Ji Chang said: "I heard that Shang Rong, Bi Gan, Deng Jiugong, and Huang Feihu almost fought each other in order to grab a quick son-in-law.

Su Hu was surprised and said, "What kind of young talent can make Prime Minister Shang, King Wu Cheng and the others compete for each other?

Ji Chang and Hu Hu said as they walked, "It is said that he is an extraordinary genius who possesses the latitude and longitude of the world. This man is young, but he is full of knowledge, and even Taishi Wen is full of praise for him.

The more Su Hu heard, the more shocked: "Even Taishi Wen is full of praise, which aristocratic family is this person?

Even Da Ji was a little curious and listened secretly.

Ji Chang: "It seems that this person is not a child of an aristocratic family, right, Bi Gan said that this Happy Forest is... He opened it.


Suddenly, Da Ji was choked by Ji Chang's words.

She never imagined that the person Ji Chang boasted was the one and only one that would be her Xianyu brother.

Is brother Xianyu so popular? Several people are vying for him to be the son-in-law of Chenglong! Su Hu ignored her daughter.

He was also shocked by Ji Chang's words at this moment.

"Although this happy Lin Ri is going to fight for gold, this person is not a member of an aristocratic family, and the Prime Minister of Commerce and King Wu Cheng will fight for it

Su Hu looked confused.

Ji Chang said: "This shows that this person has great talent.

And you should have heard about the third prince Yin Li, right?

Su Hu hurriedly nodded and said: "Of course I know, I heard that the third prince offended a powerful master, his hands and feet were interrupted by the master, and he was still writing on his face, and that master even had to please Master Wen. , did not dare to hold the superiors accountable at all.

So King Zhou suppressed this matter.

Ji Chang said quietly: "I heard that the master is... the boss of this Happy Forest, do you think it is still important whether he is a son of an aristocratic family?

"Cough cough!

Daji couldn't hold back and choked on her saliva again.

And this time, it was even worse.

The brother even interrupted the third prince's hands and feet: the words on the other side's face Daji have always felt that my brother is gentle and elegant, and he is not in a hurry, especially with her, he is very patient, she did not expect that my brother even has a thunderous side...  

Su Hu saw that her daughter had repeatedly lost her temper in front of Xibo Hou, and originally wanted to reprimand her daughter.

However, he was also shocked by Ji Chang's secret, so he didn't care about teaching his daughter.

"This person even has to please Master Wen, and King Zhou is unwilling to pursue it, so it really cannot be viewed with common sense.

Su Hu said with a sigh: "If only I could see this person's demeanor.

Ji Chang's eyes flashed completely: "I heard that the Prime Minister of Shang and King Wucheng also invited this master today, so we will be able to see this person's true eyes on Mount Lu after a while.


Su Hu looked excited.

It just so happens that my daughter is here today. If this expert can see his daughter, I will not only surpass Shang Rong, Huang Feihu, but also have a son-in-law who even Wen Zhong is in awe of. Thinking of this, Su Hu can't help but feel a little bit. Can't wait to meet that great man.

Ji Chang and Su Hu came to the tea room.

In the tea room, Shang Rong, Bi Gan, Huang Feihu, Deng Jiugong, Dong Bohou Jiang Hengchu, Nan Bohou E Chongyu, and Bei Bohou Chonghou Hu have all arrived.

After everyone greeted each other, they began to chat about the situation in the courtroom, chatting for a while..., Ji Chang couldn't help but asked Shang Rong in confusion: "Isn't Prime Minister Shang trying to introduce a young talent to us? Why haven't we seen this person?

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] Su Hu, why are you

Why is it that you, Chong Houhu, said with a dissatisfied expression: "Hmph, is it too much for us to wait for him with so many people?

Shang Rong explained: "This person is open-minded, informal, not deliberately putting on airs.

E Chongyu looked at Shang Rong curiously, Bi Gan and the others, and asked in a low voice, "I heard that this person abolished the third highness, which made King Zhou Lei Ting angry, but I heard that the Grand Master tried to protect this person from King Zhou, I don't know what you know. I don't know what the background of this person is, so that Taishi Wen pays so much attention

Everyone in the room looked at Shang Rong, Bi Gan and others curiously.

The abolition of Yin Li can be said to be a very big political event, so the princes from all sides seem to be very concerned.

Huang Feihu replied: "I know the inside story, the two prime ministers and Deng Jiugong...

"Say it!

Ji Chang, Jiang Hengchu, E Chongyu, and Chonghou Hu urged.

Huang Feihu: "Because Taishi Wen's master respects the Virgin of the Golden Spirit and also respects that person, you say, can Taishi Wen not pay attention to this? No matter how angry King Zhou is, can he express it to this person?

Hiss! In the room, there was a sudden burst of cold air.

"Wen Taishi's master, isn't the great master of all ages... who lives above the nine heavens and walks among the stars, the person she respects, isn't he also the great power of all ages...

"This person's background is so big!

"It's no wonder that Grand Master Wen will try to protect, this kind of power... is simply not something that worldly forces can deal with.

"Only this kind of immortal person can open such a unique restaurant.


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