Ling Qingyu was shocked and suddenly realized that the men were still wearing only a single shirt. He waved his hand to indicate that they should change their clothes, and hurriedly ran to Cheng Jia and touched his cold hand, tears in his eyes. It's about to fall out.

Cheng Jia smiled and signaled that he was okay. Xu was not cold because Shenhu heard their prayers. Xu Shiyingjiu and Yanqi had been warming him with inner strength by his side. He didn't feel cold, but warmhearted. Like fire.

Ying Thirteen set up the camera and waved to make everyone stand. Ling Qingyu was in the middle. The twelve of them stood in two rows around her and took a group photo together.

Just now, he and Yan Qi, Meng Su and three of them were shooting at the same time, and every detail was not missed. From now on, this video will be one of their most precious treasures.

After taking the group photo, Zhao Yinfeng smiled silently and hugged Ling Qingyu to take a close group photo alone. This triggered another wave of craze and Ling Qingyu kept reminding them to wear clothes!

Under her supervision, the men changed their clothes back. Fortunately, they have already considered that the clothes will get dirty. They also brought the clothes back. After the clothes were changed, they filled with some sacred lake water (cannot be washed but can be drunk). The mountains around the lake overlooked the panorama of Shenhu Lake, and after being touched again, he was ready to descend.

As soon as I put my backpack on my shoulders, a thick cloud and mist filled the valley mouth from the valley. The clouds in the sky began to turn black and thick after rolling out of various shapes. After a while, Shenhu was hidden again behind the mist and disappeared.

It looked like it was going to rain heavily, carrying Ling Qingyu and Cheng Jia on their backs, and the group quickly walked down the mountain.

Across the hill, the sky rolled over with laughter-like thunder, lightning penetrated the clouds and drew a beautiful trajectory in the sky, amidst the thunder and lightning, a huge rainbow appeared on the horizon.

Seeing the people below just took two photos and ran down quickly, Kavaborg said to Bai Ze who was sitting on the clouds: "It's too shameful! I've played music for them, shouldn't they dance?"

Bai Ze gave him a white look and spread his wings behind his back.

"You left?" Kavaborg smiled: "They still have a catastrophe." "Well, you have seen them too, those catastrophes, can't trouble them!" Bai Ze's fingertips floated with brilliance. The overflowing crystal drop said: "That is the person who has the tears of soul."

There was a long cry from the sky, followed by thunderstorms, and heavy rain fell.

The heavy rain is pouring down, and the sky is rainy.

Raindrops floated through the corridor and entered the door, bringing a bit of cold chill. A group of people sat by the fire pond. Watching the rain, Zhou Ziqing said worriedly: "Such a heavy rain, will something happen?"

After walking around in the morning, they soaked in the medicine bag left by Ye Po. The soreness on their bodies had already healed a lot. It was clear for a while at noon. They just wanted to go out for a walk, and then it rained heavily and they could only retract back into the corridor. , And then retracted into the room.

If it's not for those who are worried about going up the mountain, then the time of relaxing reading and chatting around the firepit and drinking butter tea can be said to be wonderful.

At first they were not worried. They had seen too many tough men along the way, but as the rain became stronger, the owner of the inn sighed and said that there would be an accident on the mountain and said more often. They were worried too.

Human beings are stronger, but the power of nature is stronger.

The owner of the inn got up again and walked to the door to look out. Yesterday, he heard them asking about the route to Shenhu. He had already persuaded them. Shenhu is effective, but it has been raining these few days, and the mountain roads are very difficult to walk. It depends on the situation, I am afraid that there will be heavy rain today. In this kind of weather, the locals dare not go, let alone the people of the Central Plains who are not familiar with the road.

In the heavy rain, if you lose your way or run into a mudslide, you will never find the body.

What's more, it's only May, and the snow on the mountain has not melted. The rain is so down, and the mountain is even more gloomy and cold. Looking at the clothes they wear when they go out in the morning, there are really not many clothes (except the woman and the Wenxiu man) ).

They have a very good heart. They cook their own meals and ask them to eat. They also clean up the kitchen and rooms, and even help him build the collapsed stone walls of the yard. The owner of the inn really doesn't want them to have trouble.

With the Buddha beads on his wrist, the inn owner whispered the scripture.

"Nothing will happen, right? They are so strong..." Fang Fang rubbed his hands and walked to the door to look out, begging the owner of the inn for peace of mind.

The owner of the inn did not speak, but turned the prayer beads faster.

"Yes, I haven't come back at this time." Dong Ting also sighed as he rubbed against the door.

"Shangshen Lake takes eight or nine hours at the fastest even if it is sunny. How can it come down so quickly." Zhao Wei also stood at the door, saying so, but his face was full of worry.

I only hope that they will find a place to hide from the rain when they see it. With so much equipment, they should be able to walk down as long as they escape the rain and reposition.

"I heard that in the last century, a mountaineering team wanted to climb Kawabog Peak. As a result, all 17 people died in a big avalanche." Fang Fang was very worried. A slap in the back of the head.

"No, those people want to blaspheme the mountain, so the mountain is angry, they just go to the lake, the mountain will not be angry." The inn owner said.

"Profane Mountain?" Liang Jiarong also stood at the door and asked when he heard the words of the inn owner.

"For you, this is nothing but mountains, forests, fields, and snowy mountains, but for us, those snowy mountains are sacred places and places that cannot be desecrated. Kawabog is even more important. It is the head of the eight sacred mountains and rules the entire natural world. , The one who is pleased by Kavaborg, he will protect you in this life and the afterlife. If you are disrespectful, if humans reach the summit, then God will leave here, and a huge disaster will come." The inn owner looked out the door. In the direction of Kavaborg, who was completely concealed by the rain curtain, he said: "We also told those people back then, but they didn't believe it and went their own way. As a result, they encountered an avalanche."

Xiang Dongxi Fangfang slapped his head again, and said: "There is a **** three feet above the head. Don't talk nonsense, be careful of retribution!"

Today's world is full of material desires, and people consider themselves to be the masters of the world in the name of materialism, and they have long forgotten their awe of the world.

All things have anims and cause and effect reincarnation. In fact, human beings must learn to be awed, and everything they do will produce cause and effect. Only when they know and awe the retribution brought by cause and effect, human beings can restrain themselves and know that some things are impossible. made.

And without the heart of awe, then the punishment of the gods will not be far away.

The five-thousand-year cultural core of the Han nation can only be preserved in another form in this remote place.

I can't help but say, this is really sad...

"Someone! Look! Someone! Someone is here! They are back!" Dong Ting's yelling interrupted Xiang Xi's meditation.

In the heavy rain, a group of people are coming across the ridge at a very fast speed.

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