Zhang Yuyan couldn't help blushing when she saw the strange smiles on everyone's face.

She couldn't turn the crowd around, so she had to take her six sisters to the study.

Usually at this time, Li Yuan is reading in the study.

Soon, the seven fairies came to the pond.

Through an open window, the Seven Fairies saw a young man sitting lazily on a rattan chair reading a book from a distance.

The young man looked like he was in his twenties, with icy muscles and jade bones, his eyes were as white as jade, and his eyes were as bright as stars.

He was wearing a sky blue hydration suit, and his hair was tied in a bun with a blue ribbon.

"Wow, so handsome!

Zhang Yuqin exclaimed in a low voice.

"There is no such handsome man in Tiangong.

Zhang Yumei was amazed.

"I don't know if Li Gongzi is married.

Zhang Yuxia looked at Qimei and teased.

"It doesn't matter if you marry, such a handsome and handsome man is willing to be a concubine.


Zhang Yuhuan snickered.

Seeing that the elder sisters were talking more and more outrageous, Zhang Yuyan couldn't help feeling flustered and shy.

"What nonsense you are talking about, if Li Gongzi hears, you will be ashamed to death.

With the mystery shown by Li Yuan, she felt that Li Yuan could hear the words of the sisters [-]%.

Thinking of this, Zhang Yuyan felt the urge to cover her face.

Seeing Qimei's shy look, the third sister Zhang Yulan couldn't help but say: "Don't worry, we are speaking in a low voice, he is an ordinary person and can't hear him at all.

"Who told you he was a mortal

Zhang Yuyan rolled his eyes.

Thump! Zhang Yuhuan, who said before that he was willing to be a concubine, heard the words, his legs were weak, and he almost fell to the ground when he stumbled.

She was extremely embarrassed: "Ah, Young Master Li is also a cultivator.

God bless, what I said just now must not be overheard by Mr. Li.

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] Ask Li Yuan to go to heaven as an errand

Invite Li Yuan to go to the Heavenly Court as a errand, and everyone quickly released their spiritual sense to sweep towards Li Yuan, and sure enough, they found that the other party was exuding the aura of the early stage of Earth Immortal.


Zhang Yumei suddenly discovered something, and looked surprised: "This young master Li's physique is clean and free of dirt, his muscles are unobstructed, and his bones are as light as jade. This is a unique cultivation genius. If he can go to heaven. If you hold office, you must be able to be reused by your father.

Among the seven fairies, Zhang Yumei's cultivation was the highest, reaching the late stage of Heavenly Immortal, so after scanning with her divine sense, she immediately discovered the extraordinaryness of Li Yuanlingen.

"The dust-free spirit root is so good!

"Our Heavenly Court is short of people, but we can introduce him to Heavenly Court as an errand.

"Hey, this way, I'll be able to see him often in the future!

". . .

Zhang Yuyan was speechless when she heard that several sisters actually wanted to let Li Yuan go to heaven.

The Tiangong does not have the luxury of this yard, and even the saints have to come to see Li Yuan in person and invite Li Yuan to go to the heavenly court as an errand. Isn't this a big joke? I'm afraid that the father and the king will give up the position of the Jade Emperor, and Li Yuan will not agree. .

"Wait a minute, don't talk nonsense, it's impossible for Li Yuan to go to heaven as an errand.

Don't make a joke.

She hurriedly warned her sisters.

"How can this be a joke? Although our Heavenly Court is not strong now, it is still a pro-taoist seal. Except for the Taoist lineage of several saints, who can compare to recruit him to serve as an official in the Heavenly Court as an Earth Immortal Stage? wronged him

Zhang Yuxia disagreed.

Zhang Yuyan: "Hey, I can't explain it for a while, but in short, you just listen to me.

When they were talking, the crowd had already reached the edge of the pond.

Of course, Li Yuan had already noticed the Seven Fairies and heard the Seven Fairies' conversation, but he didn't say anything about five, just put down the book calmly, and smiled at a few people through the window.

As the so-called bright eyes smile Bai Meisheng, seeing Li Yuan smiling at himself, the seven fairies felt a slam in their hearts, and there was a feeling of being hit by an electric current.

Really so handsome.

How can there be such a graceful son in the world! "Master Li, these are my six sisters.

Zhang Yuyan stabilized her mind and quickly introduced her to Li Yuan.

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