Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 260: A Rogue Agent Is Always a Threat

Inside Matthew's Car

Sitting on the passenger's seat, Katherine looked outside the window and let out a long sigh.

"That's heavy... Are you okay?" Matthew asked as he glanced at her and saw the exhaustion on her face.

He felt bad for her but more than that, he was just really happy that she was sitting in his car. Not seeing Katherine for over sixteen years was a really long time. He grieved for her and even buried a casket, thinking it was her. Everyone thought it was her. But now that she was actually there with him—it felt like the heavens heard his prayers.

"Sorry… A lot happened tonight. I just can't wait to get some sleep." Katherine formed a small smile on her face as she stared at Matthew.

"You do look tired. Did you save the world tonight or something?" He laughed and noticed her stare. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Katherine's smile grew even wider and she started laughing. "Oh, Matty! I can't believe it's you!" Reaching out, she poked his face with her fingers, making him laugh. "I've missed you a lot! You have grown… It's so weird…"

Matthew's very famous killer smile flashed at her. She couldn't believe that Matthew was a famous model-slash-actor. Her Matty! She wanted to cry. It had been too long. While she was in Shadow, she tried not to check up on the people she knew. It was just a lot easier that way.

"We have a lot to talk about. But you need to rest… So my questions can wait. How about tomorrow? Do you have any plans?" he asked.

"Mmm… I'm meeting some people tomorrow evening but I'm free at lunch?"

"Perfect. I'll pick you up then. Oh, did you change your digits? I can't seem to reach you through your number." He took out his phone and passed it to her. "Save your new one."

Katherine facepalmed, recalling what she did to her phone. "I broke my phone. Remind me to get a new one tomorrow?"


"Oh, Matty, can you stop here?" She unbuckled her seatbelt, realizing that they were already near her apartment.

"Here?" He wondered, seeing that they were in a busy shopping district. He didn't know that there were apartments nearby. "Where's your apartment?"

"It's just a few minutes' walk from here…"

"I'll find a proper parking space then and walk you there."

Katherine had to circle around before actually going to her apartment like she always does. She couldn't bring him there to avoid any risks. "It's okay… I need to clear my head before getting home. I'll just see you tomorrow?"

"Are you sure? I don't mind walking you home." Matthew was worried. There were still a lot of people at this time of the night since it was a Saturday yet he couldn't help but worry for her.

"I'm sure. I'll be okay…" she said, giving him her best smile.

"How will I pick you up tomorrow if I don't know where you're staying? You don't have a phone too."

"I'll just meet you here then. Say… eleven-ish?"

Matthew sighed before nodding. He thought that she probably really needed some time alone. After all, there were so many guests at her party that night. "All right. I'll see you tomorrow at eleven-ish. Oh, wait. You don't have a coat…"

He shrugged off his suit coat and handed it to her, "Take this. It's a little chilly tonight."

Katherine received the coat and wore it on her. "Thank you…" Raising her hand, she caressed his face, appreciating his presence and pulling him in for a hug. "I'm really glad to see you again, Matty."

He was surprised by the sudden contact but it felt so good and so familiar—all he could do was hug her back. "You have no idea how happy I am, Katherine. I'm really really happy," he replied, kissing her hair before they pulled away. "Good night."

"Good night, Matty."

When Katherine got out of his car, he watched as she walked, crossed the road and disappeared through the crowd. He exhaled a sigh of relief and drove towards his house in Pearl Gardens.

Just like how she usually does, Katherine took a random route going to her apartment. Entering her own private space, she stripped to her underwear, leaving the red dress in the hamper that she kept near the door. 

So much has happened that night and she was just relieved that even though it was empty in her apartment, at least she had the chance to be on her own and think about what Damien said to her.

She couldn't deny it, she really did miss him. A lot. However, she knew that it wasn't going to be this easy going back to the city where she could see him often.

Thinking that the hardest part of showing herself to the whole world as Katherine Young was over, she could only move forward from here. It would be a really tough battle but she was determined to see it through the end or die trying.

After a couple of hours of thinking on her sofa—where she still slept because she didn't like being in the bedroom, she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.

Shadow's Base — New Castle

Chris landed in another state and arrived at the headquarters. He stepped inside the building that was disguised as a financial firm and walked towards one corner of the floor, opened the door and entered a secret door that was a nine square meter metal room. He went through a series of questions and tests before passing.

When he gained access, a sliding door opened and he entered Shadow's base where several agents greeted him as he walked past them on his way to Parker's office.

Knocking at the door, Chris waited until he heard Parker's word before he went inside the office.

"Christopher, how was your travel?" Parker Green asked without raising his head as he continued to review some files on his computer.

"Have you read the article?" Chris answered with another question.

"Mhmm. Poor Katherine's amnesia? Do you believe that?"

Chris took a deep breath and strode forward. "I actually do. After the old base blew up, we lost a lot of men. Everyone thought she died along with the others. It looks like she survived but suffered from memory loss. I showed up and she didn't even recognize me. It's the first time in five years that she appeared. I don't think she's faking it."

Parker glanced at him briefly before turning back to his computer. "It seems very shady to me."

Tensing his jaw, Chris looked at Parker straight in the eyes and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Parker shrugged as if he couldn't be bothered. "You know the protocol, Christopher. An agent's loyalty must remain in this organization. If they step out, they become rogue. What do we do with rogue agents?"

"Are you asking me to order a cancelation?"

"Not order. You brought her to me years ago, son. She's your responsibility. Therefore, you must perform it yourself. Don't you think so?"

Chris was careful with his expression in order not to give away his hesitation. "The protocol is to cancel agents that are a threat. I don't think she's a threat. That's the code you live by, isn't it?"

"That's true. But any rogue agent is always a threat. Will this be a problem for you, Christopher?"

With an unreadable and stoic expression, Christopher answered, "Not at all. I just thought your code was not to touch unless proven a threat."

Seeing Chris's point, Parker smiled, dismissing the subject to move on. "Very well. You've been the best among everyone here. I trust your judgment. But keep a very close eye on her. The moment she shows any sign, you know what to do."

Parker tossed a folder to Chris and added, "I need you to look into this. Report in three days. You may go."

Chris received the new assignment without checking on it and came out of Parker's office, feeling slightly better. He was able to buy some time for Katherine but until when would he be able to do so?

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