Didn't this kill Ma's life?

Li Yuan glanced at Shen Gongbao and said unceremoniously: "Your heart is not much better.

Shen Gongbao sneered: "Senior is joking, I can't do something as vicious as Jiang Ziya.

Li Yuan: "Hehe!

Shen Gongbao: "...

Forget it, I'd better leave now.

Otherwise, the secret of peeking at other people's baths when I was a child would have to be seen by Senior Li.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly bowed to Li Yuan and said, "Senior Li, this junior is also leaving, thank you for your potatoes.

After speaking, Shen Gongbao quickly left the courtyard.

Seeing that Shen Gongbao and Jiang Ziya were gone, Li Yuan got up and went to the backyard to find some free books to pass the time.

But at this time.

He suddenly saw a pink and white rabbit, jumping up and down to the fence.

The key is that this rabbit is holding a red vermilion fruit on its two short front legs.

Zhu Guo exudes a fairly pure acquired spiritual energy, if ordinary people eat this Zhu Guo, they will be able to immediately.

Cleanse the essence and cut the marrow, improve physical fitness.

Of course, compared to the spiritual fruit in Li Yuan's courtyard, this vermilion fruit is too ordinary, and it only has some effect on ordinary beginner Qi practitioners.


The rabbit was not afraid of Li Yuan, and when he saw Li Yuan, he squeaked and raised the Zhu Guo in his hand in the direction of Li Yuan, as if asking Li Yuan to take it.

Appears to be very spiritual.

Seeing the little rabbit, Li Yuan couldn't help showing a gentle smile on his face.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-]: The Little Rabbit Repaying Gratitude

The little rabbit who repaid his gratitude, he gently came to the little rabbit, squatted down, and said softly: "Did you give me this red fruit?


The little rabbit nodded hurriedly, actually being able to understand people's words.

Although Zhu Guo is very ordinary, Li Yuan still took it and touched the long ears of the little rabbit: "Thank you.

The little rabbit was very happy to see Li Yuan accepting Zhu Guo, and he was still: turning a duel on the spot.

She pointed to her glutton with her forelimbs again, signaling Li Yuan to eat quickly.

Li Yuan couldn't bear to disappoint the little rabbit, so he took a bite of Zhu Guo.

Although the taste is far inferior to the Chaos Spirit Fruit, Li Yuan ate it with relish.

The little rabbit looked even happier when she saw Li Yuan eating the red fruit she gave.

She didn't wait long, and after Li Yuan finished eating Zhu Guo, she waved to Li Yuan, her paws left the fence, and disappeared into the grass in an instant.

Seeing the disappearing back of the little rabbit, Li Yuan also waved his hand, and the smile on his face couldn't help but become more gentle.

He didn't expect this little rabbit to know how to be grateful. She saved her life and she came to give him Zhu Guo specially.

This rabbit was the little white rabbit he deliberately let go of when he and Deng Chanyu went hunting in the suburbs of Chaoge.

Unexpectedly, after so long, she took the initiative to find Li Yuan.

Li Yuan looked at the Zhu Guohe in his hand, and he immediately inserted the nut on the ground in the courtyard.

As soon as the nut was planted on the ground by him, it immediately sprouts.

The sprout grows rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye, and in an instant, the sprout becomes a carrot.

Transforming species, for Li Yuan, is just a matter of thought.

The carrots were bright red and beautiful, and the leaves were green and dripping, exuding a gleaming aura, aura, more than thousands of times purer than the vermilion fruit just now. The carrots continued to grow and soon opened white flowers.

The flowers bear fruit, fall to the ground, and suddenly more carrots grow.

After about a few dozen carrots had grown, Li Yuan stopped casting spells.


Li Yuan sat leisurely in the study reading a ghost novel.

The low windows were supported by wooden sticks, and the moonlight from the sky shone into the room like a veil and draped over Li Yuan's shoulders.


A soft sound came from outside the window.

Li Yuan put down the book and took a look, only to see that the pink and white rabbit came out of the window again during the day.

The little rabbit is also holding a thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum.

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