Katherine thought about what all of her feelings meant for her and Damien plenty of times. And maybe she thought she hated him for a while but she realized that she was more angry about what happened between them since the beginning and how they ended up entangled in each other's lives. At the same time, she hated herself for a lot of things.

She hated that she fell in love with him. She hated that he had saved her that night… which could be a reason why she couldn't bring herself to hate him, but because he was a member of the Park Family, she hated it. 

What she discovered from the files under Operation Scorpion barely scratched the surface. What Chris had in his folder only had a brief report stating that Shadow was hired but it didn't say by who. However, it mentioned that they suspected the other party from that night was from a secret organization that was headed by the Park Family. There were no other proofs or whatsoever. But it was already clear to Katherine at that point that there were two groups that night – Shadow and the Parks.

She felt so betrayed because the entire time, Chris only told her that Shadow was there to save her family from the other party. She was still so innocent and could only believe what he said because he did take her away. However, after reading the confidential files, her admiration for Chris only turned to hate.

Five years ago, on the day that Katherine learned the truth behind her family's tragedy, she acted irrationally. Her plan was first to blow up Shadow and then find the Park Family's base so she could do the same. By then, she had already resented her ambiguous relationship with Damien. But before she could even execute her second plan, her first plan sort of failed when Chris got to her.

She was immature then but thinking about it now, if time were to turn back, it would probably still have been what she would plan to do. She was so enraged about what she discovered that she loathed Shadow to the core and wanted to destroy it. However, even after bombing the base, Shadow was still alive. 

When her memories came back, the first person that she saw was Damien. During that time, her brain worked so fast that the things she realized made her feel a lot of complicated emotions. She had connected the puzzles — Damien's confession about his family having some shady business, the report that she read from the Operation Scorpion file, and her memory of that young man from that night where Damien's features suddenly matched when he appeared in front of her.

In her haste, she removed the engagement ring and threw it at him. Her emotions flooded her, making her so vulnerable. She had to run.

How could she be with him? How could she be with the person she shouldn't be with?

Yes, he may have saved her that night but the fact still remained – he was there with the rest of the Park Family to harm the Youngs. He was still a Park… and for that, she couldn't be with him. Her heart ached at the thought that her parents must have been hurting to see that she was with the enemy.

So she hated herself. Because no matter what she did, she could never forget Damien.

Because no matter how much she loved him, she could never be with him again.

Amelia was there that night as well and she could hate her too, knowing that Shadow was there to kill her family. But she was already so confused with everything that she was feeling that she didn't know whether she should hate her or not. 

And Katherine knew that if she truly hated them, she'd just be a hypocrite. After all, she had also killed people. Some innocent ones too – victims of corrupt people.

Therefore, knowing all of these things, it wasn't easy for her at all.

After a long silence, Amelia nodded, patting Katherine's arm and forming a smile on her face. "I understand. I happen to experience something similar. Well not exactly the same as yours, but you know… I couldn't be with the man I loved because of… reasons."

Katherine wiped her face with some tissue and pondered upon what Amelia said. She swallowed the huge lump in her throat before she had the guts to ask her. "Is it… Damien's father?"

Amelia looked away and softly chuckled, staring at a distance as though she was reminiscing the past. "Ah… Lawrence was such a handsome man. He was quite popular with women, too. Damien looked just like him," she said with a proud smile plastered on her face.

"He... looks like you too. I can see the resemblance," Katherine muttered.

"You think so?" Amelia turned to Katherine, looking quite hopeful yet the sadness in her eyes was also evident.

"Don't you ever want to meet him?" Katherine wondered. She was sure that Damien must have wanted to meet his mother.

The sound of the main door opening interrupted their conversation and in came Styles, sipping a Starbucks grande of something that had lots of whip cream and chocolate shavings. "Hey, ladies! Got your bevs," he winked, raising the cup take-out holder in his other hand.

Katherine and Amelia exchanged looks and they laughed at how goofy Styles was.

The three of them sat on the sofa, enjoying their afternoon drinks. And for the first time in a while, Katherine revealed her first genuine smile. Because for some reason, her once sad and empty apartment suddenly became less sad and empty. 

She looked at Styles who—just in time—caught her gaze and gave her a wink. That little gesture made her feel slightly at ease. Styles may only be just one person but he was certainly a ray of sunshine.

Katherine's gaze landed on Amelia and she too, smiled at her. "Oh, by the way, you told me you needed my help. What were you talking about? I'm not sure I can do much."

"Believe me, you can do a lot. The reason why I asked you regarding my son is that I needed to know if you can function well for what you need to do."

"And what would that be?"

"I need you to go back and be Katherine Young."

"What?" Katherine was surprised, unsure where this was heading.

Unperturbed by Katherine's surprise, Amelia continued, "And when you do, it is no doubt that you will constantly be running into him. I need to know if you can do that."

The two women gazed at each other. Katherine understood what the other was asking. Amelia wanted to know if Katherine could play her part despite having the chance to meet Damien when the time comes.

"Let's say I can… What's our main goal, exactly?"

"What else?" Amelia raised a cocky brow and a stunning smirk as she said, "To take down Shadow, of course."

Katherine's lips parted and she stared at Amelia and Styles who were staring back at her, waiting for her answer.

And for the first time in a long time, she saw hope…

That maybe someday — whenever it may be, everything was going to be alright.

She still had so many questions for Amelia but she was no longer in a hurry. 

Without saying a word, Katherine slightly raised her cup of hot chocolate to them and a small smile broke out her face. 


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