The banquet hall was decorated in extravagance—a definition that Josiah Connor always upheld wherever he went and whatever he did. Just like tonight's banquet, where the celebration was all about the success of his achievements for the whole year, he made sure the entire hall was filled with fancy decorations and had an abundant flow of food and drinks.

It was nothing but a party. However, this wasn't out of the ordinary because Connor always held banquets like this every December. It became a tradition in his network that kept expanding gradually.

However exorbitant this party was, it wasn't to Damien's taste. Just the overall vibe of the party wasn't his thing. It was the reason why he didn't plan on coming to the event the first time. 

Josiah Connor was actually from a neighboring town next to Harbor City. It was only the last fifteen years that he moved here; therefore Damien didn't know much about the person except that he was a businessman with several small businesses all over Esmea.

So when he learned the news about Connor being Director Hughes's husband, he was surprised—not that he knew who Hughes was. But according to what he had read, Sandra Hughes came from a family of wealthy politicians. Yet, he couldn't picture out the man being with Hughes due to his high profile lifestyle.

They couldn't dig up much regarding the couple's relationship. It seemed as though it had been kept under wraps from the public.

Damien and Katherine noticed the glances that people were giving them from time to time, but thankfully, most of the guests would only come by to greet him and not stay too long. At least they knew not to hog his attention when he wasn't the host—and obviously, Damien displayed his lack of interest when they would start talking about business. 

At one point, he politely declined to talk about business and told one young businesswoman that he was there to enjoy the banquet with his fiancée, Katherine Young, and he didn't want to be disturbed. He thought that was enough for the rest of the guests to stop their attempts for a nonsense conversation with him, certain that the word would go around fast, and they would avoid him that night.

Just what he and Katherine needed. 

Looking around the hall where hundreds of guests started enjoying the party, Sandra Hughes was nowhere to be found. Katherine began to get anxious that she couldn't see her anywhere, and she feared that she would be too late if something happened to her.

"What's wrong?" Damien asked when he noticed her wringing her hands together, looking distraught. He grabbed both of their glasses and placed them at a cocktail table, then he held both of her hands and massaged them. "You're too tense. Why are you so nervous?"

"I don't know…" She darted her gaze here and there, her heart racing by the second and she couldn't explain why. There was an ominous feeling within her and she knew it wasn't only because of the mission tonight. "I can't explain it. It feels like something is going to happen tonight. I can't shake the feeling… Damien, I should go look for her."

He shook his head, his eyes locking with hers and stopping her from moving. "Calm down."

Without caring whoever was looking their way, he pulled her to his chest and whispered to her ear so that she could hear him through the loud music in the background. "You're going to be fine. We have eyes everywhere. And we have the best team on our side—you trust them, remember?"

His confident reminder brought her back to her senses. It was the only thing she needed to hear to calm her nerves down—though there was still this inexplicable murmur that's bothering her. Katherine smiled at him, her eyes brightening as she looked up at him and nodded. He pressed a kiss on her forehead and stroked the small of her back to soothe her. 

"We have visual," Styles spoke through their comms, catching their attention. "Silver Hammer just entered the building. She's headed towards the hall, walking in through the door by the stage."

Damien and Katherine slowly stepped back and casually scanned the room, searching for Hughes until the door near the stage opened, and she stepped in. Everyone else looked in the director's direction, watching her as she climbed the stage and held the microphone.

"Everyone on standby. It could be anyone in the room. Stay vigilant," Damien ordered, keeping his voice steady and clear for his men to hear.

The team acknowledged and were on high alert as they carefully panned the room, observing the guests and even the staff while Hughes began to speak through the microphone and gave her welcome speech.

This woman had no idea that someone was out to get her tonight. Her smile that reached her ears as she stood proudly on stage was evidence of her obliviousness. She spoke so highly of Josiah Connor who was grinning at the side of the stage—giving him praises and talking about his achievements as expected from a very supportive wife.

No one but the team knew how much of a scoundrel the man she spoke so highly of was.

Katherine was disgusted by the thought of Josiah Connor smiling so broadly as if he deserved all Sandra Hughes's praises. She felt so bad for Hughes who had no idea that her husband wanted her dead. What would she do if she knew that Connor had ordered a hit on her?

Granted, the target written on the file they got from shadow was a codename for an unknown subject, but they had already believed that it was Hughes. After all, who else would it be if not her?

Taking a deep breath, Katherine darted her gaze to the side so she wouldn't have to stare at that vile man. However, her eyes landed at the familiar face of a person whose very existence caused her to feel sick—Scar, one of Parker's people. She gripped Damien's hand so tightly and met his baffled stare.

She cautiously told him in a low voice, "They're here." Her eyes darted towards Scar.

He followed the direction of her stare, and that's when he saw the same man from the drugstore whom Katherine told him about.

She couldn't believe that Parker actually sent him here. Scar was usually not assigned to groundwork due to his old wound that could easily draw attention. Parker must have gotten so bold and desperate. 

At the same time, Styles came back on the comms, telling them that he had seen Scar and one more agent in the hall. The two agents in Shadow stood far from the stage as they watched Sandra Hughes, acting as if they were there for the celebration. Clapping their hands and smiling at her speech. Katherine didn't recognize the other one, but Chris, who was also connected to Styles, was able to notice the agent through his monitor from the safehouse.

Ready to react if something happens, the team slowly moved closer towards the stage while some were heading towards the agents. 

"Approach cautiously. They can easily detect if you are out to get them. They're both armed and dangerous," reminded Styles.

Katherine and Damien, who were standing at the back part of the hall where there were fewer guests, remained standing uneasily as they watched Sandra Hughes finish her speech. They were both feeling nervous, but it didn't show on their expressions, yet the way they clasped each other's hands was apparent of their real emotion.

Director Hughes left the hall through the side door, and in the next second, the agents of Shadow also moved out. 

Damien and Katherine, along with the alpha and beta team exited the room using the nearest door. Then they started to look for the director.

"Where is she?" Katherine questioned, and Styles hurriedly worked on his screen to look for the right camera. "Falcon, try calling her number again. We should be able to reach her now somehow."

"On it," Amelia, who was in the trailer van with Styles, acknowledged as she dialed Hughes's number that she got from Chris earlier. On the first attempt, she could hear rings—the call went through this time unlike when Chris tried it in the afternoon. They had tried to call her number nonstop but to no avail. This time, the ringing didn't stop, but she didn't answer the call.

"Shît. I don't see her anywhere, where the hell did she go?" Styles cursed, frustrated that he couldn't find the director when he had just been following her out of the room through the CCTV cameras. It was as if she had disappeared into thin air. 

"Damien, I think it's better if we split. We'll be able to locate her faster if we do," Katherine suggested as they stepped into the large hallway where several guests loitered around.

Damien's brows knitted, and he clenched his jaw upon hearing her. He knew that her suggestion could help them, but he was unwilling to let her go alone. The thought of Katherine on her own in this dangerous situation was just not acceptable. 

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