"Mother..." She timidly looked at Jin Ru, who closed her eyes and did not speak as soon as she got in the car, and Yang Biru whispered.

"Don't worry, Miss Ling has promised not to hold you accountable." Jin Ru's voice was tired. Seeing that Yang Biru didn't say anything, she opened her eyes slightly and glanced at Yang Biru, who was disdainful and could not put it away in the future, and said: "I will give you one million every year from now on. You can live as you like, but don't say it's my daughter from now on."

"Mother?" Yang Biru was shocked and looked up at Jin Ru and called out.

"Biru, people, you have to pay a price for doing things. I am also responsible for what you did wrong this time. I have not taught you personally for many years, and I have not given you a deep understanding of the rules of this circle, and I want to bring you in. , Therefore, I have the responsibility and obligation to help you solve this mistake you made, and I am willing to pay the price, but, Biru, for your good, you should still live in your original world, or..." Jin Ru Looking at her faintly, looking at the anxious look on her face, said: "You don't even know how to die."

"Mother, I won't be anymore, I won't make any mistakes, you can't deny me! You have lost me for so many years, and finally we are together, how could you..." Yang Biru burst into tears in anxious tears , She wasn't very anxious when this matter came out, she didn't even think what Ling Qingyu could do to her, said so seriously, didn't she let her out? She also knew that because Jin Ru had thoughts of her about this matter, she honestly followed, and honestly made a look of fear of repentance, but she did not expect Jin Ru to deny her!

She has entered that circle, dressed in a beautiful dress with luxury jewelry, and feasting among various gatherings. It is a world that you can't enter if you have money, just like a fairy tale world.

And if it were not for Jin Ru's daughter, without the aura of the Jin family, she would be abandoned by this circle, her social status and her dreams would all be in vain.

"I'm doing it for you, Biru, I'm saving you..." looked at her helplessly, and looked at the real daughter in front of her who had no affection but could say those words that stabbed her, Jin Ru Tao.

Lowering his head, suppressing the anger in his heart, Yang Biru bit his lip and said: "I know, mother, can I get out of the car? I want to walk by myself."

"Stop over."

In the ktv private room, under the dim light, screaming like a scream, after singing a song, Liang Jiayi said to Yang Biru who opened the door: "Why is it so late? Didn't it mean it's five o'clock?"

"I went to meet someone." After throwing the bag on the sofa, Yang Biru loosened the hair behind his head and played with the hair tie that he took off and said: "My mother, she doesn't recognize me. Give it to me every year. One million, whatever I want to play."

"Ah?!" Liang Jiayi was taken aback and sat next to her, and said, "Isn't it? That's a big deal? They didn't have any actual losses in their company. You didn't mean that what the person said did not cause actuality. The loss will not be too great, let alone..."

"Humph," Yang Biru snorted coldly, and said, "Naturally not, people are already arranged, or else, how can I come out? My mother thought I didn't know, thought I really thought it was her who rescued me. Yes, hey, I told you, today the woman took me to Ling Qingyu’s house and she insisted on letting me go in and apologize. Why should I go! I won’t go, she didn’t have any trouble, so she went in by herself, and after she came out She looked like she had paid a great price for me, and she said to me like a benevolent, Ling Qingyu will not hold me accountable, huh! Can she hold it accountable? Why does she have such courage? Later, I went to meet that person, and that person said, don’t talk about the strength of the person behind him, don’t talk about the strength of the person behind him, but Xiang family will look at their faces, Ling Qingyu? Ling Qingyu is a fart! I don’t know where to get it. What energy can she have for a little bit of bad money? What can she do to me?!"

Liang Jiayi patted her chest and said, "That's good, that's good, it's okay, but, your mother here, won't you really deny you?"

"Don't worry, that person also analyzed it for me. My real mother is just like me. Who wouldn't she give me the property? Is it to the prodigal sons of my uncle's family? She just got angry, actually. , She asked for it too!" Leaning her head on the back of the sofa, Yang Biru sneered, "Who told her to go to someone's house to apologize? She deserves it!"

"That's, and it's not that I said that my family is not good, but my cousin can really shine with a little sunshine. The more your mother is like this, the more she pushes her nose to the face, she really takes herself seriously. Isn’t it just relying on the man’s money?” Liang Jiayi also let out a sneer, took a bottle of beer from the table, opened it and handed it to Yang Biru, “Come on, let’s celebrate and wash you away!”

After taking a sip of the wine bottle, Yang Biru said, "By the way, didn't you mean that you found some handsome guys to play with today? What about people?"

"Oh, the beauties are here first! Sorry, I have kept you waiting." Before she could say anything, the door of the private room was pushed open, and she walked into a few handsome young men, laughing, and leaping directly into two. Sitting next to him, flirting.

"Eleven, what do you want to do?" Looking at Ye Eleven, who was wearing Ling Qingyu's floral skirt and turban, wrapping her hair and face tightly to make her look even more lofty and mighty, Ying Jiu pointed her finger and walked with surprised eyes. The waiter in the past said, "I think you are more eye-catching like this."

Ye Shiyi glared at him and said, "Brother Nine, you heard it just now, that shameless stinky woman!"

"Disfigured?" Without looking at his already hideous face, Ying Jiu's probe looked at the door which was still half open, so that he could see that the man and woman inside had been hugging and affectionate, and smiled coldly.

"It's too cheap for them!" Ye Shixi grinned his teeth, clenched and relaxed involuntarily, then clenched tighter.

If they were over there, he would have thrown them in the kiln long ago, making them worse off than dead!

"Eleven, look, did those men take things like Lu Yao said?" Ying Jiu stabbed Xia Ye eleven and pointed to the door.

"What is this?" She squeezed the handsome guy's little **** and leaned against his arms. Liang Jiayi watched him put a medicine into the cup and watched the medicine spread out like a bubble.

"Things that make you happy make you forget all your worries, only happy things~~" The handsome guy chuckled lightly, and held up the medicine glass to her mouth.

"Humph! Humph! Humph!" Ye Shiyi let out three cold snorts.

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