Fenglin Tianxia – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 1032: War without gunpowder 1

The Strait of Malacca is the busiest sea route in the world. Although the cruise ship has left the Strait of Malacca and deviated from the main channel for quiet and happy entertainment, it is not far from the channel. With the full assistance of Thailand and Malaysia, including China, the two Hours later, the first freighter appeared in front of the victims.

Subsequently, Thai rescue helicopters also arrived.

Mr. Guo Wei and Mr. Ji took the little stars on the rescue helicopter and left first, while the yacht headed to a small fishing village in Thailand, where Shen Che led a team to pick up the director and his party back.

At the meeting point, Shen Che let the people leading the mission disembark, but he stayed on board.

Seeing that he looked at Zhang Cheng specially, after waiting for someone to get down, Cheng Cheng asked: "Why? He is weird?" No, this young man is very good, polite and not disturbing. He has been on the boat for several hours. Sitting on the sofa and sleeping honestly is much better than the other officials.

Soum later went up to help take care of the wounded, and Zhong Chufei and Guo Wei were accompanied downstairs. Xu Ye and the two had always been amiable and demanded of them. The others, especially Xu Jing, had more requests. When I got up, they didn’t think the food they provided was rich enough (I wanted to eat more because it was so delicious), and the drinks they provided were not high-quality enough (I saw the expensive wine on the wine rack and opened three bottles is not enough), and finally mentioned I can't sleep well on the sofa and I want to sleep in a cabin.

Zhong Chufei said lightly with a smile: I invite the severely wounded people to sleep here to give you the cabin, but the wounded are a bit ugly, I'm afraid you will not sleep when you see it. It directly caused Director Yu to get angry, and went down if he said that he was disgusted. There was still a place on the lifeboat below, so he stopped.

Fortunately, the men were all looking at the wounded. If they heard it, Cheng Cheng could use the head to assure that they would definitely throw some of them into the water.

Taking a sideways glance at the calculations shining in Cheng Cheng's eyes, Shen Che said: "No, he can't. You said that the sniper is afraid that it is not Director Yu who will kill him, but him."

Cheng Cheng was thinking about how to connect those people with the leak, even if nothing happened in the end, they would ruin their future. He was startled by these words and said, "Why?"

"Does the newly appointed Minister Zhang know?" Shen Che turned and walked into the cabin, saying, "Zhang Cheng is his son."

"Director Zhang? The one from the Development Committee? Damn it, can't you?" Cheng Cheng followed him and walked inside, surprised: "That young man can't see at all, but why did you assassinate him?" After a moment, "Because of Minister Zhang?"

"Well, after he took office, he blocked some people's money. This is to give him a warning." Walking through the living room and walking directly into the small salon, Shen Che opened a bottle of wine by himself, smelled it, and said, "I really enjoy it. "

"Is it related to this attack?" Cheng Cheng quickly took out two glasses and asked, "You knew it a long time ago?"

He glanced at him, and as he gestured with his glass, Shen Che poured him a glass first, then took the glass he handed over and poured himself a glass, sat on the sofa, and said: "I want to know beforehand. Will you only be sent on the ship? After you sent a message that the attack and specifically mentioned the sniper, I checked some information, and then asked the people in the capital to adjust some recent policies."

"Energy policy?" Cheng Cheng asked quietly, sitting next to him.

"This time, the National Development Committee arrested many high-ranking officials and led to several major corruption cases. The strategic material reserve plan that has not been passed is now being brought up by Minister Zhang again. For some people, once the plan is passed, it will be destroyed. Sexual blow." Shen Che took a sip of his drink and sighed with enjoyment, then said.

Cheng Cheng's face sank, and after a long silence, he said, "If this disrupts this business negotiation and even wants to kill people, it is not a simple case. Let's let those people get away with it?"

"For evidence..." Shen Che's eyes flashed with a light, and then he darkened again and said softly.

Evidence... Cheng Cheng also sighed and looked up: "There is one more thing, I'm afraid that the leak did not tell you about Shen Mei."

"Huh?" Shen Che turned his head and stared at him. Cheng Cheng reported that Gu Cheng was mistakenly killed by a sniper and that Shen Mei and the other two special policemen died. Although the dead are always unpleasant, they are always unpleasant. There is a distinction between closeness and estrangement. Hearing that Cheng Cheng, Han Yan and his men are fine, Shen Che is very unkind and relieved. As for Shen Mei, to be honest, he really didn’t take their advantage and treat them as enemies. Shen Mei has lived as her own.

Cheng Cheng put the wine glass aside, and said to him: "You come with me." Shen Mei said that it was unclear, so let Shen Che see it for himself.

For the video and audio recordings in the monitoring room, Cheng Cheng borrowed the computer on the yacht to call up the amount of half an hour and edited the key parts. In addition, the door of the room where he went back to take pictures was opened and all weapons were Photos of the missing cabin...

The more Shen Che looked at his face, the darker his expression became.

"The gangsters have all died on the ship, and the ship has sunk into the deep sea. Now there is no evidence to prove that the gangsters used our weapons. When Yang Zhao and the others controlled the situation, they had already said that this was instigated by the Japanese. , But what shall we say later?" Cheng Cheng closed his mouth after seeing Shen Che's face.

The thing is either Japan or the United States instructs people to do it. The United States will not act so fast, so in all likelihood, it is a good thing done by the Japanese.

But the other party’s tricks are really insidious, bombing the ship, even if someone luckily survives, the information they provide will only be that the culprit used Chinese weapons to bomb the ship with the cooperation of the Chinese, then things will become China. In order to control Southeast Asia, the rich people in Southeast Asia were madly deceived into boarding the ship, and the economy of Southeast Asia was hit by an earthquake, so that China could control Southeast Asia without any effort.

And this Chinese who cooperated is the Shen family.

Not only General Shen and Shen Che will be questioned by investigations, and the fame of the first generation will be ruined. I am afraid that the martyrs of the fourth generation of the Shen family who died for this country will be ashamed.

"**********!" Shen Che slammed the table and roared.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Cheng Cheng hurriedly held the wine glass that was half overwhelmed by his shot, rescued the half glass of red wine, and handed it to him: "Suppress the fire, this matter, we have already Press it down, look." Then he took out his mobile phone from his pocket and showed him a picture.

Looking at the photo of Shen Mei hanging on the landing gear of the helicopter, Shen Che's face was even darker and said, "She begs others to take her away!"

"No, we can understand that she wants to stop the culprits, so..."

Cheng Cheng did not finish speaking, Shen Che raised his hand to stop him, and said to the door: "This time, thank you very much! What are your thoughts?"

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