Femme Fatale: The King's Deadly Temptress

Chapter 581: Queen's Resurgence (2)

It wasn't the first time that Katherine used Adrifin. She almost died due to hypothermia in a past mission in Germany, and that was her only chance of survival. 

The way it worked, once the drug was administered, the heart rate would increase, and a boost of energy would course throughout the body—pretty much similar to an adrenaline rush—only this drug gave her several folds of energy surge in her body. 

What Katherine hated about it were the side effects. It wasn't the same for everyone, but she would be sick for days as it wore off. Apart from nausea and anxiety, she'd have internal tremors. It was a helpful drug for survival, but the adverse effect was awful.

However, despite knowing what she would go through later, she was thankful for Amelia's immediate course of action. Even though she didn't like the drug, she would still choose to use it on her, so she could escape from this place. The old castle was like a maze, and it would be such a hindrance if she was to be carried out of here. 

Holding the knives in her hands, Katherine stood tall, feeling all the wounds in her body already numbing. It was as if she wasn't tortured for hours. She, Damien, and Amelia were about to walk out of the training room when footsteps echoed in the hall.

"Tsk tsk tsk… Awww… Did the former Shadow agent need saving?" a woman's voice rang in the room. She laughed as she walked towards them.

"Alicia," Katherine called her name under gritted teeth. She could barely see her face, but she would recognize the voice anywhere. It was laced with arrogance every time she spoke to her. She had her hair tied up into a sleek high ponytail—her signature look.

Damien instinctively stepped in front, raising his gun and pointing it forward, shielding Katherine away from Alicia.

"I didn't peg you as someone to be saved. What are you? A damsel in distress?" Alicia laughed again. She stepped into the light, and her fierce-looking expression was on display. "You're pointing your toys at an unarmed person. Aren't you embarrassed?"

Looking at her closely, she didn't have any visible weapons. But she stalked towards them confidently as if nothing fazed her.

Alicia had always been like that ever since they were teens. For some reason, she always despised Katherine. Whenever there was a chance, she would always take away what Katherine had. Everything was a competition for her when it came to Katherine. No matter what or who it was.

Placing a hand over Damien's arm, Katherine gently pushed it down, asking him to lower his gun. He hesitated at first but eventually withdrew the weapon. 

"And you? Aren't you embarrassed?" Katherine questioned back, her voice cold and sharp. "You only got your position in Vertex because I left… and you killed the other prospect."

Alicia halted her steps, and the smile on her face slipped at the words that the other spat.

"Are you surprised that I know?" Katherine probed when she didn't answer. "Tanya and I aren't close, but when Chris told me you got the seat, I knew what you did. Honestly… I wasn't certain until now. I guess this is why you failed your test before. Your face says it all."

That's one of Alicia's weaknesses. She would appear to be so tough on the exterior, but with just the right poking, she'd get provoked easily and lose her cool. And Katherine had always been Alicia's insecurity. 

A guttural laugh escaped Alicia's throat. "You really think you're that special, Queen? You only got so far because you were sleeping with your mentor. Tell me… Was Chris good in bed? I always wondered..." The corners of her mouth curled upward so widely.

Damien's eyes slightly shifted to the side as if to see Katherine's reaction. But at the same time, he didn't want to look, afraid to see that whatever this woman in front of them was saying was true. He could understand that Katherine could have been with other men in the past—after all, he wasn't innocent. But he just didn't like the thought of her being with Chris.

Katherine scoffed. "Look at you acting so tough. Is it fun being Parker's dog?"

With her chin up, Alicia ignored the other's provocation and suggested, "What do you say… We settle an old score?" Then she took off her jacket and threw it on the floor, tossing her daggers onto it, indicating that she wanted a bare fight without weapons.

Amelia and Damien exchanged glances, looking obviously worried about the situation. Although Katherine could stand, walk, and maybe even fight, it didn't mean that her body wasn't in pain. Her brain just ignored the signals; therefore, she wasn't feeling anything at the moment.

However, even though she knew all this, Katherine was dead set on ending Alicia. "Settle an old score?" she chuckled. "Shouldn't I be the one to say that… After your failed attempt to kill me?"

She dropped her knives on the dusty ground, her eyes burning in anger when the memory from years ago resurfaced. It happened around the time that Shadow considered opening another spot in Vertex, and Alicia waited for her to pass by an alley near her apartment building where she brought thugs with her. Alicia wanted to outnumber Katherine and end her right there. Katherine fought for her life, and then a police officer happened to see the incident. The thugs dispersed so quickly, and so did Alicia. 

When Katherine went back to Shadow the next day, Alicia was shipped off to a mission. She didn't tell anyone what happened, thinking that she could get back at her upon her return from the assignment. Who knew that Katherine wouldn't have the chance after she blew up Castle a few days later?

"Let's see what you got," Alicia grinned and beckoned the other to come forward.

Without wasting time, Katherine dashed and did the first offense. Damien jolted, wanting to stop her, but Amelia held him back. The latter knew that Katherine needed this. It had been a few minutes since the drug was administered, and she had at least thirty minutes to an hour before it would wear off. Amelia believed that Katherine could handle the combat.

Katherine felt revived as she didn't hesitate to throw punches and kicks towards Alicia. She landed a few hits, but so did the other. Yet this didn't stop her. Katherine went all out, trying to push Alicia to the corner of the room. 

But Alicia noticed what the other was doing, so when she found her opening, she kicked Katherine's side, and a crack was heard—a broken rib.

Katherine winced in pain, but it only lasted for a second before she got back up again and charged. Her sudden recovery surprised Alicia, and she took advantage of the unexpected turn of events, rushing to pummel the other to the ground.

Alicia fell harshly, her back hitting the hard floor. She coughed out and got to her feet again. This time, Katherine was on the defense as the other managed to land several strikes and had her trapped in the corner.

Damien, who was worriedly spectating on the side, wanted to run and give a hand. But he could only swallow his worries when his mother tightly held his wrist, stopping him from what he was about to do. 

"You have to wait. Trust her," Amelia reminded.

'Come on, Katherine,' he cheered in his head. He believed that she would win, but he still worried anyway.

The truth was, even without the drug, Katherine was still better in hand-to-hand combat compared to Alicia. It was why she became a candidate for the Vertex. However, five years had passed since then, and Alicia had improved. 

"Die," Alicia seethed when her hand found Katherine's neck and choked her.

Katherine struggled to breathe for a few seconds, trying to push the other off of her but failing. Despite her current situation, she found an opportunity.

One thing about Alicia—she hated it when someone touches her hair. 

So that's exactly what Katherine did. She slipped her left hand towards the back of Alicia, tightly wrapped it around the other's long luscious hair, and yanked it.

Alicia instantly let go, crying in irritation, but her cry broke off into a choke when Katherine punched her throat mercilessly. 

Then Katherine repeatedly smashed her fist to Alicia's face until she spat out blood, and she fell to the floor. 

"We need to leave," Amelia announced as Styles reminded her through the earpiece.

Alicia let out a weak laugh. She was lying on the floor panting while Katherine towered over her, and then she said, "You can't leave. You're all trapped in here. This place is going to blow up."

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