Nu Wa stared at Li Yuan angrily, as if she wanted to bite Li Yuan.

Li Yuan asked, "Do you want me to teach you personally?


Nuwa immediately agreed.

Li Yuan immediately took a dumpling wrapper, placed it on Nuwa's palm, then held Nuwa's hand, and personally demonstrated: "Like this, fold the dumpling wrapper 50% in half and seal it into a semi-circle.

Pinch the side of the dumpling with your index finger just before your thumb. …

Under the guidance of Li Yuan, Nu Wa finally made a dumpling.

She couldn't help but jumped up happily: "Haha, I finally wrapped it up.

"Is this what you packed?

Li Yuan asked back.

"It was done in my hands, why not

Nu Wa said confidently and did not blush at all...

"It should be here.

The old Taoist felt the pure aura emanating from the... carrots at the fence, and immediately muttered to himself.

This person is Lu Ya's eldest brother.

When he saw carrots, he couldn't help but look surprised.

"The carrot of the acquired spirit root is really rare.

Just as he was about to knock on the door, Shaoyao suddenly came out.

Despite Lu Ya's advance warning, when the old Taoist saw the peony with his own eyes, he was still amazed.

The appearance of this woman is indeed unparalleled before and after.

He was amazed in his heart, but asked respectfully on his face: "Excuse me, girl, is this Li Yuan Li Daoyou's manor?

To see the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu's novel

Chapter [-] Is it possible that the sage Nuwa also thinks about ordinary things? (please order, please order)

Could it be possible, the sage Nuwa also thought of Fan Shaoyao and said lightly: "Come in, the son has instructed in advance, let you go in by yourself.

When the old Taoist heard the words, his face suddenly showed a look of shock: "Daoyou Li actually figured out that I was coming.

Shaoyao ignored the elderly Taoist, she left him directly, and went back to the room by herself.

Seeing the other party so arrogant, the old Taoist couldn't help but feel a little angry in his heart.

Although you look beautiful, you are only a mortal after all, how can you be so rude to me and don't know how to lead the way.

However, he was concerned about Li Yuan's ability, and although he was angry, he did not show it.

He walked to the backyard alone.

When he came to a yard, through a window in the distance, he vaguely saw a somewhat familiar back figure passing by in his eyes.

He quickly stopped and looked carefully.

Suddenly, he remembered who this figure was....Boom! As if struck by a thunderbolt, a loud noise suddenly sounded in the elderly Taoist's mind, causing his hair to smoke and his Yuanshen to faint, and he was almost unable to stand. stable.

This, this, this is not the sage Nuwa? How could she be here? Could it be that this is really a situation created by the sage? Countless doubts filled the heart of the elderly Taoist, making him unable to return to his senses for a long time.

At this moment, the old Taoist suddenly discovered that the man beside Nuwa actually held Nuwa's hand with both hands.

Crazy, crazy.

The old Taoist lost his eyes and jaw at the same time.

The expression on his face was indescribable horror.

My heart was shaking like a storm.

I just feel that all the things he has experienced in the first half of his life are not as shocking and incredible as this scene.

How could the sage Nuwa be so close to a man? The sage also thinks about it. Or, this is not Nuwa at all. Or, I am blind and the old Taoist begins to doubt life.


Just when the old Taoist was stunned, Nu Wa suddenly felt that someone was watching her.

At first she thought it was peony, but she immediately noticed that the breath was wrong, and immediately turned her head to look at it.

Then she saw the elderly Taoist.

"why you

She was a little surprised.

The elderly Taoist was startled, and he immediately reacted from the shock.

He hurriedly walked across the courtyard, came to Nuwa, knelt down on his knees and said, "Wu Chao pays homage to Saint Nuwa.

"Didn't you stay in Buddha Mountain all the year round? Why are you here?

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