This... Zhang Yuyan didn't know what to say.

She felt that in front of Li Yuan, the sect master of Tongtian lacked the majesty of a saint.

Completely subverted her inescapable humiliation to saints.

Li Yuan looked at Cult Master Tongtian with disdain: "You are still not convinced, do you only know that the qi fortune of the sect has soared, and the number of disciples has increased greatly, but you have not figured out at all, conferring gods and measuring calamities is not a disciple at all, It's actually a saint.

Hearing the words, Tongtian sect leader was shocked and dumbfounded, and he couldn't believe it: "No way, the sage is not born and never perished, he is transcended by time and space, and the cause and effect does not stick to his body. Maybe for the sake of conferring a god, he would let go of his identity and make a big fight

Li Yuan said lightly: "What's impossible? If most of your own disciples died, would you do the same thing? If the twelve golden immortals are about to die, Yuanshi Tianzun can sit still.

"Hmph, I'm still afraid that he won't succeed.

The sect master of Tongtian disapproved.

Li Yuan: "What if I add Laozi?

Tongtian Sect Master's expression froze, and he was no longer so confident.

Li Yuan said again: "What if you add the reception and the judging?

There was already a look of panic on Tongtian's face, and he said dumbfounded: "No way, it makes sense for the eldest brother to take action, his heart is too farted, and he usually blows out of the same nostril with Yuan Shi, always looking at me not pleasing to the eye. .

But what is the reason for the two Western saints to join in?

Seeing Tongtian Sect Master saying this about Lao Tzu, Zhang Yuyan almost burst out laughing.

What kind of sage's words are too inelegant! Li Yuan: "Jieyin and Zhunti have always wanted to develop Western religions, but the West is barren, so they have to come to the East as disciples to spread the teachings.

If someone promises them a favor, do you think they will be moved?

Tongtian Sect Master thought of the characters of Yingyin and Zhunti, and said angrily: "These two old Yin-Yang people, even if they are not allowed to benefit, I am afraid that they will all come to join in.

Pfft! Zhang Yuyan held back for a long time, but when she heard "Old Onmyoji"

After that, I finally couldn't hold it anymore, and burst out laughing.

After she went back, if she told the six sisters about this, the sisters would definitely beat them to death and couldn't believe that someone would call the Western Second Sage an old hermaphrodite.

After bursting out laughing, she immediately reacted, knowing that she was being rude, and hurriedly tensed her expression, so tight... It's uncomfortable, don't mention it.

A pair of fragrant shoulders are shaking like sifting chaff.


The more he thought about it, the more angry the Master Tongtian became, he slapped the stone table heavily, and said in anger, "In our eastern territory, how can we allow their Western sect to interfere with Laozi Yuanshi, they won't do such unwise things?

Li Yuan said in disapproval: "If their own line of Taoism is about to be destroyed, who cares about the East, maybe the West, they feel that as long as the internal conflicts are resolved first, then the external conflicts will be resolved easily.

The original prehistoric, people's education and interpretation education is.... This is the plan, first to solve the interception of education, and then to deal with the Western religion.

But when they really solved the interception, they found that the Western sect had long since been unable to get rid of it.

In the end, I had to watch the Buddhists cross eastwards, and the Western religions flourished.

After listening to Li Yuan's analysis, Tongtian Sect Master suddenly became heavy, and he no longer had the complacent look after defeating Yuanshi Tianzun.

"If Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi really join forces with the Western Second Sage, then how should we intercept the teaching?

Suddenly, Tongtian Sect Master's eyes lit up, "They joined forces, and I'll find someone to join forces, isn't there two saints in Honghuang?

Hearing this, Li Yuan couldn't help but attack: "Nuwa and Houtu, don't even think about joining forces.


The sect master of Tongtian was puzzled.

Li Yuan: "Nuwa is not very willing to pay attention to Honghuang's affairs, and she has one thing that requires the help of Yuanshi Tianzun's treasure. If she doesn't help Yuanshi Tianzun to deal with you, it will be good, and she can join hands with you. earth,

He asked Tongtian, "Most of your sects were born from the demon clan, do you think Houtu will help you?

Tongtian sect master's face collapsed, and he found that he had become a loner.

Zhang Yuyan, who was on the side, saw that Li Yuan was talking about the saints, and she was connected to the gods and gods that he said that the sect master had no masters. Her expression had already changed: she was dumbfounded.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read, collect and recommend

Chapter [-]: I don't know if Li Gongzi is married (please order it, please order it yourself)

I don't know if Li Gongzi married a wife, there is no such thing, it has long exceeded her imagination, and even her father, the Jade Emperor, can't get in touch.

She didn't expect that Li Yuan would come so easily.

And pointed the future to the sage of the sky.

This kind of ability, this state, Zhang Yuyan has been unable to imagine.

She didn't know about the prehistoric things, and what was the look in Li Yuan's eyes that Li Yuan didn't know, Zhang Yuyan was shocked and admired, her eyes blazing: endless starlight.

Tongtian Sect Master frowned, thinking for a while..., he suddenly thought that he actually had a hole card.

That is his youngest direct disciple, Da Ji.

With Li Yuan's identity and Xianyu's character, he must be disdainful of interfering in the great disaster.

But as long as Daji joins in, can Li Yuan still run away? Hehe! Thinking of this, the Tongtian Sect Master couldn't help showing a gloomy smile.

Not so depressed anymore.

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