After the piano sound ended, the middle-aged Taoist with blond hair and yellow beard slowly opened his eyes, and his expression was extremely sad.

"The song is gentle and moving, it seems to describe the infinite sadness, the person who created this song should be a great talent of rhythm.

The middle-aged Taoist sighed with emotion.

"And this person's piano skills are so resonant that I can't help listening to them, even the Emperor Xi of that year didn't have such skills! I didn't expect to be able to hear such wonderful sounds of nature in this remote small mountain village. Fairy music, it's really a blessing.

"Such a strange person, you can go and meet...  

As he said that, the middle-aged Taoist suddenly flashed and flew towards Li Yuan's manor.

He flew over the manor, not in a hurry to go down, but first observed the environment of the manor, and seemed particularly cautious.

Suddenly, his divine sense was at the fence, and he felt a pure spiritual energy coming.

The middle-aged Taoist hurriedly looked around and saw dozens of carrots growing by the fence, each of which exuded a sparkling light.


When the middle-aged Taoist saw the carrot overflowing with spiritual light, he could not help sucking in a breath of spiritual energy, and he was surprised: "This place has poor spiritual veins, how can such a high-grade acquired spiritual root with abundant spiritual power grow.

"Also, is he a carrot?

Speaking of "Carrots"

When he said three words, his face twitched wildly, with a ghostly expression.

Since his transformation, he has never seen a carrot grow to a top-grade spiritual root.

After all, congenital insufficiency, carrots can breed spiritual energy, it is already incredible.

Just when the middle-aged Taoist was suspicious of carrots, a pure voice suddenly rang out from the manor: "Since fellow Taoist has already gone outside, why not enter.

When the middle-aged Taoist heard the words, his heart twitched, and the surprise on his face suddenly turned into a surprise. He was still very confident in his ability to restrain Qi, and he believed that in the entire prehistoric era, no more than two people could see through his invisibility technique. ten people.

He never imagined that in this little-known mountain village, there was a peerless power that could see through his invisibility...

This person is the ancient mighty... Countless thoughts passed through the middle-aged Daoist's mind.

He thought about it for a while, and finally showed his figure and fell outside the fence.

"Pin Dao Lu Ya, came here following the sound of the piano, disturbing fellow Daoists.

The middle-aged Taoist said to the courtyard with his head bowed.

At this moment, a glamorous beauty with peerless elegance came out from the yard and came to the fence.

She opened the fence and said to Lu Ya with a cold expression, "Young Master let you in.

Seeing the peony, Daoist Lu Ya couldn't help showing a hint of surprise in his eyes.

His mother, Hou Xihe, and his aunt, Chang Xi, are all peerless beauties who rank among the Three Realms. Regardless of their temperament and appearance, even if they are compared with the saints Nuwa and Houtu, they do not lose half a point.

But the woman in front of her, regardless of her temperament and appearance, was two points better than his mother.

He did not expect that there would be such a beautiful woman in this world.

And it's still in this small mountain village.

Lu Ya couldn't help but feel sorry for this man in the manor..."Young Master

more curious.

What kind of amazing and brilliant person is he, to have such beauty that even though countless thoughts passed through his mind, there was no strange expression on his face, and he walked into the courtyard calmly and calmly.

When he came to the pond in the backyard, Lu Ya saw a young gentleman who was as gentle as jade, playing with a little white rabbit in the pavilion.

Feeling the cultivation of Young Master, Lu Ya's expression was a little dazed.

Why is it that in the early days of Earth Immortal, a woman, said "Young Master"

There were other people who swept the yard with his divine sense.

It's weird, there's no one else. "Don't look, there's no one else here, come in and sit,

Li Yuan moved his eyes from the bunny to Lu Ya and greeted calmly.

Bah! Hearing this familiar voice, Lu Ya seemed to feel the soft sound of his jaw dislocating. He couldn't... looked at Li Yuan in disbelief, and said in shock, "Did your Excellency greet me just now?

Although the sound was exactly the same, he still couldn't accept it.

A young cultivator of the Earth Immortal period, how could he see through my invisibility technique? Li Yuan smiled lightly: "I saw someone peeping, but I didn't expect it to be Di Jun's son, so I invited Daoist friends to talk about it.

Thump! Lu Ya stumbled and fell directly to the ground.

There was an indescribable panic and confusion on his face, and he was dumbfounded.

How did he know that I was the son of Emperor Jun? Except...the saint, no one in the Three Realms should know about it. You must know that since Hou Yi shot the sun, he has been living in a secluded place and rarely has contact with outsiders.

Especially after the Lich War, he focused on cultivation and did not care about the world.

The monk of the prehistoric, almost no one knows his existence.

How could this Earth Immortal cultivator directly tell his origins, like a tsunami raging in Lu Ya's mind, countless doubts filled it, making him a little dizzy.

He got up from the ground in embarrassment, came to the pavilion pretending to be calm, and asked Li Yuan tentatively: "I don't know how you call you, how do you know that I am the son of Emperor Jun.

While speaking, he was also looking at Li Yuan secretly.

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