Long lashes fluttered with the eyelids revealing a dark pool of eyes that were Damiens. At seven in the morning, the sun's rays shone through the tall windows with the beach as a backdrop. But December's climate was friendly, and the sunshine wasn't harsh at all. The weather was perfect that day.

He took a deep breath, and his eyes lowered to the woman lying on his bare chest. The white blanket covered him quite lowly around the hips, showcasing his naked torso sculpted with the planes of his muscles and Katherine was hugging him tightly—no, possessively. Her hand that was resting on his abs displayed the beautiful engagement ring on her finger, reminding him of last night. 

The sight and the feeling of her being there with him as soon as he woke up was like the best reward after a good night's sleep. With an arm around her, he tightened his hold and pressed a kiss on her head. She shifted and turned away from him, curling into a ball with her smooth, bare back facing him. A charming smile formed on his face as he slid his hand across her stomach, caressing her softly as he muttered sweet words above her.

"I'll have our breakfast delivered," he whispered, knowing that she didn't like loud noises in the morning.

Katherine didn't nod, nor did she speak, but she let out a gentle hum as her response. He doubted that she actually heard him in her state, making him softly chuckle.

The flashing and buzzing of his smartphone on the nightstand caught his attention. His hand flew to grab it so that it won't create more noise due to its rattling on the side table's surface. When he saw that it was Markus, Damien swung his legs off the bed and grabbed a pair of underwear from the closet before sauntering towards the balcony's gorgeous view.

"Markus," he answered the call.

"Good morning, Boss. Mr. Hara called just now. He said he wants to meet with you this morning if it's possible." Markus's clear voice was evident that he was still all business even if it was a Sunday morning.

"I have some personal matters to take care of today. I won't have time to meet with him. But give him the number to my work phone. He can call me instead."

"Understood. Shall I ask the kitchen to send you breakfast?" Markus probed.

"Yes. Black for me as usual, and hot chocolate for Katherine," he said, referring to their drinks. "Also, send my apologies to the Chos. We're supposed to meet them early today for breakfast. Give them the best course before they leave for Mayne today."

The phone call ended after Markus acknowledged his boss's orders.

Standing out in the balcony with nothing but his boxer briefs hugging his privates securely, Damien stood with his hands on his waist, admiring the beautiful scenery of his resort's beach in front of him.

He had seen beaches countless times due to owning many hotel and resort chains worldwide, but this has been, by far, the best view that he got. Esmea's waters and picturesque views were still the best. How he started getting into the resort business years ago flashed in his mind and he smiled at the memory.

Breaking his train of thoughts, his phone rang. When it showed an unlisted number flashing on his screen, he deduced that it was Mr. Hara calling him.

"This is Damien Park," he answered.

"Good morning, Chairman Park. This is Jun Hara. I hope I didn't disturb you this early in the morning." 

It had been a while since the two saw each other. Mr. Jun Hara was a man in his sixties, yet the way he addressed Damien so politely was admirable and slightly uncomfortable. After all, he was half the other's age.

But Damien had already gotten used to it after meeting so many businessmen who were much older than him. A lot of them, however, had pride as tall as Mt. Everest who couldn't accept that he was more successful than them. But Jun Hara wasn't like that. Despite what happened in the past, Damien remembered where Margaret's father's stance was in their situation. And for that, he respected him.

"It's okay, President Hara. I was already awake anyway. What can I do for you?" he asked, even though he already knew why he was calling him directly.

A long sigh was heard from the other line before he heard the older man say, "I just want to apologize for what my daughter caused you last night personally. It's a shame that you had to find out this way."

Snippets of the young and vibrant Margaret Hara flashed in Damien's mind—from the times they were together in the past and the manic woman from last night. He could barely recognize her as she initially appeared to be 'normal'—who knew she was this sick? "How long has she been like this?"

Mr. Hara began to tell Damien how his daughter stayed in Japan. It wasn't that serious in the past, but over time, her condition worsened. She kept demanding to see Damien and their baby, refusing to accept reality. After her outrage in the facility, Margaret had gone through so many therapies. She had shown excellent progress in her recovery—which was why she was allowed to be discharged, given that she follows a strict routine of taking her medication.

Before coming back to the U.S, she lived normally in their house in Japan for some time. Thinking that she was all better, Mr. Hara allowed her to come back to Esmea, not knowing that she would still show violence to this extent. He guessed that she must have had another shock after seeing and hearing many rumors regarding Damien and Katherine.

"Margaret was a lovely girl…" Mr. Hara sighed. "Her mother was also sick before she passed, but it didn't get to this stage."

"I'm sorry to hear that." Damien clenched his jaw tightly. Truth be told, he was glad that what happened in the past happened. Because he really dodged a bullet on this one. Or who knows where he would be now?

Subconsciously, he turned his head to the side and saw Katherine in bed still fast asleep. Yep, definitely dodged a bullet. He was glad she came to his life even before he knew it.

When he noticed Katherine stirring and waking up, he smiled at her and turned his attention back to the phone call, saying, "Although it's upsetting to find out that Margaret could do this to me… I'm honestly more unsettled that my fiancée got hurt in the process. I wouldn't do what I would do if it ended horribly."

"I am deeply sorry. I take full responsibility for my daughter's actions. I failed as a father… I can assure you that she will be put into care and make sure that she will get the treatment she needs." Mr. Hara's voice faltered while he spoke, and it was heartbreaking.

The sliding door behind Damien opened, and Katherine came out with a blanket wrapped around her body, her hand clutching the sheets to avoid it from falling—she was still naked under it. Her hair was a bit messy, but she was beautiful, regardless.

"Morning," she greeted in a faint voice that was almost a whisper. She pressed her lips to his upper arm, and he immediately pulled her to his chest. Leaning against him and smiling as she looked up and met his loving gaze, she waited for him to tell her that everything was okay with his phone call.

She didn't verbally ask him, but he somehow understood her concern, so he curled his lips into a smile and nodded to reassure her before kissing her forehead. Then he felt her arm around his torso.

Damien ended the call a few seconds later, bringing his attention to Katherine as he told her what the phone call was about. Both of them feel sorry for the woman, but neither of them thought they would ever want her out again. Margaret was just too dangerous to be let loose.

"Please tell me you don't have anymore crazy exes." Katherine frowned, a crease forming between her brows as she looked at Damien with a serious face.

"Well… As long as you don't become an ex—not that I would ever allow that to happen—again. Then there's nothing for me to worry about."

It took her a few beats to realize what he just said. Did he just say she would be a crazy one, too?

And then she slapped his hard abs. "Hey!!!"

Damien's laugh reverberated, his chest and shoulders shaking while he hugged her tighter. 

"Tch." Katherine glared her brown eyes at him. And there was not an ounce of hesitation when she told him, "You better think I won't hesitate to use the knives on you if you ever give me a reason, Damien Park."

With a devilish smirk on his face, he responded in a playful tone, "Ooh… My Kitten's so terrifying!"

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