Jiang Ziya went to Kunlun Mountains to learn Taoism when he was in his thirties. He has been living in the countryside before, and he has also sold hedgerows, so he is familiar with all kinds of crops.

But he had never seen potatoes.

Li Yuan said casually: "This is called potatoes, and there is no such food in Kyushu.

Without Jiang Ziya in Kyushu, I couldn't help but be more curious.

He asked again: "I don't know how this potato yield can be used as a staple food.

Li Yuan glanced at Jiang Ziya in surprise.

This man really has the talent of a prime minister.

When I saw a new ingredient, I immediately thought of its yield and use.

Like Daji, Nuwa, and Houtu three people, they have eaten potatoes for so long, but they have never cared about this kind of problem.

"The yield depends on the fertility of the land, and one mu is about two thousand catties: right.

Can be a staple food.

Thump! Jiang Ziya stumbled and fell to the ground immediately.

Seeing this, Shen Gongbao next to him shook his head disdainfully.

There really is no general style, no calmness, and I don't know why the master asked him to help the new king Jiang Ziya quickly climbed up from the ground, he stared at the potatoes with a dumbfounded expression, and smacked his tongue: "This thing is actually yielding. so high so fake

Li Yuan said lightly: "Actually, I said that it is too low. If the land is fertile and managed properly, the production capacity of potatoes can reach four or five thousand per mu, and it is possible for a kilogram.

Thump! Jiang Ziya fell to the ground again.

Four or five thousand, Jin, he couldn't believe his ears.

You must know that the main food of the people of Chaoge today is rice, millet, millet, wheat, and beans.

Among them, the highest yield is only two hundred kilograms per mu.

Two hundred compared to four or five thousand,,, what is the concept? If we can promote the cultivation of potatoes in the whole country, we will no longer have to worry about the lack of food....eat.

Although Jiang Ziya tried his best to keep himself calm, he couldn't help but look excited.

Shen Gongbao saw Jiang Ziya so excited, but this time he didn't laugh at him.

After all, he is also a person of extraordinary wisdom. Seeing Jiang Ziya asking twice about the output of potatoes, he also responded.

Although he doesn't know exactly how much grain is produced today..., but it is definitely far from reaching a thousand catties.

This potato is indeed a fetish that benefits the country and the people.

Thinking of this, Shen Gongbao couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

I regret why I didn't discover the magic of potatoes earlier than Jiang Ziya.

He does not admit that Jiang Ziya is better than him.

Jiang Ziya came back to his senses and hurriedly asked Li Yuan: "The yield of this product is so high, isn't it very difficult to plant it?

Li Yuan: "Potatoes are actually quite simple to grow, they don't need water and water, just make a ridge on the ground, plant the potato teeth in the ridge, and then fertilize and weed it regularly.

It's really not difficult.

Jiang Ziya was so excited that his body trembled slightly.

Yuanshi Tianzun asked him to go down the mountain to assist Xiqi, but Jiang Ziya didn't have a specific assistance plan in his mind, and he didn't know how to attract Ji Chang's attention, but the potatoes he discovered now gave him a direction for assistance.

As long as potatoes are introduced into Xiqi and planted vigorously, Xiqi can solve the food problem of the people, and the national strength will be greatly improved.

When the time comes to challenge Chaoge, you can get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, with this fetish as a greeting gift, it would be difficult for him to reuse it.

Thinking of this, Jiang Ziya was so excited that his eyes glowed.

I just thought it was the right time this time.

Shen Gongbao, who was next to him, also showed a look of thought, but in his heart... I thought about it together with Jiang Ziya.

"I don't know how it tastes

Shen Gongbao asked curiously.

At this time, the wolf tooth potatoes have all been fried.

Li Yuan put all kinds of seasonings on the fried potatoes according to the proportion, and finally sprinkled with chopped green onion. A pot of fragrant and beautiful wolf tooth potatoes was completely ready.

"Whether it tastes good or not, you can taste it yourself.

Li Yuan scooped a serving for himself and tasted it first.

The taste is fragrant and glutinous, soft and delicious, and Li Yuan is very satisfied with his technique.

"Suck it!

Two kilometers away from Li Yuan Manor by the river, a willow tree that requires several adults to enclose suddenly trembled.

An old man with a white beard walked out of the willow tree tremblingly.

As he walked, he was breathing hard with his nose.

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