As soon as he helped Yan San sit down, the door of the box was pushed open, and the club manager who pushed the door stepped a little open, and walked into a slender, gentle and gentle man and a young man.

Although it has been more than 30 years, the memory has long been blurred when I haven't seen anyone. Once I see it, some memories emerge vividly again. Looking at the one in front of me, although its appearance has changed greatly, it is elegant and elegant The man who felt the same as before, Ling Qingyu smiled and stood up and said, "Bamboo!"

A faint smile appeared at the corner of the man's mouth. He walked a few steps and said, "Qingyu."

As he walked forward, the young man behind appeared, Ling Qingyu just wanted to talk to him, and his eyes stopped on the young man.

In his early twenties, his handsome face was so beautiful that he couldn't look away, his stature was as tall as loose, but his thin body seemed to be brewing a strong fire.

There is also the pair of eyes, clear and transparent, as clean as billions of years of ice crystals, but with a leaping flame in the deepest part.

"Su Hexiang...?" Ling Qingyu shouted, feeling wrong as soon as he spoke, and hurriedly smiled: "I'm sorry, I confessed to the wrong person. You and a friend of mine looked so alike when you were young."

"Your friend is also called Su Hexiang?" Su Yuzhu asked in surprise.

"Yes, too? Could it be that?" Ling Qingyu raised his brows, right?

"This is my nephew, Su Hexiang, Xiaoxiang, this is Miss Ling." Su Yuzhu smiled while suppressing the strangeness in my heart.

"Hello." Ling Qingyu stretched out his hand generously, and when he held the slender, slender, white and jade-like hand of the other party, he was slightly surprised by the sweat in his palm. He saw the crimson flying in his ears, smiled indifferently, and retracted naturally. Hand, said to Su Yuzhu: "Introduce you my husbands, Yansan, Yanqi, Ye Shiyi, this is Su Yuzhu, my senior in college, my good buddy!"

"Hello." Yan San supported Yan Qi with one hand and stood up, reaching out.

The surprise in my heart was like the turbulent waves, and the face was still elegant, Su Yuzhu also stretched out his hand and said, "Mr.

After shaking hands with the three of them one by one, Su Yuzhu said casually: "Last time I met some gentlemen in your new house, he said..."

"Well, you mean Yang Zhaomeng Su Shisan and Ye Po? That's my husband too." Ling Qingyu smiled brightly and innocently, watching the expression on Su Yuzhu's face finally crack and change, and said with a smile: "Didn't I say it, there is always One day, I will build a huge harem that will make you regret hitting your head with tofu!"

"Of course I remember." Su Yuzhu laughed and said: "You said that you would give me the position of a noble concubine."

Uh! Why don’t I remember saying this? The gaze from behind made Ling Qingyu's body tremble unconsciously, and he smirked: "Tong Yan Wuji, Tong Yan Wuji, come to the table, I am starving to death."

"Thinking to have a good lunch at noon, it's better to eat me poorly, so I didn't eat breakfast?" Su Yuzhu asked with a smile naturally sitting next to Ling Qingyu.

Uh! Those three eyes were cold and hot, and one even brought grievances, damn, let him go on like this, the back house must be on fire, and I don’t know if I can get up and walk after returning! Ling Qingyu sighed in his heart, clenched his fist to his lips and coughed twice, changing to a serious look, and said: "I have never done such naive things!"

Su Yuzhu raised her brows and looked at her stare at the corners of her eyes by the three men. He laughed and said, "Qingyu, you are really ten years like a day." More than ten years have passed, and there is still no change... …

"No, no, no! I have changed a lot!" Ling Qingyu's face turned into bitter gourd. If I knew it, I would definitely not come to the appointment out of curiosity!

I don't know what the old man Qiangba thinks. Isn't it because the old man is very decent, orthodox, and serious! And as a person who teaches and doctors, shouldn't you resolutely oppose those unethical behaviors?

He actually said that it is the most natural thing for men and women to have sex, just like being in harmony, men have the responsibility to let their women get the most fulfilling experience, and women should satisfy men and give birth to healthy offspring.

He and the men hit it off, claiming to heal Yan San and the others (of course, his medical skills are indeed superb, Yan San is almost as good as he did not enter the hospital, and he even eliminated a lot of terrible scars on his back). In fact, most Time is studying the extension effect of Tai Sui, and the prescriptions made her feel feverish and congestion on the top of her head after drinking it. It's really...I feel unfinished after fighting all night.

Bingzhu absolutely can't let her life become a bed animal. She has launched a full-scale business plan. Ningcheng's project, the Silver Tower, and the newly invested movie have all directed the men out.

But there are still four men in the family who can't get out...

At this moment, Su Yuzhu's oral message was passed through Ye Shiyi again. After returning, she also knew that the poor student she had always thought was the Su family, and was the man who shocked the entire financing world ten years ago.

When she knew the truth, she was completely relieved. She understood why he left back then.

After that, knowing his current situation, I also want to meet him. Not to mention those cryptic feelings, they were indeed very good friends back then, and the power of the Su family in Europe should not be underestimated.

In order to prevent it from happening, especially the vinegar jar of Ye eleven and the trickster of Yan Qi, she deliberately re-accounted to them the things that she had forgotten so long, and then repeatedly stated that the meeting was old. Meet friends and establish business relationships. After all, even in such an advanced society here, the foundation of all business activities comes from people. Networks determine resources, and resources determine how much you can do.

The men all expressed their understanding at the time, but Yan San felt that his injury was almost healed, and he was already able to walk, so he had to come out and relax.

Yan Qi and Ye Eleven had more reasons. Those small eyes narrowed, and two tears came out, saying, do you dislike us? Shame on taking us out?

Fortunately, Soum was obedient. Although he wanted to come up with the super club dishes, she gave up after being kissed.

Otherwise, she has no doubt that tonight, on the soft couch by the window on the bed, the clothes will appear cleanly undressed, posing in all kinds of postures that make people squirt nosebleeds, and her eyes are flowing, with grievances and feelings. The muffled voice whispered her name...people...

Can't think about it! Must send away the old man Qiangba! He has developed that portable Tai Sui anyway!

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