But they found that not only did they fail to find out the details of Li Yuan, but they became more and more unable to see Li Yuan.

The servant who guards the door actually has the strength of slaughtering saints.

A maid with an umbrella, with a slight smile, can revive all things.

The steed that drives a car can fly trillions of miles away in one breath... But he himself still only shows the strength of the Earth Immortal Period.

This is obviously extremely abnormal, but several saints can't find any abnormality in Li Yuan at all.

They don't know now whether Li Yuan really only has the Earth Immortal Stage, or if his cultivation is also unfathomable. If it is unfathomable, how deep is it? Is it the Dao of Heaven, or the Dao of Heaven is the highest or bolder, he is the Dao but the Dao is invisible. , How could someone in this world be able to cultivate to the Great Dao? Moreover, Nuwa and Tongtian can still clearly remember that Daji once said that his brother was still there more than ten years ago: cultivating, he started salting fish a few years after breaking through the Earth Immortal Stage. .

In a few years, let alone cultivate to the Dao, even if Li Yuan can cultivate to the quasi-sage, he is already a peerless genius surpassing Pangu.

Therefore, how could he hide his cultivation base? If he didn't hide his cultivation base, then what happened to Yang Huai, and the chaotic treasures in the yard, several saints would have their heads blown up.

"Come on, let's go ask him directly

The Sect Master Tongtian opened his mouth and said.

Lao Tzu nodded: "Ask, definitely ask.

If he doesn't get things clear, his future cultivation will not be stable.

The two of them moved, and immediately flew towards Chaoge.

At the same time, Nuwa, Houtu, Xieyin, and Zhunti also flew towards Chaoge.

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Chapter [-] Hongjun visits, confess! (please subscribe)

Hongjun is visiting, confess! Inside the carriage.

The speed of the carriage flight this time was not fast, just like a stroll in a leisurely courtyard, Li Yuan leisurely looked at the wild scenery.

Shaoyao knelt down on Li Yuan's side and gently rubbed Li Yuan's shoulders.

Ao Zhu looked at Li Yuan madly, her eyes seemed to be no longer able to hold anything else.

Daji's big bright eyes, stalked on his brother, Shaoyao, and Yang Huai, shone wisely.


Daji suddenly said, "What are you hiding from me?

Shaoyao pursed her lips and smiled, but said nothing.

Yang Huai was driving outside, and he didn't know if he heard it or not.

Li Yuan looked back from the window, he looked at his sister as if he was interrogating a prisoner, and couldn't help scratching her nose: "I never hide anything from you.

He was telling the truth.

The reason why he sealed the breath of all the spiritual treasures in the yard was just to not attract the attention of the monks in the prehistoric times, thus disturbing his salted fish life.

But to his sister, he never meant to hide it, it was just that Daji himself was careless and never paid attention to the things in the house.

Maybe it's called dark under the lights.

Daji wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, and she said with a serious expression: "And she said she didn't hide anything from me, then what happened to Uncle Yang, what happened to Sister Shaoyao, what happened to the carriage, and this one that you gave me. Clothes, why can he rebound all attacks, especially Yang Bo, how can he be so powerful

Suddenly, she propped herself up and put her face in front of her brother's, the tip of both noses were about to touch: "You, my stiniest stinky brother, did you hide anything from me?

Li Yuan looked at his sister's face that was close at hand, and subconsciously said: "Look at it this way, your face is so big.


Daji never expected that stinky brother would say such a sentence, and he was so angry that he sprayed out a mouthful of salt soda.

Fortunately, Li Yuan reacted quickly, and used his sleeve to put his face in front of his sister in time, otherwise he would be disfigured by saliva.

However, although he blocked his sister's saliva, because he put his sleeve on his sister's face, Daji himself was sprayed with his own saliva.

When Li Yuan put down his sleeves, he saw that Daji's face was wet, with an expression that was about to go crazy.

Ao Zhu couldn't stop laughing at the touch.

"It's your own saliva, you can't blame me.

Li Yuan said quickly.

Daji: "Then why do you say I have a big face?

Li Yuan felt that his sister was so stupid that he didn't even know the principle.

He immediately explained: "Because it's too close, so the face looks big, for example, if you put this teacup in front of you, see if it's much bigger.

Daji patted his forehead wanting to cry without tears.

Do I want you to explain the reason to me? She also knows that her brother is a straight man and doesn't understand girls at all.

So, instead of talking nonsense with her brother, she directly pulled up Li Yuan's other sleeve and smeared twice on her face.

Then he said angrily: "Don't interrupt, I want to explain those questions just now.

Just as Li Yuan was about to answer, an easy-going voice suddenly sounded from outside the carriage.

"Young Daoist Li, Pindao has disturbed me.

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