"My phone has a signal!" Cheng Jiaxi said as he kept making calls and looked at the display on the phone. After going out of the strange circle, looking at the signal grid that emerged.

"Can you get through to their phone?" The road ahead was flat, Meng Su drove faster, and the car circled like a racing car on the winding road.

After calling three times, Cheng Jia shook his head and said, "No, their phone is not working. It should be the problem."

That circle, that weird, two-sky-like place inside, not only does the ground move, it also blocks all wireless transmission?

"Call Lu Yao!" Meng Su reported a series of phone numbers.

Deqin is located in a remote location and it is so late. There are not many vehicles coming in and out. When they came out, there was only their team on the road. If the wireless communication were all cut off, then there would be such a big earth movement. I am afraid the people outside don't know yet.

"Earthquake!" Lu Yao jumped up from the chair abruptly, and said anxiously, "What about her?"

"I see, I'm already in Shangri-La, so I'll take someone there." Putting down the phone, Lu Yao picked up his coat and said to Cheng Cheng: "The Deqin earthquake destroyed the entire city and the roads. I will go first. You Report it now."

"Earthquake? Really?" Cheng Cheng hurriedly took out his mobile phone to see if there was an earthquake, they should receive the news as soon as possible.

"Really, my friends were there, a few escaped, and a few got stuck inside, where the mobile phone signal was not available. They only got through after rushing out of the earthquake zone." Lu Yao walked to the door again Turning back, he picked him up and said: "Come with me, I need something, you can help me get it."

"What do you have that you can't get?" Cheng Cheng said while dialing the superior's phone.

"Gas mask, medicine, I didn't bring these, your identity is easy to use, stop talking, hurry up!"

"Shen Da, it's me, Cheng Cheng, Deqin, and Deqin, Yunnan. There was a major earthquake. The damage was severe. The phone signal over there was no longer available. Yes, a friend of mine escaped from it and just called me. In Shangri-La, rush over." Cheng Cheng called into the phone while walking out with Lu Yao.

In the distant capital, Shen Che looked at the phone that had hung up before he could ask questions. After being dumb for a moment, he jumped out of the chair, and while dialing the phone, he was cuddling and watching TV. He was very upset because he jumped up. The wife said, "There was an earthquake in Deqin! Damn, Xiao Lao is still there!"

Xu You froze for a while and jumped up directly, went to his cell phone and shouted: "Dongdong is here too! They are all here! What is the magnitude of the earthquake? Does it exceed level 6?"

"Earthquake Administration, Deqin has an earthquake, what amplitude has been tested? What? You ask me? Fuck, you are the Earthquake Administration! Who is kidding you, Deqin has an earthquake and the whole city has been destroyed. , How did I know? I **** someone is there! You guys eat shit! Check it out!"

"Dad, there was an earthquake in Deqin. Yes, the exact news. Shen Che's subordinates are working over there. Oh, Shen Che. Dad asks you if your subordinates are in the disaster area. Can you tell me the exact news?" Xu You turned his head. Shen Che asked, looking at the violent jump.

"I'll fly over, you tell dad, Cheng Cheng is there, the news will not be false, and dad prepare early." Shen Che said as he put on his clothes, when he picked up the military cap, the corner of his mouth suddenly He cocked a hint of coldness, and said: "If something happens to Xiao Luo, it is best that those guys don't survive!"

"Don't crow's mouth! Xiao Lao and Dongdong can't escape, who else can escape! Go and save people, I will notify the hospital and prepare to send rescue teams over." Xu You yelled at him. Turned his head to the phone and said, "Dad, did you hear everything? I'm leaving too. I will let you know if I have news."

After the third deafening explosion, the building that was still standing at the end also collapsed, and the collapsed part also squeezed again.

Fire light penetrated through the few remaining gaps, bringing a touch of warmth to the small space.

Ling Qingyu's brows wrinkled unconsciously, not because of the drops of sweat on Yan San's smiling face, but the burnt smell in the air that penetrated through the gap.

I tried to move my hand and took out a silk scarf from my pocket, soaking it in the water flowing down the gap, covering one end of the water-moistened silk scarf over Yan San's mouth and nose, and one end over his own mouth and nose, while loudly Said: "Eleven, Po'er! How are you doing?"

There was a response from the left and right, although there was a hint of weakness in the voice, but fortunately, everyone was alive.

Ling Qingyu yelled: "Doctor Qiangba, are you still there?"

"Yes." The old man Qiangba's voice was faint, and he didn't walk far away.

"I'm afraid that this gas is poisonous. You can cover your mouth and nose with a cloth soaked in water." Ling Qingyu said loudly, might as well breathe in a trace of black smoke, and immediately got an itchy throat. He hurriedly blocked his mouth tightly with the silk scarf, working hard He took a few breaths through the silk scarf before suppressing the cough.

Thanks to Hua Dong, in order to take pictures, in order to take pictures of the romantic beauty of the girl, I bought dozens of silk scarves of various colors, and along the way, they became addicted to playing with silk scarves, and they were addicted to playing with silk scarves. A person from Chu sent out a silk scarf, and everyone took a group photo together. The silk scarf and the prayer flags behind him wafted with strong colors in the air. Those photos were indeed very beautiful.

Therefore, besides her pockets, Ye Po and Ye Shiyi should also have silk scarves.

Although the big water tank blocked their way, it is precisely because of the water tank that they can now have water. Not only can they soak the silk scarf, they can also drink...

"I have water in my bag..." Sweat dripped from her forehead to her neck, but Yan San still smiled softly, and the corner of her eyes gestured to the backpack squeezed on the edge of the corner.

Ling Qingyu cocked the corners of his mouth and showed a smile, and touched his back with his hand. The heavy cement board was directly on his back. The place where his fingers touched can feel the thick blood has soaked his clothes. , And then dropped to the ground drop by drop, in the quiet space after the explosion, there was a continuous ticking sound.

"In the bag, there are Snickers and chocolates... I remember... Sum also put some sausages... I said it was for you to sharpen your mouth." Yan San said softly, but his voice was a little bit because of exhaustion. Intermittently.

Ling Qingyu touched the hand on his waist for a while, trying his best to ignore the weakness and forbearance in his voice, but his hands still shook slightly.

"Qingyu... touch it again... there's nothing we can do here." Yan San whispered with a chuckle. Seeing a trace of irritation on her face, he smiled again: "Well, wait for us to go out... Going home... I'll definitely make you feel good. If you want to touch it, then touch it, okay?"

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