When Daji heard that the other party was a quasi-sage, her face couldn't help becoming: more and more serious.

She said to Ran Deng: "Look at the Taoist friend Mingjian, I didn't intend to destroy the Chanjiao dojo, just that the disciples of Chanjiao killed the third prince of the Dragon King of the East China Sea for no reason, and I came here to hunt down the murderer.

But Guangchengzi and the others openly shielded the murderer and wanted to attack me. As a last resort, I fought back.

Daoist Burning Lamp said lightly: "If you have all kinds of reasons, all kinds of excuses, you will be punished for destroying the Chanjiao Daochang and injuring the Chanjiao disciples.

Seeing another unreasonable person, Daji lost her patience and said angrily: "Hmph, you don't care if the disciples of Chanjiao kill for no reason...  …

, I only hurt your disciples, but you are going to scream and kill, you are really a double-standard dog!

Daoist Burning Lamp's face shook, and his eyes became as cold as knives.

He didn't expect that Daji would dare to insult the teaching in front of his vice sect leader.

Simply daring and unaware of life and death.

As soon as his heart moved, the Qiankun ruler was sacrificed by him and quickly smashed into Daji's back.

The Qiankun ruler has the ability to shorten the universe, even if it is a million miles away, it can be reached in an instant.

Therefore, as soon as the Qiankun ruler was sacrificed, it appeared on the back of Daji in the next second. Even if Daji wanted to use the law of space to avoid it, it was too late.


The Qiankun ruler hit Daji on the back.

Daji thought it would be unbearable pain, but what made her strange was that her clothes suddenly emitted a mysterious light, which directly bounced the Qiankun ruler back.

Not to mention the injury, she didn't even feel the slightest pain.

"Hey, why doesn't it hurt?

Da Ji was a little confused.

Daoist Ran Deng saw this result and couldn't help but be shocked.

Although he didn't use all his strength, he still didn't react after hitting.

Moreover, the Qiankun ruler also bounced back with the same strength, which is too weird.

What kind of magic weapon is her clothes? Daoist Burning Lamp did not give up and controlled the Qiankun ruler to smash at Daji, this time he increased his magic power.


When the Qiankun Ruler smashed Zhong Daji's clothes, it was still bounced back by a mysterious light, and this time the rebound was stronger, and the light was almost unable to control the Qiankun Ruler.

"Strange, strange, why so strange

Daoist Burning Lamp stared at Daji's clothes with a look of surprise.

I have never heard of such a powerful clothing magic weapon in the Three Realms. Heavenly Venerate Yuanshi has been secretly observing the movement outside. He was also stunned when he saw this scene.

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Chapter [-] The Daoist Burning Lamp was beaten (please subscribe, please complete)

When Daoist Burning Lamp was beaten, he hurriedly used his divine sense to probe into Daji's clothes, however, as soon as his divine sense came into contact with the clothes, he was directly bounced back.

"how can that be

Yuanshi Tianzun was so shocked that he almost jumped up from the futon.

After all, he is a saint, his spiritual consciousness is as deep as the sea, unfathomable, and with a single thought, he can see through the universe, the past and the future.

But now, his consciousness was bounced back by a piece of clothing, which was beyond his imagination.

Could it be that her clothes were still the congenital treasure Yuanshi Tianzun, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Da Ji saw that Daoist Ran Deng's attack on her was completely ineffective, and she was surprised and excited at the same time.

This dress was given to me by my stinky brother when I was a child. He said that he could change the color and style as he liked. Why didn't he say that he could defend against attacks. Although Daji still doesn't understand what is going on with this dress , But since she can defend against the attack of Daoist Burning Lamp, she plans to escape from Kunlun Mountain first, and then study the clothes.

"You old yin pen, as the deputy sect master, you are still doing sneak attacks, it's shameless.

Daji first scolded the Daoist Burning Lamp, and after letting out a bad breath, she slapped the burning lamp twice with the wind fire banana fan, and then she used the technique of transforming the rainbow to quickly fly to the horizon.

Lao Yinbi! The surrounding chanjiao disciples twitched and their expressions were dumbfounded.

Where is this madman who even dared to scold the vice sect master of Chan Jiao, isn't this courting death? Daoist Burning Lamp was scolded so much that he almost vomited blood.

I saw his beard trembling, and the anger in his heart shot straight to the top of his head.

This was the first time he had been insulted in such a way since his transformation, it was simply unbearable.

"Hmph, how can I let you escape.

He snorted coldly, stepped on the Qiankun ruler immediately, pierced through the void and chased after Daji.

The attack of the wind fire banana fan was blocked by the Wuji Xinghuang flag, and did not cause any impact on the burning lamp.

While chasing, he took off the rosary on his neck and threw it at Daji.

The rosary rose against the wind, and instantly flew to the top of Daji's head and wrapped around her body.

However, Daji's figure flashed, and she used the space-shifting technique to disappear in place.

The next moment, Daji's figure reappeared thousands of miles away.

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