Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 556: Ungrateful Bastard

"What are you saying?" Chris questioned cautiously in a halting voice, his eyes widened in surprise and he froze. Did he hear that right? He looked at the man in a lab coat on the screen, his eyes hardening with each passing second.

Hearing Parker's name was enough for everyone in the room to be on alert. The possibility of Parker getting services from the lab was understandable, especially when its office was just in front of Shadow's inconspicuous base. However, this server that the man was talking about wasn't merely any service from the lab. It was a request made years ago—and without Chris's consent or not to his knowledge.

This only meant two things: Parker could easily keep tabs on everyone without them knowing, and that he may really have spoken the truth about Chris's sister—that she was alive and he knew where she was.

Of course, there was a possibility that he lied about knowing where Chris's sister was. Maybe he ordered the service but didn't find Chris's sister?

The man from the lab straightened up when he saw Chris's expression. Even through the screen, Chris radiated a dangerous vibe. He cleared his throat and gently clarified, "I mean… this person listed on file requested for a similar service years ago using your DNA—"

"How long ago?" Chris questioned impatiently.

"Well… We made changes in our system about six years ago and that included the structure of what details or information are included on the file—nothing too elaborate. Upon checking the hard copy, this structure was from the previous system. So that would mean the person must have requested this before the change. It could be longer than six years…" His voice trailed off when Chris turned to the side and met everyone's stare.

Even without talking yet, Chris knew what everyone was already thinking. This was just proof of Parker's attempt to look for his sister around the time that he started to blackmail him.

The conference call ended soon after. Damien forwarded the results from his email to Styles's computer and they printed multiple copies for everyone to check.

The images and texts on the paper still seemed to be so foreign due to the process being so high tech. There were details written on every section and disclosures that although the lab was able to produce this result, it still wasn't one hundred percent accurate.

While the others read some of the texts on the file to familiarize themselves with it, Chris had been standing still with the paper in his hands. His eyes were glued to the images that it had. In it were facial images with three angles—the front and two sides of the face, although the sides were pretty much just identical to each other.

On the top left of the paper was Chris's head-shot portrait that was taken from the lab when he and Damien visited last week. And in the middle of the paper were the images that showed a facial structure and features of a woman.

Chris thought that it was somewhat bizarre as he looked at the image. His heart was still racing and he was anxious too as he tried to make a sense out of the whole thing. The 3D model's representation on the paper detailed the appearance of the supposed woman they were looking for or Chris's sister. 

It had the highest possibility of what the color of the eyes and hair were, and the possible structure of the face. He looked at it closely and he began to see the resemblance between him and the model on paper. And Chris desperately imagined that she might look like their mother. 

Clenching the papers in his hand, he took a deep breath. He didn't want to feel disappointed in case all of this was just for nothing, but seeing a face that he thought was familiar made him feel hopeful. Was it okay for him to feel like so?

Feeling a hand land on his shoulder, he turned his head to see Gus next to him. "Are you okay?" he asked.

Chris blinked and cleared his throat, realizing that he had been on a trance while staring at the paper. Then he nodded. "I'm fine." Trying to be objective about the whole thing, he examined the results thoroughly before he looked up again.

He met Styles's worried expression, but he ignored it and walked over to the other's workstation to give some instructions. "You have facial recognition, right?"

"Uh, yeah of course…" Styles hurriedly sat on his chair, cracking his knuckles as he did, and started working on his computer. "Where do you want me to find her?"

"Use the model's face and search everywhere that you can access. Police, schools, hospitals, centers. Everywhere," Chris commanded.

"There's… ummm... A thousand results and it's still going…"

Styles was concerned and it showed in his voice, but he patiently waited for what else the other had to ask.

"Filter the age from 27-30. She's 29 at the moment, but if she's alive and has a new identity, she probably could be hiding around that age." Chris did not know why but he just had a feeling that it was the case. Call it his intuition. And right now, he was just going for it.

Styles did not complain and followed what Chris asked him to do. The search engine ran for several seconds and the screen refreshed with new search results. It was now down to two hundred and forty-three people who had the same characteristics from the model they used.

A smile ghosted Styles's face and he looked up at the man next to him. "Well, this is better… right? Maybe we can go through—"

"Print it. I will go through all of them one by one," said Chris. His tone was flat and his expression was unreadable. 

This was the closest that he got to looking for his sister and he would give it his best shot. Even if it would take him nights without sleep just sorting through the images of who could possibly be his sister.

Katherine and Damien were standing at the side, quietly observing the room. They watched how Chris's mood had changed ever since they learned about Parker requesting the lab for the same service.

"What now? We just go over the results and check the pictures one by one?" she probed, her stare shifted from the workstation and then to Damien who stood next to her.

"Let him work on it," he replied.

From where they stood, they could watch and hear the entire room since it was pretty much empty as there was no furniture. Damien had his focus on Chris.

When Chris turned away from the workstation and headed outside of the safe house, he passed by Amelia who called for his attention.

"Christopher, how can I help? I can go over the pictures with you…" she offered, however, Chris only glanced at her and continued to walk out of the house.

Seeing this happen before him again, Damien could no longer take it. And he snapped.

"Hey, you." He took long strides until he was directly behind Chris and clamped his hand on the other's shoulder. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" Damien raged, his eyes were menacing and anger was evident on his face.

Chris quickly pulled back from Damien's deathly grip. But because of his injury on the leg, he stumbled backward and nearly lost his balance, then his back hit the wall. "What's your problem?!" he shouted back.

The others, especially Katherine, were surprised at what was happening but not one of them dared to go over and stop it. Damien and Chris were both tall and well-built men who knew how to fight—and although most of the people in the room were capable of fighting, they didn't move from where they stood.

Damien's chest heaved up and down because of being enraged. He pushed Chris to the wall, gathering the latter's collar into his fists. "I should be asking you that! Why are you ignoring her?!"

The confusion in Chris's face slowly disappeared, realizing what Damien meant. He looked at Amelia from the side and saw the hurt in her eyes, but he swiftly looked away and glared at the raging man in front of him. "You wouldn't understand," he spoke under gritted teeth. "She was only nice to me because she was reminded of you. Her son. All this time…" He scoffed, looking down at the floor.

Damien's emotions have gone haywire. He was too pissed at this man in front of him. It took a lot of control to stop himself from choking the life out of this unappreciative bastard. His heart was racing and throbbing, seeing his mother trying so hard to make amends with this man who was only ignoring her.l

"You're pathetic," Damien bit out, a stray tear escaping the corner of his eyes as he fumed. "How could you be so ungrateful? You're lucky that you have known her for years and grew up knowing her. Don't you know that I only met her not too long ago? I would pay to be in your place."

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