Yuqin also understood the reasoning of the elder sisters, although she still couldn't let go of the new musical instrument in her heart, she had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​going back to Li Yuan now.

Alas, I don't know when I will be able to see Young Master Li again! Yuqin's face is melancholy.


Zhang Yumei looked at Qimei, and suddenly found something, she exclaimed in surprise, "Qimei, why didn't you change your Sweeping Feather Clothes, and why didn't the surrounding Jiutian Gangfeng cause you any harm?

After being reminded by the eldest sister, the rest suddenly discovered that the seventh sister had forgotten to change into the Xia Xia feather coat.

"What's going on? Why is Qimei able to withstand the Nine Heavens Gangfeng without wearing the Sweeping Feather Clothes?

"Is this dress also a magic weapon?

"But if it is a magic weapon, why doesn't it emit aura and rhythm?

". . .

Everyone immediately checked Zhang Yuyan's clothes.

The more I look at it, the more incredible it becomes.

"This dress does not look bright, but the Nine Heavens Gangfeng has no effect on it.

"It's really a magic weapon, it feels even more extraordinary than our Shaoxing Yuyi.

"Seventh sister, do you know what's going on with this dress?

". . .

Zhang Yuyan said: "This dress is indeed a magic weapon, I don't know what level of magic weapon it is, anyway... I have tried every means, but I haven't been able to cause any damage to it.

"It can't be destroyed by all means, at least it is a superb magic weapon, right?

Yu Mei exclaimed.

Honghuang's weapons are divided into four 44 categories, namely, magic weapons, magic weapons, acquired spiritual treasures, and innate spiritual treasures, each of which is divided into four grades: upper, middle, lower, and best.

Among them, the acquired Lingbao must be at least the cultivation base of Daluo Jinxian or above in order to be reluctantly refined, and it is very precious and rare.

Therefore, it is very valuable for ordinary monks to have a top-quality magic weapon.

The Sweeping Xia Feather Clothes worn by the Seven Fairies is only a mid-grade magic weapon.

Everyone was surprised when they heard the eldest sister guess that the clothes on Qimei's body were the best magic weapon.

"The best magic weapon, so precious

"Seventh sister, where did you get this dress?

Zhang Yuyan said: "This was given to me by Young Master Li the night we went to Zhuo Gou Spring.

Thinking of that night, Zhang Yuyan couldn't help feeling a little shy.

When everyone heard it, they were even more shocked.

"Li Gongzi is willing to give you a superb magic weapon

"It's too arrogant.

"I didn't see that Mr. Li seemed to have the best magic weapon.

". . .

Zhang Yuyan explained: "Young Master Li is not as simple as he seems, he is actually very extraordinary, and he can have fellowship with saints.


Hearing the words, the six fairies burst into laughter.

Leaning forward and back together one by one, the joy is overwhelming.

"Hahaha, Seventh Sister, don't tease, how could Young Master Li have the same generation as a saint?

"Hey, this cow is blowing a little too much.

"Even if the father is half a point shorter than the sage, and cannot be on the same level as the sage, is Li Gongzi more powerful than the father and the king?

"Saints are all high above, can't... the existence of looking up, how can they know an Earth Immortal, let alone fellowship.

"Totally impossible.

". . .

Zhang Yuyan did not smile, she said with a serious face: "What I said is true, I also saw Young Master Li chatting with Sage Tongtian with my own eyes.

Even the sage Tongtian has to ask Li Gongzi questions with humility.

Seeing the serious expression on Seventh Sister's face, the Sixth Fairy was completely stunned.

They looked at each other in dismay, and the smiles froze on their faces.

"real or fake

"Li Gongzi can be so powerful

"Seventh sister, stop... just kidding, this kind of joke is not funny.

"That's right..., the name of the Heavenly Sage is not... one that can be said casually.

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