Fenglin Tianxia – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 1038: War without Gunsmoke 7

The familiar curves, the pulsating data, and the charts on the monitor were too familiar, making Ling Qingyu unconsciously stretch out his hand through the hatch to touch the transparent display.

That used to be the battlefield she was most familiar with. She just quit after falling in love with Shu Qifan. In the past two decades, there was no possibility of contact. After coming back, the rhythm of pie in the sky made her dare not touch it any more. I thought that I was unfamiliar and forgotten...

Now I knew at a glance that some things were instinctive in the blood and bones.

Seeing the young man standing in the middle with his chin in his eyes constantly turning between the various screens, listening to the noisy reports of the men and then accurately judging and giving instructions, her blood became hot.

They are about to go to war on a battlefield where there is no gunpowder but more fierce than real swords and guns.

"Boss, are you short of manpower? I'm a familiar hand!" Ling Qingyu asked with a bright smile to the men who turned their heads after hearing the sounds.

"San Ye, didn't you tell her not to come!" He complained, but Meng Su, who was in the nearest position by the door, jumped up and opened the hatch first, letting two people in.

Yan San raised her brow and glanced at Meng Su, and said, "You guys have a try."

All the men were speechless, and only Yan San could hold on to this day. If they were changed to them, she would have surrendered and brought her down as long as she had a coquettish look in her eyes or a gentle and sweet questioning.

"Su Hexiang Su Hexiang!" Ling Qingyu shouted at Su Hexiang, eyes bright as stars, regardless of the undercurrent between the men.

Uh..., looking at her, Su Hexiang moved the most comfortable chair in the cabin to Yan San, and said, "We will officially start the war tomorrow, and we are now doing preparatory work."

Ben hoped that he could righteously persuade her to go back and continue recuperating. The men cut, and honestly turned around and continued to do what they should do. Now is the most important time.

Looking at the data, Ling Qingyu also knew that it was not time for them to answer questions. He sat in Yan San's arms and said with a girlish innocent expression: "You go ahead and I will watch."

"Okay, I'll tell you later." Su Hexiang stopped talking nonsense, looked at the screen, and continued to give instructions.

Yan San couldn't understand a word, just looked at Ling Qingyu, and saw that she put away her previous sympathetic smile, her face became more and more serious, but her eyes got brighter, just like, just like, he was back then It's as competitive when you meet a well-matched opponent.

Fighting vigorously.

A few minutes later, the stock market closed, the men's actions slowed down, and things that were not enough for follow-up did not stop. Su Hexiang wrote several company names on the large blackboard hanging on one side, considering that most people (Cheng Jiahe Ying Thirteen Yanqi has already begun to study hard.) He did not understand English, and added a Chinese comment, and then said: "In order to avoid risks, hedge funds usually settle once every three months. Even if the stocks rise and the holding period is extended, the maximum is six. In August, the sp fund that Huayin and Fu belong to has held these two stocks for nearly three months. During this time, various positives have continued, and the stock price has increased by 10%, but according to the sp fund It’s a habit for them to sell when they make more than 30% of their profits. October 10 is their quarter’s settlement day. We have been letting them fluctuate on a small scale in the past few days. They only started to follow up today, so calm, they can only say that they are very confident in themselves. In these few days, the major benefits of these companies can make the stocks in the follow-up period of no more than two months. The benefit of a direct increase of more than 30% will appear." At this point, Su Hexiang smiled and paused.

"These companies are veteran Japanese companies, but their performance in Japan has reached a bottleneck. If they want a major improvement in their performance, they must open up new markets. Now China is emerging a large number of wealthy and likes. For those who are pursuing brands, their best sales target should be China.” Ling Qingyu glanced at Su Hexiang unconsciously. This felt that the rhythm was too familiar. Su Hexiang would do this every time he had a meeting, leaving the most important part. For myself, even if the two of them have not communicated in advance, they can understand what the other person means. As they are now, the corners of their lips are slightly smiling, and Ling Qingyu said: "But they want to establish a store in China. It is not that simple, so, most likely, they have opened up the relationship with China.

Yang Zhao looked at the information in his hand, pointed to one of the companies and said: "The news from Dongxi says that this company has already scheduled to sign a contract with Changzhou, and Changzhou will provide a large area of ​​land for this company to open their Chinese company. New factories, and there are extremely favorable tax policies. If this project is established, their daily-use products can be sold at a price that is 30% lower than the imported products, but the profit is 20% higher. The competitiveness will be extremely huge."

He Li adjusted a few pictures to the largest transparent display and said: "This is also the case. They will sign a strategic cooperation agreement with the central region of China to place most of the factories in China, and China will not only provide cheap labor and The land will also provide abundant mineral raw materials and open the domestic market."

"I, I have it here too!" Zhao Yinfengyang started to shout, seeing that everyone's eyes turned to him, and after correcting the name three times back and forth, pointing to the middle one and said: "This, this one has not signed an agreement with China. They are planning to increase factories in Thailand and Malaysia. Guo Wei said that their intentions are very clear, but they can open up factories in these two countries and sell them to China? This, is it useless?"

"Of course it is useful. China and ASEAN countries have trade agreements, and in the current situation, more preferential treatment is given to friendly countries. It is much more convenient for them to go from these two countries than from Japan." Ling Qingyu smiled. Tao.

Zhao Yinfeng's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help saying: "My baby is amazing. Su Hexiang only said that when he peeked at someone's confidential documents. Look, my baby would know if he didn't see anything!"

Ling Qingyu's eyes lit up. Who is Su Hexiang? Super super hacker, he asked: "What did you find?"

Su Hexiang's thin lips slightly pursed the corners of her mouth, and she unconsciously brought out a smile, and said: "Well, I roughly know their direction and progress. They will focus on signing contracts in the past few days, or that is, the people from the sp fund are forcing them Sign the contract in these few days, because their settlement date is approaching, the announcement day cannot be delayed, and the stock price must go up before then.” With that, Su Hexiang called up pictures from the supercomputer. Put it on the big transparent screen in the middle.

Looking at the pieces of information, Ling Qingyu leaned forward with his mouth open and murmured: "These companies do not account for a low percentage of the Nikkei Index. Their rise can drive the entire market up. If they plunge..."

"Well, we have already bought it." Su Hexiang smiled lightly.

This cabin is on the ground floor. There is no sunlight, and the lights in the cabin bring the dazzling color of the indoor lights. The light casts a shadow under his tall bridge of nose, making his smile a fatal color.

Ling Qingyu sighed softly, but in such a short time, he could find so many life-deaths...

Su Hexiang...

As expected of Su Hexiang...

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