Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 554: A Taxing Night for Katherine

The look of extreme worry was evident on Katherine's face. Her eyes were misty and her hands were trembling from feeling so nervous about what she just heard over the phone.

Without second thoughts, Damien hurried over and left the room with her, leaving behind Director Hughes who was still on a video conference with Chris—they were both surprised at the sudden news regarding Katherine's grandfather. Markus, along with a couple of Maverick Security men, were the only ones left with the director.

Damien and Katherine made it to the car in the parking lot in no time. He drove her towards the hospital, stepping on the gas and joining traffic on the main road. 

He glanced at her to make sure she was wearing her seatbelt on—and she was. Then he couldn't help but notice the way her brows were furrowed together. She had told him about her grandfather's condition earlier and they were planning to head home to the mansion as soon as they were done. He could tell that she was very worried about Grandpa Theo and seeing that made him worry about her.

From the passenger's seat, Katherine sat quietly while gripping the phone in her hand. She had been in deep thought since they left the hotel, concern written all over her face. Her heart was beating frantically in her chest that she felt like vomiting.

Glancing outside the window, she realized that they were still about fifteen minutes away from the hospital. Her eyes closed as she took a deep breath to calm herself down but it was of no help—she was much too agitated.

Seeing her state, Damien reached for her hand, gave it a squeeze. And in a gentle yet firm tone, he told her, "He'll be okay…"

Katherine did not respond and only kept her stare at the dashboard. From time to time, she would glance at the window to check if they were there already, but the traffic in Harbor City that night was unusually heavy.

The car accelerated when he floored it. He expertly maneuvered through the traffic, bypassing the red lights. It was definitely dangerous and he shouldn't be doing it, but he was more worried about her at this point. "Baby, we're almost there," he reassured.

Hillcrest Hospital

The moment that they arrived at the hospital, Katherine nearly jumped out of the car and sprinted towards the 8th floor where the VIP rooms were located. 

Her eyes reddened and her breathing got heavy with every shaky step that she took while her mind brought her to the time she regained her memories months ago after meeting her grandfather. For five years, she lived thinking that she was alone and had no family. And when she met Damien again, everything slowly started making sense. Now that she was reunited with her grandfather, and of course, with Damien—Katherine felt that somehow, she was getting her life back. 

She and Damien were still wearing the fancy clothes they wore to the event earlier as they didn't have time to change.

Her heels clicked as she hastened her steps through the long hallway. She almost bumped into a medical staff if Damien hadn't pulled her to the side. He was probably getting impatient now because of her clumsiness that he took her hand and walked fast with her, making sure that she wouldn't cause trouble while she was in a hurry.

She had to get to her grandfather fast.

"Grandpa!" she called right after opening the door to Chairman Young's room. 

The VIP room was similar to the room where she stayed in before when she was admitted here months ago. It resembled a hotel suite—only with some hospital machines near the bed.

Her grandfather was lying on the bed with his eyes closed while her aunt and cousin were sitting on the sofa, reading magazines. The two women snapped their heads in Katherine's direction when she burst inside. Meanwhile, Frank, Chairman Young's assistant, was sitting on a chair by the bed. The latter immediately got up to greet Katherine when she stepped inside the room with Damien following behind her.

Walking into the room, she stared at her grandfather as she approached the bed and sat on the armchair next to it, her eyes scanning his physique as she tried to check if he was okay. Someone spoke in the room, but her attention was all focused on the older man in the bed who appeared to be much older than he was this morning when she saw him.

Katherine didn't know why but she just started crying, still feeling worried and relieved at the same time when she heard that he was okay. The details about what happened to Grandpa Theo told by the assistant slipped in her mind as she was feeling too vulnerable at the moment.

She really thought she was going to lose him. 

Her chest was in pain and she was bawling her eyes out, laying her forehead on her folded arms that were resting on the bed. She heard Damien trying to soothe her but she just couldn't stop crying.

That night was too stressful for her—seeing Shadow agents and even meeting Parker, and then now, her grandfather. It was probably why she broke down.

Katherine just couldn't take any more losses—she had already lost too much.

Feeling a warm hand on her head, she looked up to see her grandfather looking at her. He had a concerned look on his face when he asked, "Pumpkin, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Who made you like this?"

"Grandpa!" She flew up to embrace the old man and sobbed on his chest like a little girl. "I was so worried, I came as soon as I could when Frank called me. What happened to you? Are you okay? Are you hurting anywhere?"

"Of course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be? It's just a little cough, there's nothing to worry about," Grandpa Theo answered as he stroked his granddaughter's back. Then he shot his assistant a glare. "What did you tell her that she's crying so hard like this? It feels like I'm dying!"

"You're not dying!" Katherine whimpered. 

"No, I'm not, pumpkin. Don't worry, I will still live for many years," he reassured her.

She looked up at him and saw the wrinkles all over his face, and then her heart throbbed. Her grandfather was already old.

"Frank!" Grandpa Theo scolded his fifty-six-year-old assistant. "I told you I'm fine. Why did you have to make this a big deal and worry everybody?" He sighed.

Before coming to the hospital, Frank told him that Katherine insisted to have himself checked. So Chairman Young decided to visit the hospital that evening, but he was told to stay for the night so they can observe him further. Then his assistant informed Katherine while he was resting.

Frank, who was already feeling like he made a huge mistake for taking care of his boss, opened his mouth to talk, but Deborah spoke before he could.

"Dad, you can't be mad at Frank for worrying about you. We all are worried about you."

Katherine wiped her tear-stained face with Damien's handkerchief. The latter was standing behind her the entire time, but he remained quiet, letting the family speak to each other.

"I was the one who told Frank to call the doctors," Katherine clarified. "You can't wait until your condition gets worse before getting a check up, Grandpa. You need to take better care of yourself."'

"I know, pumpkin. I promise to be good now. I don't want you getting mad at me. I also hate that you're crying." Grandpa Theo clicked his tongue, his brows knitting as he scanned his granddaughter's face. "Stop crying… you're too pretty tonight to cry like that. How was your party?"

Katherine let out a long sigh. Maybe she overreacted. Or maybe the way Frank delivered the news really just sounded so bad that she reacted that way. Either way, she was extremely thankful that her grandfather was all right. If something were to happen to him, she wouldn't know what to do.

"Honestly? I'm so over parties… Unexpected stuff keeps happening. It's exhausting." She sat on the bed by his hip and held his hand.

His hand was cold, so she massaged it to warm it up. Still, it felt nice to hold his hand. It felt like home.

"Chairman, you must take your medicine now. Let me help you," said Frank as he came over to the side of the bed, bringing two small plastic cups with pills in them.

With a scowl and a scoff, Grandpa Theo looked away in contempt. "I refuse to accept your help for making my Katherine cry. You gave her a scare. What would you do if something happened to her because she got so worried?!"

Frank's arms relaxed and his lips formed into a thin line upon hearing his boss. "But, Chairman…"

"Ah! No buts." Grandpa Theo scorned.

Feeling bad for Frank, Katherine received the medicine from him and coaxed her grandfather to take them.

That night, her heart and brain went through a lot. She wondered if getting her own room in the hospital would be a good idea.

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