Fenglin Tianxia – Queen with a Thousand Pets

Chapter 878: Su Hexiang who opened the golden finger

The summer brings the heat but is not hot. After being blocked by the dense plants, it tilts down like a rain of fine light. In the colorful light and shadow, the young, handsome and innocent face seems to have The beating broken light.

The smile that gradually spread from the corners of the lips opened brilliantly in the shattered light and in the scent of flowers.

Su Hexiang said: "Yes, I am Su Hexiang."

Sitting down on the stone bench opposite him, Ye Shiyi poured out all the documents in the folder. After reading carefully one by one, he said, "It's the same as the real one."

"This is true." Su Hexiang smiled, holding a passport and said: "These passports are in the issuing country, such as this one, General Yang's. There is a detailed file of him in the United States. He is an early immigrant. I lived in Chinatown and later returned to China to study, so my Chinese is good, but English is not good. These are the true conditions of the case in detail. I reprocessed the photos based on the photos circulated on the Internet. There shouldn’t be much deviation from myself. ."

Ye Shiyi glanced at him in surprise and said, "Is it true?"

"Really, after I changed the file, I asked for it to be reissued under the name of the loss. Therefore, these were officially issued from the government agencies in the United States, Canada, Australia, Myanmar, Thailand, and Cyprus like fake replacements. I have to admit it, by the way, I got the visa for you by the way." Su Hexiang covered the passport, pushed it into the pile, and said: "Everyone, I have got three identities for you, including you in China. I have done all the identities of the people. For different places, please use different certificates."

"How did you do it?" Ye Shiyi is no longer shocked to describe it. Huazhonghua helped them get their ID cards, but he also said that the information was fake, and they were exposed as soon as they were checked. So these times They all used the identity of Ling Qingyu, and they kept leaving Deqin in a low-key manner, including fleeing, for fear of being tracked down.

But... this guy actually...

"My original body is a genius," pointed to his head, and Su Hexiang said, "He was pushed down the stairs when he was a child, his head was injured, and his brain was polarized. Human affection and communication are like a blank sheet of paper. , But the left brain is very developed, proficient in seven languages, fluent in more than a dozen minor languages, but the best is computer language, hackers, you know? There is no system in this world that he can’t access, the Internet world It is like his own back garden to him. He can wander around and modify the information at will. It is too simple to invade their system and add the information of a few people."

Ye Shiyi's mouth couldn't close. He has only learned how to operate stocks, play games, and watch websites. Su Hexiang can actually do this...

After a light cough, Ye Shiyi said, "Then you..."

"I just said that he is a genius, but he doesn't understand a bit of humanity, just like a blank sheet of paper, but he wants to go to school. Su Yuzhu loves this nephew very much, and he reported to the university in London. As a result, he and his bodyguard lost. After that, he was abducted by two bad guys and wanted to sexually assault him, eh..." After a pause, Su Hexiang's voice was slightly low: "He was only ten years old when he fell and was in a coma for three months. After waking up, he became an idiot in the eyes of others. At that time, he couldn't speak, nor could he speak, that is, temporarily lost his voice. Then, at that time, one of his uncles came to his room at night and did something to him. That kind of thing..." He paused again, looked at the killing intent flashing in Ye Xi's eyes, chuckled lightly, and said, "His uncle didn't get into trouble because an accident happened to Su Yuzhu that night and the whole mansion was alarmed. His uncle was called away temporarily, but that incident left a deep shadow in his mind. Therefore, when the two wanted to attack him, he refused to follow him and cut his neck himself." Ling, let Ye Shiyi look at the wound on his neck, and Su Hexiang said, "So, I'm here."

After a long pause, Ye Shiyi said dumbly: "I'm asking, why are you here!"

Putting all the documents on the stone table into the file bag, Su Hexiang smiled faintly: "I have done everything she explained, so I am here."

"You committed suicide..." Ye Shiyi said softly.

Su Hexiang smiled quietly, and handed the file bag to Ye Shiyi, saying, "Su Yuzhu really loved her. He is not in good health. I don't know how long he can live. He wants to help her. Help her, Lord Raksha, you don’t have to worry about me, my wish, whether in my previous life, this life given to me by the gods this time, just hope to be her Su Hexiang, if you are her sword, then, I, It's just her Su Hexiang."

There are no dazzling flowers, but Su Hexiang with a delicate fragrance quietly blooming in the corner of her courtyard.

Picking up the file bag, Ye Shiyi's face was depressed and entangled. After a long while, he said bitterly: "You don't expect me to say it! I won't say it!" Why do I have to encounter such things! Forget Lu Yao, I owe him originally, but why do you want to come Su Hexiang too!

It was the wicked thing that **** did! ! !

Su Hexiang looked at him with a chuckle, and a faint envy appeared in her heart. How many years hadn't seen Ye Eleven's crazy look like this? After the death of the third master, the young man was completely changed, cruel, rude and direct, but now Ye Shiyi has returned to the original appearance, that arrogant and sleazy young man.

By her side, in the time when everyone was together again, the wound in his heart should have been healed?

Looking at the light smile on his face, Ye Shiyi said angrily: "What a smile, you are so powerful, then just get me an account, and then transfer a billion ten billion into it."

Su Hexiang couldn't help but chuckled and laughed, and said: "This really can't be done. I will give you identification information. It is just a piece of information that is stuffed into a huge database. No one will notice or check it. , But the money in the bank account cannot be left blank. Millions of millions will be monitored, let alone hundreds of millions of sources? At that time, not only the account but also your identity will be checked. Isn't that trouble for yourself?"

Ye Eleven was startled, there is still such a saying?

"It's very easy to make money. Why do you need to fake it?" Su Hexiang smiled when he turned his head and looked at the bright red in the courtyard.

A ray of sunlight shone from the gaps in the vines above their heads, and the fine dust danced happily in the ray of light. In the diffuse halo, the confident smile on his handsome face shone brightly.

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