Mr. Tang looked at the agreement in front of him and his lips trembled. After a while, he closed the folder and said with unwillingness and anger: "How can I be regarded as a veteran of the Ling family. I have been a cow and a horse for so many years. Kicked out?"

Yang Zhao pushed the other folder in front of him, his voice was honest and magnetic, and he sounded good, but he said with no emotion: "Mr Tang, think about how to say it after reading this."

With a cold sneer, Mr. Tang said, "What else is there to say, the things are done, the project has made money, and those of us have also been used up." As he said this, he still took the folder. After turning a few pages, a drop of sweat dripping from his forehead, his face pale and said, "This is framed!"

"Did you frame Mr. Tang? I know it very well." Yang Zhao put one leg lightly on the other leg, and put his hands on his knees, and said coldly: "Three years ago, Mr. Tang and Ren Xing thought that the market was not good. Ming asked the company to lower its discounts to distributors and intermediary companies. The eight-point discounts that came down were actually in your own pockets. When Mr. Ling had an accident, you used the material supplier to urgently drew the money. Ming proposed to increase the price of the supplier by 20% and ask the supplier to extend the billing period. Later, when the company was acquired, the new company paid for this part of the purchase price at a 20% increase, but the supplier did not I didn’t get the 20% difference.” With a chuckle, Yang Zhao said: “Mr. Li said that he has worked with Mr. Ling for many years, and it is impossible for Mr. Ling to go to the bottom when he is in trouble. He gave it to you at that time. The reply is, it doesn’t matter if you don’t have money to pay for this batch of money."

Reaching out, tapping his finger on the file folder, Yang Zhao said: "Any one of these evidences here can sue you for a crime of commercial fraud."

His face turned pale, Mr. Tang drew a few tissues to wipe the cold sweat that kept coming out, lowered his head and dared not make a sound.

He originally thought that these things were done unconsciously and the amount was not large. No one should pay attention to such things. He was timid and didn't dare to do it like Ling Haolin and Ren Xing, but watched them do it. It didn't matter, I moved some thoughts in my heart, not to mention that at that time his daughter was seriously ill, and the Ling's saw that it was dysfunctional...

"The overall sales of Jiaxing Hao Ting has now reached 156 million. Now the entire housing market is declining, and the subsequent housing types are not good. In the end, sales of 200 million will reach the top. I estimate the total value at 200 million. Purchasing the company, Qing Yu said, she will not erase your credit for the past few years, and promised that your 20% of the shares will still be given to you, plus the 5% of your own investment, a total of 100 Twenty-five percent, here is fifty million in cash." Yang Zhao put five ten million cheques on the table in front of him and said lightly.

President Tang looked up in surprise, and said in disbelief: "50 million?"

"Today, you signed the agreement and gave you a down payment of 10 million. After all the procedures are completed and you cooperate with us to handle the company's affairs, the rest of the money will be given to you in one lump sum." Yang Zhao pressed his hand on the check. After Mr. Tang retracted his hand in a slanderous manner, he said, "Mr. Tang, you called Qing Yu to come over that time, did you really not know that they were going to hurt people, or did you not expect them to hurt people?"

President Tang was taken aback, his mind turned sharply, and he was speechless for a while.

Yang Zhao sneered and said: "You have colluded with that Huasheng Group. Let's not say that the bank is so prone to problems, so you talked about the problem. Your own methods and methods are useless, so just shout out. Yu came over. We all spent an hour here. They waited for an hour and didn’t do anything. Qing Yu yelled and screamed as soon as they came. At that time, your security had no movement at all. Mr. Tang, you, when we were Are they all fools?"

"No, I really didn't expect them to do it. They said that they were only threatening to threaten President Ling, so that President Ling could agree to the negotiation. They were willing to accept the plate in full and pay all in cash. I know that President Ling was troublesome during that time. There are a lot of them. They are not generous in terms of money. A lot of money is needed to make the real estate. Mr. Ling may not have the strength to support it. I also think about her. I said that the total price of the plate cannot be less than 100 million, but Mr. Ling is not willing I really didn’t want to hurt her about the sale. I was a little bit greedy for small money, but you checked it out. All these things have been found out. You should also know that I didn’t betray Mr. Ling. At that time, I could also leave. But I didn't leave..." President Tang said hurriedly, flushing on his face.

Yang Zhao released his hand from the check, pressed a check with his finger and pushed it in front of him, saying: "Qingyu said that she likes Xiaowan very much. Xiaowan's illness not only needs money, but also needs her parents to be with her. Thank you. Nian has been standing next to her on major events. When things are done, all the money will be given to you. When your daughter's illness is cured, you can come to us if you want to start your own business and need help. If you want to be clear, you are willing to follow us. So, just follow our rules, how about?"

"That's what she said..." Mr. Tang's eyes were red, and he wiped a tear on the back of his hand, and said: "I know, I will cooperate with you. In fact, the real estate here is almost sold. The quota has passed 200 million, and there is not enough money on the book. It is because there is still a balance. The remaining tail building may not be in a good position. I suggest that you can close the market and not sell it. Those houses can be rented out by themselves or later as promotional methods. , Must not reduce the price. Once the price is reduced, those customers will not care whether it is a tail building, but will think that your property has fallen in price and will ask for compensation. After the closing, you can directly entrust the property company to deal with it without too much effort. The bank loan expires in the second half of the year. It can be repaid or renewed so that new developments can be made. When that happened last time, I reduced the old Chen’s wages, and the remaining balance will have to wait half a year. You can only pay after the safety period. You can ask me at any time."

Listening to him muttering the details that were impenetrable just now, a faint smile appeared on the corners of Yang Zhao’s mouth. According to him, he wanted to seek justice from President Tang, but Ling Qingyu said that he should be forgiven. Everyone makes a mistake. It depends on whether it’s a big mistake or a small one. Mr. Tang didn’t miss his general direction. Then, let him give him a chance. It’s not her benevolence, but to give me a peach for Qiong Yao. Although I think she used the wrong words, it seems that her usual practice is still effective.

With heart for heart, there will always be people who will repay you.

Coming out of the office building, Zhao Yinfeng pulled the car door and asked, "Just leave it to him? What's next? Aren't you afraid that he will have another moth?"

"He won't, besides, we don't have that time either. He Li and Cheng Jia are still waiting for us to pass in the provincial capital." Yang Zhao patted the car door, motioned him to take the co-pilot, and smiled.

"Why does the surname Zheng do things so fast? Isn't it difficult to approve? How many days have we been back now!" Zhao Yinfeng snorted and turned to the co-pilot.

"Cheng Jia gave a few sketches to Liang Jiarong and Wu Kunfang for their father. Mr. Zheng's house is almost booked. Who is in a hurry? Besides, I want to fix this soon. I guess I will wait for Yan San and the others. If the injury is almost the same, Qingyu will want to set off to see Fengshen Island." Yang Zhao sat in the driver's seat and dropped the bag on the back row.

"Speaking of this, the villa is also ready. Cheng Jia and Ying Thirteen have been talking about moving in auspicious days for a while, when will it be done?"

"By the way, Yinfeng, you said that the foreman said that someone inquired about us earlier, who is it? Have you asked clearly?"

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