"Bah, bah, bah.

He quickly spit out a few saliva in disgust, looked at the Taoist raised eyebrows in shock and shouted: "What wine, why are you drinking urine?

Pfft! The Taoist raised his eyebrows couldn't hold back, and the wine in his mouth spit out again.

He sprayed the cowherd face again.

He jumped up in anger, and said angrily to the Cowherd: "How can you learn so badly, my old man can drink urine? This is wine, don't talk nonsense if you haven't drunk it.

The Cowherd wiped the urine and alcohol off his face with tears in his eyes.

He raised his eyebrows with a certain look on his face and said, "Although I haven't drunk alcohol, I often see urine, this is the smell of urine, it's still old, it's absolutely right.


As soon as the cowherd finished speaking, the old cow he put there happened to be soaked in urine.

Cowherd raised his eyebrows and said, "You smell, does this cow urine smell the same as what you drink?

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-] Jiang Ziya vs Shen Gongbao

Jiang Ziya Shen Gongbao raised his eyebrows and the Taoist smelled it suspiciously.

Grass, it really is a smell! Daoist raised his eyebrows, his face turned black into coal.

And also black and red, red and shiny.

Eyebrows, beard, and hair were all raised in anger.

Like a bellows, the chest rises and falls violently.

"It was obviously loaded with wine, how could it turn into urine?

He screamed in shock.

The cowherd looked innocent.

He reminded: "Old man, I think you should go to rinse your mouth, you have a smell of urine when you speak.


The Taoist raised his eyebrows finally couldn't bear it any longer and spit it out.

And he still vomited a lot, and the gallbladder was almost vomited out.

The pungent smell was so smoked that the Cowherd couldn't stand it, so he hurriedly led the old cow away.

Li Yuan secretly observed the movements of Taoist Yangmei.

Seeing that Taoist raised eyebrows was only now reacting, he couldn't help laughing back and forth.

The happiest thing in this period of time, he thinks it must be this.

Even Shaoyao, whose expression rarely changes, can't help laughing at this moment.

"Giggle, cluck, this old man's response was too slow, if it wasn't for someone else's reminder, he probably wouldn't even know what was going on after he finished drinking.

In fact, I can't blame Taoist Yangmei for being slow in responding. He hasn't urinated once since his transformation.

So of course not so sensitive to urine.


Although Taoist Yangmei had vomited up all the contents of his stomach, as long as he remembered the smell, he would retching involuntarily.

"Who is making fun of me?

After the Taoist raised his eyebrows, he regained his breath, and immediately returned to the wine shop in a rage.

He swears that if he finds someone teasing him, he will definitely put all the remaining wine in the gourd into the other party's guise.

Still stealthily entering the wine shop, he found that the wine tank was indeed wine, not urine.

And the vat hasn't moved either.

Therefore, the possibility of someone changing the wine tank is directly ruled out.

"It's weird.

The Taoist raised eyebrows can't figure it out.

Since no one changed the wine jar, how could the wine in his gourd turn into urine? Daoist Yangmei wanted to make a big fuss in the wine shop to vent his anger.

But then he thought that if he started a trouble, wouldn't he just admit that he was a wine thief, and that his drinking urine would be known to everyone.

This is something he can never accept.

In the end, Taoist Yangmei left angrily, preparing to investigate the matter slowly. . . .

the next day.

Li Yuan is frying wolf tooth potatoes in the yard.

Potatoes can be said to be Li Yuan's favorite food.

The wolf tooth potato is Li Yuan's favorite snack, spicy and delicious, crispy on the outside and tender on the inside.

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