Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 213: Deadly Sins and Heavenly Virtues 2

There were a little more than a hundred people at the party. Each in their own spot – drinks in hand, eyes hungry to see gossip, mouths ready to gossip.

While most were enjoying the dance floor with the epic music, a portion of the guests on the left section was waiting to see what's going on between Damien Park and his 'rumored' ex-girlfriend from the Hara Family.

Back then neither of them clarified their relationship. So they were only seen together a few times and because it was only a 'rumor', their little rendezvous that evening was quite scandalous to the eyes of many.

"What would she do? What would he do?" were in the minds of everyone who were so curious about them.

"What are you doing here?" Damien asked in a toneless voice, his gaze only lingered for a few seconds before he looked away and pretended to watch the dance floor.

"This is a party. I'm a plus one," Margaret shrugged a shoulder as if what she said was so natural. She stared at Damien, wondering what he was thinking at the moment. 

"I meant in this country. Shouldn't you be in Japan?" he asked after sipping his watered-down vodka. Alianna denied him of drinking so much that night so "vodka flavored water" was shoved into his hand earlier.

"Someone's been keeping tabs on me…"

"Don't flatter yourself. Your leave made it in the tabloids and the internet's business section." Damien's voice was calm as he explained. And it was the truth. After breaking up with her, Margaret Hara left for Japan a few weeks later.

Her father sent her there to manage their construction business overseas, but Damien knew it was only on paper because while it was true that she was there for business, her father sent her away after what happened. Her father was ashamed of what his daughter did.

"I actually arrived a couple of months ago. Grandfather retired last year and my father replaced him in the company. But I'm sure you already know that…"

Damien didn't respond and took another sip of his flavored water. He did know all about it as it was also in the news but he only read the article and flipped to the next page. 

"I've been meaning to visit you as soon as I arrived…" Margaret continued when he didn't say anything. "I just couldn't find the right time."

"Seriously? You think you could find the right time? For what?" Damien mockingly laughed and drank the rest of his 'water' to stop himself from growling at Margaret. There was nothing to talk about. And he certainly didn't want to talk to her.

However, on the other side of the room, Alianna's temper continuously brewed as she shot daggers at the woman next to her cousin Damien. She and the other men were now sitting at a table facing Damien's direction.

"What the hell is he laughing at? Does he think she's funny? Am I missing something?!" Alianna hissed, her heels digging on the carpet. She was ready to lunge across the room at any time.

"Chill, Ali," William said gently, his hand patting Alianna's arm. "You don't want to end up on the front page looking like a wrestler on top of Ms. Hara."

Oh like she cares about that right now. But William's gentle reminder and his brotherly pat calmed her down a little. She looked to her right and gave him a small smile. Despite knowing he was an asshole, he always cared for her since.

"Give Damien some credit. You know he wouldn't do anything stupid," Caleb remarked, placing his arm casually at the back of Ali's seat.

"Has Maggie always looked this hot? It's been a long time since I last saw her but she looks different," Jeffrey commented, his eyes fixed on Damien and Margaret.

"Oh please, last I heard she got a boob job. For all I know, she probably had other parts done as well." Lexi's voice made all of them snap their heads towards her as she joined the group at the table. She sat down next to William who gave her a once-over, wondering why she looked so… tamed that night. Her usual full-on makeup look was gone and replaced by subtle and earthy colors.

"I thought you weren't coming tonight?" William asked Lexi. She wasn't allowed to go out that night or any other night as she was still 'grounded' by her grandfather.

"I sneaked out," Lexi said softly, making William laugh.

Alianna and Lexi exchanged brief looks before looking away. Neither of them had been on speaking terms but if Ali were to choose who she was going to sit next to – Alexia or Margaret — she would pick Lexi over Maggie any time any day. She'd rather roll her eyes at Lexi the whole night rather than wanting to claw out Margaret's eyes every time she speaks. She had never liked Margaret when she met her for the first time. 

"Uh oh. Now, where are they going?" Jeffrey shifted in his seat and the rest of them watched as Damien walked towards one of the double doors at the corner with Margaret following him behind.

Alianna's scowl deepened and she pushed herself off the chair. "I love my cousin, but if he's going to make a mistake, he better run for his life because I will definitely kick his ass."

Caleb stood up, his heart racing. "I'm with Ali on this one."

William chuckled at what he heard. "A few seconds ago you just told her to give the man some credit." He had a huge grin on his face but he got up on his seat just like the other two.

Alianna didn't wait for anyone else to speak, she marched forward heading towards where Damien and Margaret disappeared while Caleb, William, and Jeffrey followed behind her.

Lexi who just sat down less than a minute ago sighed in frustration. She certainly wasn't in the mood to see what was up with Damien and Margaret but she wasn't going to sit there alone at the table. "Would you guys slow down?" she said as she went after the group and caught up next to William.

The five of them strolled out of the hall and disappeared behind the double doors.

Seven Deadly Sins and Seven Heavenly Virtues — the group of five wondered which sin or virtue they were going to witness that night. 

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