"I wish Chris and Gus were around…" Styles started as the five of them huddled in the hallway outside of Chloe's hotel room. "They know her, and we'd know what to do by now."

The rest of them exchanged looks, unsure of how to respond to what he just said. They kept their voices down so their guest inside the room wouldn't hear their discussion. When they reached a pit stop while considering their options, Styles decided to recall their old team.

Katherine silently agreed to Styles. If Chris and Gus were alive, they would have already filled them in about the woman in the room. And based on that, they'd be able to come up with a decision. But, unfortunately, the information they got from Shadow's database about Chloe was only superficial. It barely scratched the surface of who she really was. They wouldn't know what kind of agent she was or who she was close with.

Damien would know how to handle the situation, but he'd been respectful, knowing that dealing with an agent of Shadow wasn't an ordinary task. Three out of five of them in the hallway all came from Shadow, and even they were having a hard time. He understood how risky it would be for them to take her in. He'd agreed to Katherine's offer of giving the woman money and asking her to leave. If it were him, he would have done the same thing. Well, not exactly. He'd tranquilize the subject, bring them far away, preferably out of state—a state or two away—and consider leaving some money just enough for them to survive for a few days.

Obviously, Katherine's idea was more than generous. And he understood why she had offered that. Katherine, the strong woman that she was, was soft-hearted. She saw the struggle that the woman was experiencing, and it reminded her of her past. He couldn't blame her, of course. And so, despite wanting to protect her family by driving the dangerous stranger away, she offered a huge sum which would have been more than enough for the woman to start a new life somewhere far from Esmea.

Damien wondered why the woman was so adamant about staying and seeking asylum from the other side of the camp—the ones who cut Shadow's lifeline—even with the large sum of money in front of her. And then she began telling them how she felt so lost and just wanted to be with people who understood her. It looked a lot like the woman was looking for a family to depend on.

Chloe was pitiful. Apparently, she was only twenty years old. Her records, apart from the ones they got from the database, were wiped clean. She was a nobody—definitely a lot like how Katherine's old records looked like when Damien once had her checked. 

He remembered how bizarre it was for him to see Katherine being a "nobody" at that time, and he wouldn't believe it. The memory from nearly seven years ago of the night he met her felt nostalgic for him. That night felt so long ago. And the two of them had gone through so much in the past year. It was crazy just thinking about it.

"It looks like we have no choice," Felix said after a moment of silence. "We could keep an eye on her for a few days and see what she's really up to."

Damien and Katherine exchanged looks, seemingly reading each other's silent conversation through their gazes. And he gave her the support that she needed from him. Putting his arm around her, he squeezed her shoulder. "It's your call."

She took a deep breath and scanned the four pairs of eyes looking at her and waiting for her decision. She was torn, but in the end, she nodded. "Fine. We'll do that."

The others nodded in agreement. Everyone was on board with her.

Damien faced Felix and told him, "Put a few men to watch her. She can keep the room for now while her wound heals. Send the meals to her room. Make sure she's always visible under our watch." He pointed at the cameras on the ceiling of the hallway. "If she needs to go somewhere, someone has to go with her."

"Understood," Felix acknowledged. "I'll assign a few men from Delta to keep watch. I'll also inform hotel security."

Felix was just about to turn when Amelia grabbed his arm and told them, "I'll go with him to the office so I can brief them about her and the possibilities of surprise attacks. Chris and Gus filled me in with their most recent strategies back at the safe house. Shadow may not be around anymore, but it won't hurt to be ready in case she tries something."

Damien looked at his mother and then to Felix, whose eyes zeroed in on his arm where Amelia's hand was, and then back to his mother. He nodded. "Good thinking."

"You two drive home safe," said Amelia, brushing Damien's and Katherine's arms in a motherly fashion. "Styles? You coming?" Amelia asked, and Styles agreed to go with them.


Katherine and Damien came back inside the hotel room to inform Chloe about their decision. The woman's expression turned from worried to relief instantly. Her shoulders sagged, and a long sigh came out of her. Then she smiled, saying, "Thank you."

Katherine cleared her throat and raised her chin, refusing to show that she'd lowered a tiny bit of her guard down. "Don't celebrate just yet. One wrong move, and you're not only out of here… I'll make sure you go down and won't get back up. You got it?"

Chloe's expression turned serious, looking as though she realized that Katherine's warning was heavy and that she didn't have any problems carrying it out. She gave the couple a reassuring nod and told them, "I won't let you down."


Katherine and Damien left the hotel after ensuring that their engagement night in the event hall was properly turned over to the closing team. Both of them had a long day, and they couldn't wait to go home to their bed at the Young Mansion.

Most days recently, one of the men from their security detail would drive for them. They've been too busy, and letting someone else drive for them was just convenient as they didn't have to bother looking for parking spaces and having the car ready as soon as they needed it. 

This time, they rode a limousine. Katherine and Damien sat in the backseat with their arms pressed against each other as they sat side by side. The two of them were definitely tired. She stretched her arms forward and laid her head on his shoulder, yawning as she did.

"Come here." He lifted an arm around her and pulled her into the crook of his shoulder.

She snuggled into his side, feeling way more comfortable than a second ago. Then, sensing a pair of eyes looking at her, she looked up at him and caught him smiling. "What are you smiling about?"

Damien kissed her forehead. "I was just thinking… I like watching you in charge. You look confident and powerful. You amaze me."

Katherine drew her brows together, but mirth was evident on her face. He was still smiling at her, and she found his observation amusing that it made her laugh. "Does that turn you on, Mr. Park?"


"You're unbelievable." She shook her head as though she found it ridiculous, but she wrapped her arms around his torso anyway. He was so warm and smelled so good; it was such a comfortable place to settle in.

Damien leaned in and whispered to her ear in a low and sexy voice. "And you're irresistible."

She didn't respond, but the smile on her face proved how much she liked it.

Placing his hand on her thigh, he lazily stroked it up and down. "You're not that tired yet, are you?"

Katherine couldn't deny that it wouldn't take so much effort for Damien to have her submit to him whenever he so desired. He didn't even have to say anything. Just one look at him, and she'd know he wanted her—just like how he's looking down at her right now with dark, hungry eyes. Those eyes that she would do anything for.

"I am tired tonight…" she answered, and his brow raised like he wasn't ready for her rejection. But then a slow smile cast on her face as she leaned towards his lips and whispered against it, "But never for you."

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