The most famous attraction in Palau is the Jellyfish Lake. This is the only non-toxic jellyfish lake in the world. The island where the Jellyfish Lake is located is a volcanic island. When the submarine volcano erupts, the magma continues to cool and rise. It is at the crater. A lagoon was formed, and during the formation of the lagoon, there were no other species except the jellyfish left in the sea. For thousands of years, these jellyfish had no natural enemies and their instinct to defend against enemies was degraded and became the only known energy on earth. Jellyfish that come into direct contact without gloves.

The lake here is blue and clear, and the sun shines on the surface of the lake. The clear lake has always allowed the sun to penetrate more than ten meters deep, and in the shattered water, playing with the beautiful water elves, watching the crystal clear The graceful cruising of the jellyfish is an extremely beautiful sensory enjoyment.

While there, Ling Qingyu had already brought Yan Sanyanqi and the others. However, Cheng Jia and Zhao Yinfeng had no chance to see them. After hearing her talk about the beauty here, Zhao Yinfeng clamored to come and see. .

It’s just that the Jellyfish Lake has become a famous attraction in Palau. You can’t get in with a boat by yourself. Ling Qingyu took Zhao Yinfeng, Chengjia and Yan San to the capital first by speedboat, and prepared to buy tickets honestly. .

The weather was good today. The sun was shining early in the morning. They arrived a bit early. The boat owner said that he would wait for a tour group to sail together. The best time to watch the Jellyfish Lake is noon. It is not anxious to see the time. Ling Qingyu stopped Zhao. Yin Feng was about to take the money to smash the boat boss's move, and several people sat under the umbrellas of the small shop on the side of the trestle to watch the scenery.

It’s close to the equator, and the sun is extremely poisonous, and the skin hurts after a longer exposure. Before coming, Ling Qingyu had put three layers of the best sunscreen on Cheng Jia’s delicate skin (the process was more intense). Look at the sun today. So he put on his own hat altogether.

Cheng Jiayou pulled down the veil of her hat to cover her face, and smiled: "What did Yang Zhao call this morning?"

After coming down from Fengshen Island that day, He Li called Mr. Guo and asked to encircle the surrounding islands together. Mr. Guo said that some of his friends happened to be interested in selling, so He Li went over immediately, and he set off to pick him up. A few of them drove the speedboat with Su Hexiang and passed. It has been four days now, and there is no confirmed news.

"Zhao said that the matter is already in sight, prices and everything have been discussed, and the ancillary requirements have been agreed to by the other party. Now there are only a few last questions left, saying that they should be able to finish it today. We wait for them to determine the time. Go and pick them up again." Ling Qingyu took out sunscreen from his bag and put on a layer on his blushing face after a while, and said casually: "Zhao said, thanks to Su Hexiang, I went, or else, I fell into their trap."

"Really? It looks like I'm going to learn that handsome language quickly." Cheng Jiadan smiled and pointed to the only road in the Palau capital in the distance: "The car seems to be coming."

Ling Qingyu smiled, pulled his veil down, and looked at the highway, Su Hexiang...Zhao said that thanks to Su Hexiang, that tone paused obviously, making her heart beat slightly.

Alan's letter said that Su Hexiang died for her, and that Su Hexiang loved her. At first glance, she didn't understand it. After reading it the second time, she could understand. Her head was stunned at that time. That child, who helped her in the later stage will help her Lingshi Well organized and thriving, the business genius who even Zhu Weili and Han Meng feel inferior to her, the treasurer who she is most assured and effective, the gentleman and gentleman who is like a scent of fragrance on a summer afternoon, that she has always been herself My blue face confidant, his right-hand man, a man who is one of his best friends...

he loves her……

In fact, when I really think about it, she didn't know his intentions at all, a man, following you without regrets, helping you, without marrying a wife or taking a concubine, not even going to the kiln...

However, when he answered her question by saying that he was weak and could not look like a woman, she believed it like a snail.

Just because she was too tired at that time, she didn't dare to bear any feelings anymore, and Su Hexiang had already seen through her, so just don't say anything...

did not expect……

A minibus stopped at the pier. Under the guidance of the tour guide, a dozen or so tourists dressed in simple, bright and bold clothes got off the bus. Most of the tourists were Oriental faces, but they spoke at least three languages.

The one who came down first was the Japanese, the one who came down was a few Chinese, and the last one came down was a tall beauty with sunglasses and a big sunhat. She wore a tight swimsuit on her exquisite body and tied a pair of her waist. The floating silk scarf makes the **** part looming, which is very attractive.

Ling Qingyu originally looked at the pedestrian with gusto. When he saw the last beautiful woman, his eyes were staring and his expression suddenly stiffened. Hell, would you encounter acquaintances in this place?

Seeing her face, Cheng Jia took off the hat from her head and put it back on her head, took out the spare sunglasses from her bag and put it on her, then put down the veil.

"People are coming, let's get on first." Yan San got up and called out Zhao Yinfeng, who was playing by the water, and took Ling Qingyu's hand into the boat first.

Palau has no more than 20,000 people. The capital is located on the largest island. Compared to China, it is not so much a city as it is a more prosperous town. The tallest building is only four floors, and the entire capital is connected. There are some buildings scattered around the main road of the island.

Everything is expensive. The main thing is that Ling Xiaoxu didn’t have anything that he wanted. After only staying for a long time, he felt bored to the extreme, but seeing Mabor’s cheerful appearance, I can’t say let’s go, but I’m going to Blue Coral On the beach, she met this Japanese and Chinese team and she found some fun.

Most of the men in this group are young men, only one woman in her thirties is the wife of one of them, and the rest of the men are single. They take care of her with great care, which greatly satisfy her vanity. I just feel that it is still fun to see a few broken places in this shadow.

After spending a day playing with the stars, she promised to follow them to this very famous jellyfish lake, but when she figured it out, Mabor said there was something to do today, but fortunately he was still a gentleman and gave her Five hundred dollars, let her play with the loose group.

At first, she was a little angry, but then she became happy when she thought about it. Without Marbol being an eye-obtrusive, she could get in touch with these men more. According to yesterday’s observation, the Japanese over 30 should be quite a bit. Background and power.

Because it took some time to pick her up, the tour guide had some complaints, but the whole group protected her. The young Chinese even said that I paid twice as much money, which made her feel very good in the car. When I got out of the car, my head was raised slightly, and when I walked down the last step, I looked at the pier like a queen patrolling.

Well, the scenery is really good, and the man is also very seductive...

Very seductive... that burly man with profound features...

So familiar!

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