
Jiang Ziya's jaw was finally completely shocked.

Is there anything more outrageous than this for saints looking for the earth immortal period to deduce the heavenly secret , This Li Yuan, he can't see through it at all.

After a while, Jiang Ziya recovered from the shock.

He looked at Li Yuan in disbelief and asked, "Senior Li will also deduce the secrets of heaven.

Li Yuan was already lying on the cool chair at this time, drinking tea.

He said calmly: "It will be a million.

Shen Gongbao suddenly felt a move in his heart, and he said to Li Yuan with a look of anticipation: "Senior Li, our teacher told Jiang Ziya to go down the mountain to complete a task, can senior help Jiang Ziya to calculate, whether he can complete this task?

Hearing this, Jiang Ziya couldn't help but look at Li Yuan curiously, he wanted to know if Li Yuan really had the ability to calculate heavenly secrets.

Seeing that Shen Gongbao only said the task, but not the specific task, Li Yuan couldn't help but point it out directly: "Isn't it just presiding over the matter of conferring the gods, why do you say it so mysteriously?

Bah! Jiang Ziya and Shen Gongbao's eyes fell to the ground in shock.

He looked at Li Yuan with a dumbfounded expression.

The expression on his face was indescribable horror.

However, although both of them were equally shocked, the shocking things were different.

Jiang Ziya was shocked that Li Yuan knew the real purpose of his order to go down the mountain.

Shen Gongbao was shocked by "Fengshen"

this matter.

Although he knew that the calamity was about to start, the Heavenly Court would add 365 righteous gods.

But he still didn't know that the master planned to let Jiang Ziya lead the matter of conferring the gods.

He always thought that Jiang Ziya went down the mountain, just to assist Xiqi to replace Tang Jiangshan, Shen Gongbao couldn't help but set off a huge wave in his heart.

He just rolled his eyes and knew that conferring gods was no trivial matter, and the status of those who presided over conferred gods would definitely be incomparably honorable in the future.

Rule the gods.

Thinking of this identity, he blushed.

This made Shen Gongbao's jealousy of Jiang Ziya even more serious.

At the same time, he was dissatisfied with Yuanshi Tianzun for the first time.

He felt that Jiang Ziya was far inferior to him in terms of talent and cultivation. He couldn't understand why the master gave Jiang Ziya this important task instead of him. Is it just because he was a beast and became an immortal? Since he looks down on beasts, why Back then, when he wanted to accept me as a disciple, Gongbao roared wildly in his heart, and the demon of his heart broke out of his cocoon silently.

He resisted the crazy jealousy in his heart and tried his best to make his expression seem calm and natural.

Shen Gongbao pretended to be puzzled and asked Li Yuan, "Senior Jiang is not a long-term beginner, his cultivation base is not high, and he is not able to take charge of himself.

Li Yuan glanced at Shen Gongbao with a smile but not a smile, and said: "Of course you must have a special destiny to preside over the conferred gods, but it has nothing to do with the cultivation base...

Shen Gongbao noticed Li Yuan's expression, and he couldn't help but feel as if the secret in his heart had been seen through.

He hurriedly avoided Li Yuan's eyes, and said in a disappointed tone, "Fate said it was already doomed for Senior Brother Jiang to preside over the conferred gods.

Since it is destined, how can I win the battle? Li Yuan said lightly: "It's not destined long ago, in fact, there are two people with the same fate, and these two people started at the same time. Originally, they had equal chances, but Yuan Shi chose Jiang Ziya from them. That's it.

The two entered at the same time, isn't that me? Shen Gongbao was shocked.

He finally understood why Yuanshi Tianzun obviously didn't like to wear hair and horns, but he wanted to accept him as a disciple.

It turns out that I am also a person who has the quality of commanding and conferring the fate of the gods! And the reason why Master chose Jiang Ziya must be because he despised his own birth! Shen Gongbao is in the teaching, of course, he knows that up to the Yuanshi Tianzun, down to the twelve golden immortals, all Looking down on hair and horns: the wet-born egg-born generation.

Although he has been trying his best to befriend and teach him over the years, his colleagues are still lukewarm towards him.

Jiang Ziya is a friendly person and is not sociable, but his colleagues' attitude towards Jiang Ziya is much better than his attitude towards him.

On the contrary, the cultivators Shen Gongbao had made friends with on the Three Mountains and Five Mountains and the Overseas Islands had a more affectionate attitude towards him, more like a fellow student.

Shen Gongbao has long been resentful about this, but he has been pressing it in his heart before and dare not show it.

Thinking that as long as he cultivates hard, tries his best to please him, and proves that he is stronger than Jiang Ziya, he will definitely be able to get a different look from Yuanshi Tianzun and his classmates.

But now, Shen Gongbao found that he was wrong.

No matter how hard he tried, Chan Jiao always had a prejudice against his beastly heels.

If that's the case, why should I try my best to please? If I choose to let Jiang Ziya preside over the conferred gods?

I will let everyone know that I, Shen Gongbao, are stronger than Jiang Ziya! You, Yuanshi Tianzun, if you don't choose me, it will be your biggest mistake! Filled with demons.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-]: The Secret of Jiang Ziya Marrying Ma's Family

Jiang Ziya's secret of marrying Ma's family Jiang Ziya has been in a state of shock.

It was also the first time he had heard the saying of fate.

He finally understands now that his talent is not high, why did the master personally accept him as his apprentice and let him preside over the consecration of gods.

It was because he had this destiny.

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