihan by the hand and says with a smile, "you are Zihan, ha ha, the most naughty one of those young women. Today, I see that. It's true. I love it

"I like yours, too!" Xia Zihan lowered his head in embarrassment, then looked at Su Mu again, "brother wood, this girl No, sister Su Su, you have to accept it, because I like it! "

"It must be!" Su Mu smokes a cigarette and smiles happily.

A few people's happy laughter came out of the room

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